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Thread: test prop for sprinter (how dose)

  1. #1

    test prop for sprinter (how dose)

    1-8 100mg e2d
    is it good for sprinters?

  2. #2
    cycle exp

  3. #3
    How old are you and what is your level of comp?

  4. #4
    19 yo
    bf 8%
    squats 330lbs x 3
    power celan 200lbs
    100m- 11,13s
    first cycle
    ht wt what is it?

  5. #5
    ht 177cm
    wt 160lbs (72 kg)

  6. #6
    You are way to young to messing with aas read this link

  7. #7
    i have 5 years expirence in the gym, and 3 years in the track.
    What will be good for me? I mean drugs for increase my PB for 100m. Any prohormones or sth else?
    I`m sorry for my english.

  8. #8
    You shouldstay away from all aas and prohormones, you could seriously hurt your body. The best thing you can do is train your ass off and eat right to achieve your goalos.

  9. #9
    maybe you`re right
    thanks a lot

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