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Thread: WILL I get results???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    WILL I get results???

    Hello everyone,

    I am new to the forum and I joined specially to get help.

    Iam 21 years old Female and i plan on competing maybe next year, i have been working out hard for the last 2 years iam 115 pounds. My goal is to look lean and fit to compete on a bikini contest or a female fitness contest.

    I wanted to start taking anavar to see if it works out for me, since there is no water retention and will lower my body fat and increase my muscle gain. I am really looking to get CUT ......

    I workout 5-6 days a week. but i just want to make sure how much mg i should start with and how much will it effect my body, since iam only 21.

    I need help

    Tahnks already

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I'm sure some of the female members will chime in shortly so be patient. Anavar is a good choice for women and you should have good results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Your diet and training regimen will be by far more determining to achieving desired results as opposed to relying on the magic pill.

    I would post my diet and workout regimen in detail before asking for AAS advice.

    I am sure you'll be getting plenty of attention and help then.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    OK let me give an example of what I east regularly;

    Breakfast (7:50AM)

    3 egg whites
    1 bagel
    cream cheese

    lunch (12:00)

    chicken breast
    boiled egg whites

    Dinner: (8:00pm)
    white rise ( I know =/)
    chicken breast
    lettuce and tomatoes

    1 banana( 9:20am)
    mixed nuts (10:40am)
    strawberry whey protein with milk (2pm)
    1 blueberry yogurt 80 calories

    30 min before i take a pre-workout drink to give me energy. I also take fishoil pills, daily vitamin pills, and cramberry pills

    and after i workout i drink another shake.

    this is just an example of what i eat my snacks are always the same i change the chicken to salmon twice a week and i eat beef or pork one to 2 times a week.
    i know i should probably stay away from the white rise but i tried brown and i cant get used to it =/.

    My workout routine example goes like this:

    mon= back and biceps + abs
    Tues= legs and glutes + abs
    wed= spinning + abs
    thurs= sholders and triceps + abs
    fri= legs and glutes + abs
    sat= spinning + abs
    sun= off

    my routine is usually like this sometimes i prefer to go to the gym on sundays since is less busy so i take a week day off and go on sunday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    You have got to to stay away from bagel and cream cheese before we even consider whether white rice needs to be ditched.

    Try oats or yams for a repla***ent.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    You have got to to stay away from bagel and cream cheese before we even consider whether white rice needs to be ditched.

    Try oats or yams for a repla***ent.
    thanks, i will look on changing it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Just beware that Var doesn't work quite the same way for women as for men.
    Women tend to bloat a bit and put on a lot more mass than their males counterparts. I put a friend of mine who does figure comps on it a while back. She ran 10mg daily for 6 weeks and looked like she was using Dbol by the end (though she was also using it for her off-season bulker). But she did clean up nicely once she came off it and cut down.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Just beware that Var doesn't work quite the same way for women as for men.
    Women tend to bloat a bit and put on a lot more mass than their males counterparts. I put a friend of mine who does figure comps on it a while back. She ran 10mg daily for 6 weeks and looked like she was using Dbol by the end (though she was also using it for her off-season bulker). But she did clean up nicely once she came off it and cut down.
    Thanks Bonaparte,

    I am still confused on how much i should be taking since is my first time, a friend told me to start with 5 mg a day then change after 2 weeks to 5mg in the morning then 5mg before i workout and increase after 2 weeks to 15mg.

    but my boyfriend thinks that 5mg a day is a wast of time and of my money. and he also told me that i should decrease the dosage slowly in the end of my cycle so i don't have such a big effect.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    10mg is usually ideal for women (most will start to get manly at 20mg).
    Start at 5mg and if that doesn't cut it, go up to 10mg. But if your Var is good, you shouldn't need to go higher.
    And yeah, you can taper off at the end. It can only help ease the transition.

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