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Thread: I need Advice. Please help. :)

  1. #1

    I need Advice. Please help. :)

    Hey guys,
    I am currently about to start a new cycle of steroids... I've done two cycles before but it was all WRONG... my hookup kinda gave me some shady advice some I have decided to go through someone else... I saw gains but quickly lost them... I was uneducated.
    I ordered 2 test e, 1 anavar 60caps, 1 dec, and 1 tren. I've been doing some research and I know there are tons of different cycles.... so I need advice...
    I would like to bulk up, add some serious gains to my body... but I would also love to cut up... get that nice bulk cut body...
    any suggestion?
    I was just gonna use all of what I bought (above) but I've put it on a hold til i get some answer... I am currently doing a week detox.
    Thanks. I look forward to your advice.
    ps. i a 22 years old 165lbs and 5'7'' Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0147.JPG 
Views:	185 
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ID:	120072

  2. #2
    At 22 years old your body should be producing more than enough of the necessary hormones to make some very impressive gains naturally. Cycling at your age significantly increases the risk of doing potentially irreversible damage to your undeveloped Endocrine & HPTA. You have either been lucky so far or you just haven't seen the damage yet, sometime it could take quite a while for the damages to to take effect. If you would like, we can help you put together a better diet & training regime to help you achieve your goals naturally.

  3. #3
    Hey 'The Bear 79'
    I took them while I was on deployment in the middle east... they were only 5 week cycles... I wasn't very educated. lol.
    I could use any help I can get and advice. I, obviously, have a good physique thus far... I just want to start bulking now...
    Let me remind you have two bottles of 10ml of 250mg test e, 50mg of 60 tab anavar, 1 10ml of tren, and 1 10ml of deca.
    What do you suggest I take to bulk? I can order more things, and hold off on stuff I already have.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by davidjames View Post
    Hey 'The Bear 79'
    I took them while I was on deployment in the middle east... they were only 5 week cycles... I wasn't very educated. lol.
    I could use any help I can get and advice. I, obviously, have a good physique thus far... I just want to start bulking now...
    Let me remind you have two bottles of 10ml of 250mg test e, 50mg of 60 tab anavar, 1 10ml of tren, and 1 10ml of deca.
    What do you suggest I take to bulk? I can order more things, and hold off on stuff I already have.
    You still aren't very educated. Stop asking for handouts read all the stickies and hit the Nutrition section.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by davidjames View Post
    Hey 'The Bear 79'
    I took them while I was on deployment in the middle east... they were only 5 week cycles... I wasn't very educated. lol.
    I could use any help I can get and advice. I, obviously, have a good physique thus far... I just want to start bulking now...
    Let me remind you have two bottles of 10ml of 250mg test e, 50mg of 60 tab anavar, 1 10ml of tren, and 1 10ml of deca.
    What do you suggest I take to bulk? I can order more things, and hold off on stuff I already have.
    Did you not read ANY of my post?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You're a bit too young for aas as mentioned. You can do good w/a solid diet and training routine. Order some creatine and protein powder to go alongside that diet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    read a bit more before you jump in. thats the bottom line .research

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