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Thread: fukt my neck for the 5th time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    fukt my neck for the 5th time

    jumped on the scales after a month of clean bulking only to see i'd gained 2 pounds, got depressed went to gym anyway, switched to DB's for OH press and went up in weight to quick and now my neck is killing me.

    Im so close to being over this weight lifting crap, it was never meant to be this hard, i just dont SEE any results, it's making me so deperessed and i hate it.

    Without lifting i've got nothing to look forward too. I've had 2 blood tests now to see if there's anything wrong with my hormones both times the doc says they're fine both testerones are fine apparently. I feel like im destined to be small forever so i guess im just gonna jump on my albuterol today and see if i can salvage some aesthetics

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Boxtrot View Post
    jumped on the scales after a month of clean bulking only to see i'd gained 2 pounds, got depressed went to gym anyway, switched to DB's for OH press and went up in weight to quick and now my neck is killing me.

    Im so close to being over this weight lifting crap, it was never meant to be this hard, i just dont SEE any results, it's making me so deperessed and i hate it.

    Without lifting i've got nothing to look forward too. I've had 2 blood tests now to see if there's anything wrong with my hormones both times the doc says they're fine both testerones are fine apparently. I feel like im destined to be small forever so i guess im just gonna jump on my albuterol today and see if i can salvage some aesthetics
    Never meant to be this hard? Who told you that? If you quit don't feel bad. You will join the ranks of the 95 percent of people that walk into a gym, realize its just too hard, and eventually stop coming. Those of us that have spent a life time dedicated to this through ups and downs dont want you mopping around taking up machines any how.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2008
    Well it sounds like you arent doing things right as in Diet and training and expecting spectacular results. You get out what you put in. You admit you went up in weight to quick and you paid the price, you got hurt. Learn from your mistakes. Warm up more. Focus on form not weight. Work on diet, intake and stop watching the scale so much. If you like what you see in the mirror it's good enough. Take pictures ever 2 weeks or so and compare about every 2 months or so. Dont expect change over night.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    West Australia

  5. #5
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    Jul 2011
    i've been eating 260p 300c 80f 2800 cal, gonna up it to 3000.

    I went up in weight cos i was furious the scale didnt go up much.

    You are all right. I just wanna recover and get back in the gym now. Been icing my neck all day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Good choice on doing ice. Dont make the mistake of also using heat. Stick to the ice only. 20 min on, 20 min off 3+ times in a row 3x a day or more.

    Trust me, I know all about being frustrated. Just as I got in the best shape I have ever been in and was nearing my goal I had a detached retina that put me out of business for 4 months then I needed a 2nd surgery 6 months later and in-between those two my shoulder tweaked and I just had to have surgery on it so it's been 1 1/2 years since I have had a decent workout. Talk about frustrating??? lol

    It's all part of life and you just have to muddle your way though the best you can. Dont let it get you down.
    FYI I have an ice pack on my shoulder right now due to the recent surgery. Still a little sore but not bad except the day after PT.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-06-2012 at 04:08 AM.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good choice on doing ice. Dont make the mistake of also using heat. Stick to the ice only. 20 min on, 20 min off 3+ times in a row 3x a day or more.

    Trust me, I know all about being frustrated. Just as I got in the best shape I have ever been in and was nearing my goal I had a detached retina that put me out of business for 4 months then I needed a 2nd surgery 6 months later and in-between those two my shoulder tweaked and I just had to have surgery on it so it's been 1 1/2 years since I have had a decent workout. Talk about frustrating??? lol

    It's all part of life and you just have to muddle your way though the best you can. Dont let it get you down.
    FYI I have an ice pack on my shoulder right now due to the recent surgery. Still a little sore but not bad except the day after PT.
    Yeh mate i see where ya comin from. My hip is fused together, took 4 years before i could jog and ride a motorbike again, then 6 years until now before i could go to work with minimal pain or none for 4 hours a day. I once did a 3 month bulk eating blindly, rice/vegys/turkey, and it worked! i only gained 2 kilos but out of the 8 people i worked with all of them commented on how swole i looked it was awesome. But that job was so physically tough i lost it all and have never been able to get the same formula to work again.

