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Thread: Confused as f#ck! Please help

  1. #1

    Confused as f#ck! Please help

    If I read anymore about all this, my eyes will turn square. There are so many differing opinions on this and am really not sure what to take so hopefully somebody can help me. Ive read and people have told me that test prop will put on much more mass and deca is the way to go if you want to improve your running and put on small amounts of muscle mass and lose body fat. Ive also had somebody tell me that Deca is useless by itself. Im stuffed if I know.

    A mate and I can get Deca, test prop and stana. We both want to put on size and strength and lose body fat but dont want it to effect our running for (Aussie rules footy). With plenty of cardio and a decent diet, can we lose fat, aswell as build muscle on deca or test prop, without having to take Clen, or stana etc or is this unrealistic?

    If so, what should we take? how much and for how long?

    I am 220lbs
    6 feet 1
    Been training on and off for years
    Body fat of around 15% atm

    You help would be greatly appreciated guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tombstone, AZ
    Try to get the BF down below 12% first if possible.

    I take it this is your first cycle? If so, try to get hold of test e and do it 250mg twice a week, monday and thursday for 12 weeks. If you can only get what you listed, I guess do the prop every day, or no less the eod for 10 weeks. Do not take deca on your first cycle, and DEFINITELY do NOT do a deca only cycle. HTH...nitro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Most will tell you for a first cycle to just use Test at 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. It will give you an idea how you will respond to AAS. Have you read up on PCT yet? If not, go to the PCT section here and you will get all the info you need.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    At my computer
    Test Prop will help you put on mass and is good at burning fat as well. The deca will help with some good quality mass gains but isn't the best for cutting. Deca isn't useless by itself but it definitely needs to run with Test. (Deca dick is no fun)

    By Stana I assume you mean Stanozolol or Winstrol as many call it. This is widely used as a cutting drug. With Stan, you will get minimal size gains but good fat burning.

    According to your goals stated, I would do a 12 week cycle.
    Week1-12 700-1000mgs a week of test prop (injected EOD or ED)
    Week 1-10 500-750mgs a week of Deca (injected twice a week is fine)

    If your not satisfied with your fatloss with a clean diet and cardio by week 7, you can do 50-100mgs a day of Winstrol for weeks 7-11.

    As always, do your research, don't forget post cycle therapy and this post is just a suggestion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitz5785 View Post
    Test Prop will help you put on mass and is good at burning fat as well. The deca will help with some good quality mass gains but isn't the best for cutting. Deca isn't useless by itself but it definitely needs to run with Test. (Deca dick is no fun)

    By Stana I assume you mean Stanozolol or Winstrol as many call it. This is widely used as a cutting drug. With Stan, you will get minimal size gains but good fat burning.

    According to your goals stated, I would do a 12 week cycle.
    Week1-12 700-1000mgs a week of test prop (injected EOD or ED)
    Week 1-10 500-750mgs a week of Deca (injected twice a week is fine)

    If your not satisfied with your fatloss with a clean diet and cardio by week 7, you can do 50-100mgs a day of Winstrol for weeks 7-11.

    As always, do your research, don't forget post cycle therapy and this post is just a suggestion.
    You have some good points bro...But Test prop good at fat burning???..Please show us where you read that..i'm curious.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    Try to get the BF down below 12% first if possible.

    I take it this is your first cycle? If so, try to get hold of test e and do it 250mg twice a week, monday and thursday for 12 weeks. If you can only get what you listed, I guess do the prop every day, or no less the eod for 10 weeks. Do not take deca on your first cycle, and DEFINITELY do NOT do a deca only cycle. HTH...nitro
    I did a cycle about 7 years ago (Im 30 now) but I basically did what I was told to do by somebody. He did everything for me. I took some sort of test, deca and something else but as I said, Im not sure. I did no cardio and blew up like a balloon. I want to lean up (bf) but be able to put muscle on without it effecting my running. Ive read that both test prop and deca develop your endurance on some sites and others say it doesnt.

    This is all I can get hold of so will taking test prop help lose bf aswell as put on size?

  7. #7
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Quote Originally Posted by BOWLED 1ST BALL View Post
    I did a cycle about 7 years ago (Im 30 now) but I basically did what I was told to do by somebody. He did everything for me. I took some sort of test, deca and something else but as I said, Im not sure. I did no cardio and blew up like a balloon. I want to lean up (bf) but be able to put muscle on without it effecting my running. Ive read that both test prop and deca develop your endurance on some sites and others say it doesnt.

    This is all I can get hold of so will taking test prop help lose bf aswell as put on size?
    As stated by the other guys ...fat burning is best done with diet and cardio...the compounds will help spare muscle while on diet.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    As stated by the other guys ...fat burning is best done with diet and cardio...the compounds will help spare muscle while on diet.
    So would the cycle set out previoulsy be the way to go if thats all I can get hold of?

  9. #9
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Yes sir Test prop and deca would be can generally cut and lean down on most compounds as long as your diet is clean and you have a good cardio regimen.

