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Thread: Only training legs on first cycle (test, and anavar) HELP!

  1. #1

    Only training legs on first cycle (test, and anavar) HELP!

    Taking a test and anavar first cycle. My legs are considerably smaller than my upper body and it affects my biomechanics. Could I only workout legs while on this cycle? Legs everyday/ every other day/ whatever you suggest? Do you think with this cycle my legs could recover so fast that I could train them everyday? Please Help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Lol no. Work your whole body. Hit legs twice a week or do a fullbody split which would make you hit legs 3 times a week. Just squat and get stronger every workout.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    At 19 the last thing you need is AAS and its not hard to see you have no clue on wat you are doing.You will do serious damage to your endo system using aas at your age.

  4. #4
    I didn't really ask for you to tell me why I shouldn't use steroids... and why do you say I have no clue?

  5. #5
    Someone please tell me how I should go about the problem

  6. #6
    Any1? I really would appreciate any sort of advice on this

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Your problem is we dont give cycle advice to anyone under 25.Plus not training your legs correctly.

  8. #8
    seriously? So i have to pretend im 25 now? I am definately training legs really hard..., I have a family history of people with skinny legs, (marathon runners, cyclist, etc...) So it almost seems like they cannot grow

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Fine don't listen to what anybody is saying and you will be able to get test injections from.your doctor regularly because your nut won't make it for you. Bit if you want to mess up your reproductive organs than go for it. Remember you were advised not to use. Good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Pretending wont work they have your ip address.And we dont tolerate people who lie.We dont give cycle advice to the young for a reason.Not to be pricks its all about safety.

  11. #11
    It took you that long to say that? I've been waiting 15 minutes wondering what big88sub was typing that would take so long... I'm not taking a super duty cycle and im obviously using pct after the cycle

  12. #12
    what's the point if im going to do it anyways? Wouldn't it be better if you just gave good advice? I would probably just go to another forum to have my questions answered anyways...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Marathon runners and cyclists train for endurance not hypertrophy. Pct and train correctly for the next 6 years.

  14. #14
    I've pretty much reached a point where I won't get any bigger without steroids... I'm a big dude..., I just got chicken legs

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Train harder. I didnt train my legs in high school and I regret it know cause that is where and when I put on most of mass and I waisted all my own test on upper body

  16. #16
    You have no clue as to wtf you are saying. You don't even know how to train properly and I bet your diet is shit. Since you are a pretty big dude what are your stats?

  17. #17
    people who say they dont grow in teh gym are teh same people who do not squat.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by newuserdave;59***43
    I didn't really ask for you to tell me why I shouldn't use steroids... and why do you say I have no clue?

    You have no clue because already you admittedly don't even know how to work out properly since you have smaller legs than you should showing a lack of knowledge. Asking a question suck as can you work legs only also shows a lock of knowledge or even basic mechanics behind working out. Asking if you can do this on cycle shows even MORE lack of knowledge. Should I go on?

    You can remain clueless or you can read the below thread, understand it and show a little maturity by grasping what it is saying and choose to wait a few more years until you and your body is ready and in the mean time stick around learning more in the diet section and workout section how to do things right OR you can be like most of the kids and ignore the advice given to them and come back later asking for help with ED, Acne, depression, low T or many other things.

    Quote Originally Posted by newuserdave;59***80
    I've pretty much reached a point where I won't get any bigger without steroids... I'm a big dude..., I just got chicken legs

    Yup sounds like a typical 19 yr old. Finished growing. lol Yeah I though I was done at 16, 19, 21. Ask anyone over 30 if they were done growing at 19 and they will LOL and tell you no way but yes they THOUGHT they were also at the time. EVERYONE you ask who is 30+ will tell you how stupid they were at 18, 19, 20+ and how they wish they had listened to other people including their parents.

    As the saying goes, Quick, move out of your parents basement and go make your mark while you still know everything because the older you get the more you realize how little you know. You can choose to continue down the same path believing that YOU must be right and all of us with many years (some to many) of experience have no idea what we are talking about. lol

    Good luck. Maybe we should change your name to chicken legs or road runner?

    FYI long distance runner have skinny legs due to repetitive training, NOT genetics. Same logic as those who say Obesity runs in their family. No the problem is no one runs in their family...
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-16-2012 at 11:32 PM.

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