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Thread: Starting AICAR

  1. #1

    Starting AICAR

    I've been waiting a long time for this so I hope it works!

    A little background...

    Back in 2004 I worked really hard shed a lot of body fat and was generally in the best health of my life, in 2005 I injured my back with a pronounced severe herniated disk, and a second bulge otw, eventually ended up in surgery... Now Canadian healthcare may be free but it's turtle fast and while I was injured I was unable to move, in constant pain, and generally depressed. So I gained back a lot of what I had lost... after the surgery I was left with mild back pain (presumably from the other bulge) which has been becoming progressively worse, and I was told that I was unable to do the intense cardio that I loved so much which led to depression and poor diet and and so on...

    Enter 2011.
    I've done what I can to remain positive, and keep moving but I'm still losing ground. I have an MRI scheduled for Sept. and hoping they offer me surgery to fix the second disk, I was gonna wait till after the MRI/surgery to do all of this but I'm getting impatient and am hoping that the repair portion of my protocol will aid in repair of the injury or maintain till I get what I need to permanently fix it. So here it is. My current Diet is fairly clean now, lean protein(chicken, fish), veggies, oatmeal, with minor supplements of Cod oil, vitamins, and whey protein where needed.

    Going to run AICAR for as long as possible (at least 4 months, and would love to go for 6) @ 100 mg EOD Sub Q Along with HGH Frag 176-191 @ 500mcg 5/2 Sub Q and IGF-1 Lr3 @ 100mcg 5/2 for 8 weeks on 6 off localized to lower abdominal stabilizer muscles, and in arms, lats, and traps.
    I plan on bridging the 6 weeks off IGF with an 8 week AAS cycle of Test prop, Winny, and if I can throw it in there tren with a 1 week over lap at the end and beginning of each IGF cycle I'm hoping to do a full 32 weeks of the program I've set forth.

    I'll be taking full measurements, and logging everything I can! Body weight, body fat %, physical measurements, Blood pressure, resting pulse, and maximum endurance gains. the day before I start pinning I'll be doing cardio till failure and repeating every 2 weeks to measure gains. I'm most interested in the body fat % changes and the increases in endurance. AICAR is supposed to make your muscles more efficient and better at burning fat for fuel over sugar. Hopefully combining this effect with IGF will produce new muscle that immediately behaves as if it's been well exercised and the following AAS will help it to grow further. I'll be sure to keep you guys posted as to the results, and look forward to sharing my experiences and information with you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    AICAR and Frag are two of the least efficacious research peptides on the market lacking in scientific data and consumer feedback. My expectations would be very low for this protocol - hopefully your IGF-1 LR3 is high quality & gives the effect you are after. Best of luck!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    AICAR and Frag are two of the least efficacious research peptides on the market lacking in scientific data and consumer feedback. My expectations would be very low for this protocol - hopefully your IGF-1 LR3 is high quality & gives the effect you are after. Best of luck!

    Although I agree that AICAR is severely lacking in consumer feedback, it's Efficacy has been proven in lab experiments, and I would say that a large reason for it's lack of consumer feedback is due in part to it's large shunning by the body building community over fears of being transformed into wiry stick frames over the usual hulking frames ppl strive for, and a lack of general public availability combined with high prices (I've finally found a half decently trustworthy supplier at a decent price.), I believe that this peptide will be truly beneficial to cutting cycles in the future, just need to be a pioneer/guinea pig and show you guys the road.

    I'm hoping to effect long term change from a natural endomorph, to more of an ectomorphic frame, on the way to a mesomorphic frame.

    All of my peptides are coming from Extreme peptide, and if the results stink I'll just go to straight HGH and AAS from now on lol.
    Last edited by chronoz; 06-28-2011 at 10:54 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by chronoz View Post
    I would say that a large reason for it's lack of consumer feedback is due in part to it's large shunning by the body building community over fears of being transformed into wiry stick frames

    The AICAR peptide is nothing extraordinary...good luck trusting marketing from a newbie supplier - it is companies selling less than efficacious peptides to our communities which is concerning

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