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Thread: Winstrol 1st cycle (oral)

  1. #1

    Winstrol 1st cycle (oral)

    hi there I've made my mind up to take winstrol oral tabs soon. I diet and cut but I'm looking for that extra push. Can anyone tell me anything i need to know ie gains etc? im 12st 4 at minute and i just ned that extra push. sorry if i come across as an amateur? i just need abit of guidance. any comments are appreciated thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Pct knowledge????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Why on earth would you run Winstrol by itself, what is the 'extra push' you need?
    Theres nothing that will supplement hard work, diet and consistent training mate ..

  4. #4
    Age 21
    Height 5'' 11
    weight 75kg
    Bf% ??
    Years training 3
    Cycle history none
    Pct knowledge???? none

    for the last 6 month I've hit a brick wall as far as training is concerned, I havent gained no size just maintanence. my diet is good considering my job and cardio is in there as often as possible. I just cannot seem to get ripped as I want to look. I vaguely have top abs through but am wanting advice on winstrol as Ihear good things about it. thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Being of such a young age you run the risk of lasting damage to such things as your HPTA and growth plates...

    Imo you should spend sometime reading through the educational threads and post your current diet in the diet forum. Also post your current training routine in the training forum..

    Im sure with a little help we can get you moving again..

    Btw winny only would not be a good idea...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    5'11 and 75kg..? Whats your diet/training regime?

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