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Hey mate, sounds like we're both having summer bulk/cut ideas.. I'm about 5 weeks into a dbol/deca/test cycle, about a week into the new year will be starting stanozol.. I've gained about 5kg of lean weight, so it's doable. Just depends on how hard you're willing to work in the gym.. I'm on holidays atm, so I'm spending serious time working out - at least three hours a day between weights, abs/core, and cardio. The test will help to drive you in the gym, so don't worry to much about that.
I saw the Avatar movie last night with some old mates, and their jaws dropped when they saw me.. By b/f has plummetted from about 14% to under 10% (cardio and strict as @$^& diet) and Ive already packed on some serious lean bulk.. its been my first play with dbol, but perhaps because of all of the cardio I haven't noticed a huge bloat, definate strength and aggression gains when lifting though.
I'll be interested to know what happens when I start the stanozolol, how much fluid I lose, because I already have a pretty "hard" look (despite what you hear about deca and dbol, I think it's just me)... I have some anavar on hand as well, but i'm thinking of using that to bridge to the next cycle.