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Thread: A Day In The Life Of A Bodybuilder

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    A Day In The Life Of A Bodybuilder

    yesterday was my first day off work for a while where i had nothing i HAD to get done and i loved it
    10.30am Woke up.
    10.31am Popped Ephedrine , Caffeiene and Aspirin
    10.32am watched the Jamie Foxx show
    11.00am Took Multi Vitamin,Vit C , Gluc.Chon.and MSM, Zinc, Ginko and Vit E tabs
    11.03am Had 500mls Milk , 1 Scoop Optimum Nut. 100% Whey 10mls Flax Oil
    11.30am walked to shop bought potatoes , carrotts, 10kg rice,2 chicken breasts (to last me until bro took me to butchers) milk and a water mellon
    1.00pm Cooked 2 Meals worth of Chicken and Cooked 3 cups rice and prepared meal no.1
    1.30pm ate meal while watching battle for Olympia 2000
    2.00pm-relaxed , did dishes , shaved chest , mopped floor , swept
    3.00pm went to butchers bought 5kgs Rump Steak and 3kgs Chicken breast ($57 AUSD)
    4.00pm Stripped beef of fat and chopped up into appropriate serves skinned chicken froze all but 1 days worth.
    4.30pm prepared meal 3 heated up chicken and rice
    4.34pm ate meal ....
    6.30 had 1 scoop optimum in water and 1 banana
    7.15pm arrived gym
    7.25 began training (supersetted arms)
    8.00pm finish work out
    8.01pm Begin Walking on treadmill
    8.26pm Run out of gym because train is coming at 8.33
    8.29pm arrive at station ... hang around lookin huge.
    8.30pm Drink Post work out carb drink while waiting for train
    8.33pm get on train make sure no ticket collectors are on (i didnt hve a ticket cumon i get off 3 mins later at next stop)
    8.35 looking at 1 among 3 girls on train one was cute but looked 1-2 yrs younger than me forget it.
    8.36 get off train look back see 3 girls watching me leave pumped up!
    8.42 brother arrive to pick me (late bastrard!!!)
    8.50pm drink protein drink
    9.30pm Cook Steak and Rice
    10.00 eat meal.
    12.28am Have 1 scoop optimum in milk with 10mls flax oil
    12.30am go to sleep.

    That was my day in the life of a bodybuilder as you can see i did next to nothing but cook eat and train.

    Man i could get used to this ..... tommorow will be a repeat !
    Last edited by Socio; 01-16-2002 at 09:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Right on bro always nice to have those days to yourself. Enjoy the 2nd day of your time off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    How old are you dude? Do you need all those pills in the morning???


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Im 19 yes , it its essential to take amny vit and mins for training reasons.... i work in the health industry and learn soo much by working with natropaths, glucosamine is for my joints as i do heavy dead lifts squats and benches , i want to still be able to do squats when im 30.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    Must be nice .....

    I remember those times myself ....oh yeh I was 3 ...

    since then I've been working ...... j/k

  6. #6
    Sounds like my weekend.

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