  10. #10
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    blue trunks
    Prop and deca is fine but test e or c with deca is better. It makes more sense to run to long esters together. It's just easier that way but you can run deca with prop.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Prop and deca is fine but test e or c with deca is better. It makes more sense to run to long esters together. It's just easier that way but you can run deca with prop.
    Can I take test prop by itself for 10-12 weeks?

  12. #12
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    If you can get get deca, can you not get npp, the short ester deca? Would be much better to run short esters together.

  13. #13
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by BOWLED 1ST BALL View Post
    Can I take test prop by itself for 10-12 weeks?
    Absolutely. What dose are you planning on running?

  14. #14
    If I take test prop by itself, how much do I take and how often? This is what I think Ill do.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Absolutely. What dose are you planning on running?
    Dont know, thats what I want somebody to help me with. I was told to start off using 1ml, 3 times a week and build it up from there

  16. #16
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    Ideally prop should be run ed, but eod will work. Ml means nothing, need to know the dosage you are taking. I personally would run 100mg ED. I assume you have no problem pinning.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    Ideally prop should be run ed, but eod will work. Ml means nothing, need to know the dosage you are taking. I personally would run 100mg ED. I assume you have no problem pinning.
    Hate needles mate but Ill get a mate to jab me. Ill probably take it every 2nd day. I was told that unless test prop is painful, its not legit. Is this the case?

    How do you know what the dosage is? Will it be on the vile? So does that mean 200mg every 2nd day?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOWLED 1ST BALL View Post
    Hate needles mate but Ill get a mate to jab me. Ill probably take it every 2nd day. I was told that unless test prop is painful, its not legit. Is this the case?

    How do you know what the dosage is? Will it be on the vile? So does that mean 200mg every 2nd day?
    there is some painless prop but for the most part its painFUL. but obviously not unbearable. the dose should be on the label. it should tell you what 1 ml eqates to.

  19. #19
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    Yes the dosage will be on the vial. It will say xmg/xml. A lot of prop is painful, but not all of it, totally depends on the gear you have. Mine is not bad at all, but virgin muscle will likely have some pain involved. There are things you can do to potentially minimize that, good luck. I personnaly love pinning, you will lose your needle phobia pretty quick if your gear is worth a shit. Good luck bro...nitro

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    Yes the dosage will be on the vial. It will say xmg/xml. A lot of prop is painful, but not all of it, totally depends on the gear you have. Mine is not bad at all, but virgin muscle will likely have some pain involved. There are things you can do to potentially minimize that, good luck. I personnaly love pinning, you will lose your needle phobia pretty quick if your gear is worth a shit. Good luck bro...nitro
    Thanks big balls.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitz5785 View Post
    Test Prop will help you put on mass and is good at burning fat as well. The deca will help with some good quality mass gains but isn't the best for cutting. Deca isn't useless by itself but it definitely needs to run with Test. (Deca dick is no fun)

    By Stana I assume you mean Stanozolol or Winstrol as many call it. This is widely used as a cutting drug. With Stan, you will get minimal size gains but good fat burning.

    According to your goals stated, I would do a 12 week cycle.
    Week1-12 700-1000mgs a week of test prop (injected EOD or ED)
    Week 1-10 500-750mgs a week of Deca (injected twice a week is fine)

    If your not satisfied with your fatloss with a clean diet and cardio by week 7, you can do 50-100mgs a day of Winstrol for weeks 7-11.

    As always, do your research, don't forget post cycle therapy and this post is just a suggestion.
    test prop and winni will not directly burn fat infact no steroid will except maybe tren but I haven't seen any studies to prove that.
    The cycle you laid out for him is not a beginner cycle those doses are way to high for a someone new to the game.

    to the thread starter deca is gonna give you some serious bloat. You can run adex alongside it to help keep bloat down but If this is your first cycle you need to stick to just test and maybe some clen. gaining muscle and burning fat all comes down to diet and cardio, focus on that more so than the compounds your running.

  22. #22
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    Oct 2009
    Hey mate, sounds like we're both having summer bulk/cut ideas.. I'm about 5 weeks into a dbol/deca/test cycle, about a week into the new year will be starting stanozol.. I've gained about 5kg of lean weight, so it's doable. Just depends on how hard you're willing to work in the gym.. I'm on holidays atm, so I'm spending serious time working out - at least three hours a day between weights, abs/core, and cardio. The test will help to drive you in the gym, so don't worry to much about that.

    I saw the Avatar movie last night with some old mates, and their jaws dropped when they saw me.. By b/f has plummetted from about 14% to under 10% (cardio and strict as @$^& diet) and Ive already packed on some serious lean bulk.. its been my first play with dbol, but perhaps because of all of the cardio I haven't noticed a huge bloat, definate strength and aggression gains when lifting though.

