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Thread: Test - Tren diet question

  1. #1

    Test - Tren diet question

    I'm going to start a cycle next week.
    1ml tren and 1ml test. It will be 10 weeks, after the cycle i will do nolvadex.

    My stats are:
    24 year
    87,0 kg
    12,0 % bf

    I want te lose abit of bodyfat but also gain some good/lean mucle.
    How should my diet look like? I do 8 meals a day.

    Hope my new stats are:
    25 year (almost my birthday ).
    95kg (or more)
    9,5% bf

    How many calories (protein, carbs and fat) should i take.
    (I know to take slow carbs and good fats and whey protein).
    My schedule is now 3250 calories (27%,58% 15%).

    Should I take more calories or take less?

    I do 4 times 35min cardio (running in park)
    3 times 75min power training
    2 times 100min teamsports

    Thanks in advance (and sorry for my broken English, I'm Dutch ).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Diet on tren... belongs in diet section...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Squating at the Curl Rack
    One of the mods could move this into the diet section then ill give you some help, but not right now im too tied up to write more then a paragraph. But someone else might step in before me. There are many knowledgeable people in the diet section. But one thing i will tell you is that your protein macro % is too low, please bump it up to minimum 45-50%, especially on tren.

    What are your exact dosages of test and tren, and what test?, 1ml doesn't tell me much. What is your cycle experience? How often are you shooting, once a week?

  4. #4
    Sorry that it's in the wrong forum. If a mod will be so kind to move it, it would be nice.

    This is my second bulk cycle and third overall cycle.

    First cycle 10 weeks 250mg test e and 40mgs dianabol a day. Gained alot but alot of fat to.
    Second cycle 2 weeks dnp. Lost alot of fat .

    So this is my third cycle.
    Its 250mg test e and 200mg tren e.
    I'm shooting once a week.

    so in short you say i should do 45protein - 40 carbs - 15 fat?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Doses seem kind of weak.... why run tren? Just run test e. especially if your bulking. I personally like tren for cutting.

  6. #6
    I want to stay lean. So not gain fat. That's why i take both.
    But what i stated was right?

    What should be the calorie intake (around 4000?)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Varies on each individual.... Everyones build is different... I can do a massive bulk diet and still be lean... I just have a very fast metabolism and am very active... tren cut me down to practically nothing. SO i really dont run it.

  8. #8
    Okay but I'm going to run it.
    So if someone could give me a advice.

    So will i gain lean muscle (and los abit of fat) on 40/45/15 4000 calories?

    Or should i change it?

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Actually this will only be your 2nd cycle, DNP is not a steroid. How tall are you? I wouldn't recommend you running tren E, you should run Tren A but realistically you should hold off on running tren for a bit IMO

  11. #11
    I know dnp is not a steroid, but it is a heavy drug. I can't imagine tren gives the same sweats as dnp does. (Ofcourse with tren you get other sides).

    I already have my gear and i'm going to inject it tomorrow.

    My trainingbuddy gave me a schedule and says 45/40/15 (pr/ca/fa) with 3300 calories should be a good advice for me.

    I'm 1,94m btw. And my bf is around 11/12%.

    But when i'm reading on diets of tren/test i find alot of different information.
    The one uses it to cut and only uses 2000cals.

    The other one is also using it to cut and uses 3000cals.

    Than to bulk i read people upping it to 6000cals.

    I don't want to gain mucle and gain 4% bf. That's why i'm asking my question.
    My schedule now is 3300 cals with 8 meals a day. 3 meals with good carbs and the rest mostly protein (tunan, chicken, shakes, etc.),

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