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Thread: t3 6 week cycle

  1. #1

    t3 6 week cycle


    I am currently on my third week of a six week t3 cycle. I did a lot of research before i purchased these. I have been experiencing a few problems while taking these and wondered if any one can shed some light.

    In 3 weeks i have only lost 2lb extra pounds and my diet has been been a lot more restricted before and i am currently doing 1hour of cradio a day - running, cross trainer, rowing machine.

    I have not had any rise in temperature like most people who take this do and my weight loss is minimal, i dont massivly feel hot and my temperature was 36.9 and went to 37.1 when i went up toi the 100mcg. Every day i am eating shredded wheat in the morning, tuna pasta for lunch and shredded wheat again in the evening. I know this is probably not the best diet but it is restricted like i wanted it to be as i was told the t3 will burn through my fat whilst doing cardio on a restricted diet.

    I am wondering if i am doing anything majorly wrong or maybe this could be duff t3? I am a bit overwight and have been training now roughly loosing about a pound a week and i thought this drug would massivly boost this weight loss.

    I take half dose in morning with just water on empy stomoch and rest later about an hour after lunch with just water.
    Any help would be aprreciated.


  2. #2
    When I take t3, I feel it right away. Somewhat warmer and I sweat easily.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Doesn't sound like your diet is in check. Do you do any resistance training?

    Also, when do you perform your cardiovascular exercises? All this can be taken into account when attempting fat loss.

    Also, have you ever had your thyroid tested before, and do you have normal levels of T3?

    What are your stats?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Aside from your diet seeming off, I think your t3 is bunk.

  5. #5
    hia ll thanks for the reply.

    I never had my thyroid levals tested before do you think i cud have had bad levels before. also i dont do resistance training as when i researched people said do cardio, cardio, cardio. I take this drug first thing in morning and then after lunch. In morning with sip of water on empy stomoch and after lunch i wait an hour and half and take last two with sip of water. I do my cardio mostly in evnings because of work but i can now change to whenever because i have just become unemployed unfortanelty

    I know my diet is not the best i always had problems with it i get told this and that.. i never eat unhealthyilty apartt from the odd chinese we all like i just think maybe it could be a bit more sturctured.

    I asked the supplier about it being bunk...(please pm me for source as i would like to know if they supply bunk gear)... this was t3 ibrahim ( thats what description said) and they said they NEVER EVER GET BUNK GEAR FROM MANUFACUTURE, which i think may now be a lie. because even with that diet i should have seen a lot or maybe a medium amount of weight loss am i right?

    If anyone can help me it would much be appreciated and if anyone knows of anywhere to get "good" t3 please advise in pm.


    Last edited by samwell21; 07-16-2010 at 10:07 PM. Reason: wanted to add bit extra

  6. #6
    oh and i dont reallt feel warmer... but my gf says i am but i do sweat a tiny bit more but i dont feel that the weight loss affects are great... i even havae started taking anothjer drug whith clen that is mixed with t3

    i started taking this extra drug 11222222etc and i will taper down.. and when i did this i made sure that i left out my t3 drug by one to make sure all the t3 added up to 100mcg but i still do not feel masive sweats, shakes, rise of temp etc.... i am just concerned that i may have been supplied BUNK crap lol but as i said before can someone please pm me so i can give them the source as i would love a vet of this drug to give me some advice. And if anyone can give me diety advice while taking this drug it would be MASSIVLEY appreciated.



  7. #7
    removed email adress
    Last edited by samwell21; 07-17-2010 at 07:09 AM. Reason: removed email adress

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    training exp?

  9. #9
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samwell21 View Post

    I am currently on my third week of a six week t3 cycle. I did a lot of research before i purchased these. I have been experiencing a few problems while taking these and wondered if any one can shed some light.

    In 3 weeks i have only lost 2lb extra pounds and my diet has been been a lot more restricted before and i am currently doing 1hour of cradio a day - running, cross trainer, rowing machine.

    I have not had any rise in temperature like most people who take this do and my weight loss is minimal, i dont massivly feel hot and my temperature was 36.9 and went to 37.1 when i went up toi the 100mcg. Every day i am eating shredded wheat in the morning, tuna pasta for lunch and shredded wheat again in the evening. I know this is probably not the best diet but it is restricted like i wanted it to be as i was told the t3 will burn through my fat whilst doing cardio on a restricted diet.

    I am wondering if i am doing anything majorly wrong or maybe this could be duff t3? I am a bit overwight and have been training now roughly loosing about a pound a week and i thought this drug would massivly boost this weight loss.

    I take half dose in morning with just water on empy stomoch and rest later about an hour after lunch with just water.
    Any help would be aprreciated.

    you do realise that T3 is catabolic and will eat away at your muscle also?

    thats why people run T3 in conjunction with aas.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    you do realise that T3 is catabolic and will eat away at your muscle also?

    thats why people run T3 in conjunction with aas.

    100mcg/day with that diet and no aas=muscle loss
    your t3=bunk or severly underdosed

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    and by the way it is not a good idea to put up your email addy,there is a good chance scammers will be contacting you!

  12. #12
    Hi all thank you for your reply.

    I have not really sin any muscle loss. Well not even any weight loss at all really, and yeah i might wanna take that off lol i was jsut desperate for bit of help.

    Im 21, 5'6 i weight 12.12 stone ( with a lot of stubborn fat)

    My goals were to try and trim down to kick start my training again as i used to be very ripped when i was training before as i used to be in Navy. But since i was discharged i got lazy for a year and let it all go. I know i maybe shouldnt have rushed into getting this but still i believe this gear is bunk


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    N. of the arctic circle
    You are almost on a card only diet, aside from the tuna.

    I am no expert but I would think that a high fat high protein diet would be much better for you, leave the carbs as low as you can.

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