    I'll be interested to know what happens when I start the stanozolol, how much fluid I lose, because I already have a pretty "hard" look (despite what you hear about deca and dbol, I think it's just me)... I have some anavar on hand as well, but i'm thinking of using that to bridge to the next cycle.

  23. #23
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    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitz5785 View Post
    Test Prop will help you put on mass and is good at burning fat as well. The deca will help with some good quality mass gains but isn't the best for cutting. Deca isn't useless by itself but it definitely needs to run with Test. (Deca dick is no fun)

    By Stana I assume you mean Stanozolol or Winstrol as many call it. This is widely used as a cutting drug. With Stan, you will get minimal size gains but good fat burning.

    According to your goals stated, I would do a 12 week cycle.
    Week1-12 700-1000mgs a week of test prop (injected EOD or ED)
    Week 1-10 500-750mgs a week of Deca (injected twice a week is fine)

    If your not satisfied with your fatloss with a clean diet and cardio by week 7, you can do 50-100mgs a day of Winstrol for weeks 7-11.

    As always, do your research, don't forget post cycle therapy and this post is just a suggestion.
    can i ask why u suggested so much gear for a guy whos only ever run 1 cycle? and his goals are mainly leaning with little muscle building?

    i mean seriously, ur suggesting between 1 and a half to 2 grams of gear for a second cycle?

    BTW aussie aussie aussie

    oi oi oi

    what team u barack for?

    IMO if u wanna drop fat and build some muscle why not just do 600mg testerone weekly, (prop, cyp, ethanthate, whatever you can get)

    running 750mg-1000mg of test, with 500mg-750mg of deca to help lean out is not a good idea, u dont need that sort of gear for someone of your size and experience,

    plus with that level of steroids in you, u might aswell bulk becuase with that much gear u can put on alot of size, as for leaning, using high dosages isnt needed,

    and run some arimidex or aromasin along with us cycle, so u dont get bloated, btw football seasons over so get out the kookabarra cricket bat u bogan lol

  24. #24
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    Oct 2009
    Hey mate, sounds like we're both having summer bulk/cut ideas.. I'm about 5 weeks into a dbol/deca/test cycle, about a week into the new year will be starting stanozol.. I've gained about 5kg of lean weight, so it's doable. Just depends on how hard you're willing to work in the gym.. I'm on holidays atm, so I'm spending serious time working out - at least three hours a day between weights, abs/core, and cardio. The test will help to drive you in the gym, so don't worry to much about that.

    I saw the Avatar movie last night with some old mates, and their jaws dropped when they saw me.. By b/f has plummetted from about 14% to under 10% (cardio and strict as @$^& diet) and Ive already packed on some serious lean bulk.. its been my first play with dbol, but perhaps because of all of the cardio I haven't noticed a huge bloat, definate strength and aggression gains when lifting though.

    I'll be interested to know what happens when I start the stanozolol, how much fluid I lose, because I already have a pretty "hard" look (despite what you hear about deca and dbol, I think it's just me)... I have some anavar on hand as well, but i'm thinking of using that to bridge to the next cycle.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by elcrisp76 View Post
    Hey mate, sounds like we're both having summer bulk/cut ideas.. I'm about 5 weeks into a dbol/deca/test cycle, about a week into the new year will be starting stanozol.. I've gained about 5kg of lean weight, so it's doable. Just depends on how hard you're willing to work in the gym.. I'm on holidays atm, so I'm spending serious time working out - at least three hours a day between weights, abs/core, and cardio. The test will help to drive you in the gym, so don't worry to much about that.

    I saw the Avatar movie last night with some old mates, and their jaws dropped when they saw me.. By b/f has plummetted from about 14% to under 10% (cardio and strict as @$^& diet) and Ive already packed on some serious lean bulk.. its been my first play with dbol, but perhaps because of all of the cardio I haven't noticed a huge bloat, definate strength and aggression gains when lifting though.

    I'll be interested to know what happens when I start the stanozolol, how much fluid I lose, because I already have a pretty "hard" look (despite what you hear about deca and dbol, I think it's just me)... I have some anavar on hand as well, but i'm thinking of using that to bridge to the next cycle.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitz5785 View Post
    Test Prop will help you put on mass and is good at burning fat as well. The deca will help with some good quality mass gains but isn't the best for cutting. Deca isn't useless by itself but it definitely needs to run with Test. (Deca dick is no fun)

    By Stana I assume you mean Stanozolol or Winstrol as many call it. This is widely used as a cutting drug. With Stan, you will get minimal size gains but good fat burning.

    According to your goals stated, I would do a 12 week cycle.
    Week1-12 700-1000mgs a week of test prop (injected EOD or ED)
    Week 1-10 500-750mgs a week of Deca (injected twice a week is fine)

    If your not satisfied with your fatloss with a clean diet and cardio by week 7, you can do 50-100mgs a day of Winstrol for weeks 7-11.

    As always, do your research, don't forget post cycle therapy and this post is just a suggestion.
    For a first cycle?

  27. #27
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    This thread is months old

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