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Thread: GnRH and HMG!! Any experience??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    GnRH and HMG!! Any experience??

    I've been looking into both of these. HMG appears to be an excellent addition to pct or even on cycle in place of or with HCG but is a bit expensive. GnRH seems very appealing also for pct and possibly on cycle. Has anyone used either of these? I'm looking for others experience with them and hoping to have another tool for pct/ on cycle.

    Here's something I found on GnRH. Looks promising. I have run some long cycles and always recover just fine but this looks like another tool

    GnRH (LHRH) restores hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - in anabolic steroids induced hypogonadism
    This may very well be simplest method to respore testicular function in people suffering from anabolic steroids induced hypogonadism.

    The patient described below was a professional bodybuilder who was suffering from anabolic steroids induced hypogonadism.

    Several months after his last cycle he presented with testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, and weight gain . His testosterone was very low, and lh - leutenizing hormone - , and FSH - follicle stimulating hormone - levels were below the levels of detection.

    He was given 3 injections on consecutive days of 200 mcg GnRH. This is the hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that stimulates pituitary lh - leutenizing hormone - release. These injections restored all hormonal parameters to normal. The patient returned for followup exams three times during the next year, and on all three occasions hormone levels were normal

    Int J Sports Med. 2003 Apr;24(3):195-6.

    Androgenic anabolic steroid use and severe hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction: a case study.

    van Breda E, Keizer HA, Kuipers H, Wolffenbuttel BH.

    The data of the present case demonstrate that the abuse of androgenic anabolic steroids (anabolic steroids) may lead to serious health effects. Although most clinical attention is usually directed towards peripheral side effects, the most serious central side effect, hypothalamic-pituitary-dysfunction, is often overlooked in severe cases. Although this latter central side-effect usually recovers spontaneously when anabolic steroids intake is discontinued, the present case shows that spontaneous recovery does not always take place. We suggest that hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction should always be considered in the differential diagnosis in athletes seen with typical presentation of anabolic steroid use. In order to regain normal hypothalamic-pituitary function, supraphysiological doses of 200 microg lh - leutenizing hormone - -RH should be considered when the physiological challenge test with lh - leutenizing hormone - -RH (50 microg) fails to show an acceptable response.


    HMG (Human Menopausal Gonadotropin) is used for stimulating hormones by triggering FSH and LH production in the body. This drug was originally designed for use in women where it stimulates the ovaries to produce multiple follicles, thus making them more fertile.The dosage varies from woman to woman, and HMG has been shown to induce ovulation in about 75-85% of patients that it is administered to.

    In men, HMG can be used to stimulate natural testosterone production and to keep or restore the natural function of the testes. Those using HMG after testicular dystrophy often report an increase in sex drive and sense of well being as well as an increased rebound in fertility.

    HMG is a drug similar to HCG in use and some of its function, but also has the added benefit of FSH stimulation, which triggers extra receptors to produce testosterone. While HCG is known mainly for testicular stimulation, HMG will also increase the amount of sperm the body is producing, which HCG isn’t as effective at. Although it hasn't been around as long and isn't as recognized as HCG, HMG is steadily picking up more interest in the medical community for the roles it can play in testosterone recovery. Those who don't see the results and recovery they want from a typical PCT protocol may find HMG beneficial since it is able to stimulate the body's receptors at a wider range of points than HCG is able to.

    HMG can be most effective when ran alongside other LH stimulating drugs such as HCG, clomid, and nolvadex. A typical dose of 75-150iu a day for 2 weeks is sufficient for restoring normal testicular function and sperm count in males. One may also wish to run an anti-estrogen such as aromasin during administration of this drug due to the possibility of elevated estrogen levels.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    NOTHING. Someone can atleast tell me this is a retarded idea. Hmmm. I guess another time I'm the only one who answers my thread. I should have posted a 1st test e cycle or oral only cycle to get some opinions.

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