  8. #8
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    Simple fact is some of us don't have the genetics to get "huge." I was eating between 2800-3200 calories just to maintain 180lbs ! My strength went up but my size didn't really change that much. On top of that i was taking a crap 5 times a day. It got to the point where my ass became sore from wiping so much in one day. It's all part of the game. If you can maintain that lifestyle then so be it but not everyone can. I now work about 10-11 days so eating and working out like i us to is out of the question. I have a physically demanding job so it helps me stay in shape but not like i could be if i was hitting the gym.

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Simple fact is some of us don't have the genetics to get "huge." I was eating between 2800-3200 calories just to maintain 180lbs ! My strength went up but my size didn't really change that much. On top of that i was taking a crap 5 times a day. It got to the point where my ass became sore from wiping so much in one day. It's all part of the game. If you can maintain that lifestyle then so be it but not everyone can. I now work about 10-11 days so eating and working out like i us to is out of the question. I have a physically demanding job so it helps me stay in shape but not like i could be if i was hitting the gym.
    Bite my lip, bit my lip..... No I cant resist, we all know that's not the real reason now is it?

    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-08-2012 at 02:14 AM.

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    when i first started out as a kid, i went years with only marginal size gains to show for my effort. however, my strength did improve considerably.

    if the only reason you are into this craft is to gain size, then maybe this isn't for you. There are other benefits to enjoy, such as learning to know your body, what it can and cannot do. there is also a zen aspect to it, when you are in the zone, forcing, willing your body to do that one final rep, and so you stare at the weights, willing it up, and then finally it does move up. almost like a form of meditation.

    but as the years roll by, if you do everything correctly, you will gain size. which is why you must be patient.

  13. #13
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Simple fact is some of us don't have the genetics to get "huge." I was eating between 2800-3200 calories just to maintain 180lbs ! My strength went up but my size didn't really change that much. On top of that i was taking a crap 5 times a day. It got to the point where my ass became sore from wiping so much in one day. It's all part of the game. If you can maintain that lifestyle then so be it but not everyone can. I now work about 10-11 days so eating and working out like i us to is out of the question. I have a physically demanding job so it helps me stay in shape but not like i could be if i was hitting the gym.
    Well im in the same position as you, disregarding my hip issue. I work at a plant nursery and out of all the places i've worked, this is the hardest. I have to admit when i was looking my best, i was working at a vineyard where i did stuff all and rarely broke a sweat. It seems to me my achievements in the gym seem to be dictated by my job. Regardless of how much i eat, building muscle is hormonal too, and punishing my body at work doesn't just burn calories.

    I could be on the wrong path here, but all i have to do is hit my macros/cals then check the mirror/scales to see if im progressing an ill know after the next 2 months i plan on spending at the gym without AAS

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    when i first started out as a kid, i went years with only marginal size gains to show for my effort. however, my strength did improve considerably.

    if the only reason you are into this craft is to gain size, then maybe this isn't for you. There are other benefits to enjoy, such as learning to know your body, what it can and cannot do. there is also a zen aspect to it, when you are in the zone, forcing, willing your body to do that one final rep, and so you stare at the weights, willing it up, and then finally it does move up. almost like a form of meditation.

    but as the years roll by, if you do everything correctly, you will gain size. which is why you must be patient.
    I started working out 5 years ago and i still look like shit. Partially due to the jobs i've worked. Whenever i'd gain anything before long the work would get hard and i would lose everything. I would be that exhausted i wouldn't even get off the couch to eat. Mostly because of my hip but whatever.

    But your right, it MAY BE that this isn't for me. But after 5 years, im still addicted, and that is a fact i have now realized. I can never stop because good or bad, i enjoy it too much. Albeit now i am finding the expectations i am putting on myself is actually tormenting me. I get so worked up whilst at work i just feel like throwing things. I am just that frustrated with trying to get this shit to work.

    But i have come to a conclusion. I will give it 2 more months of dieting as precisely as i can an if then still no real muscle gain other that glycogen/water/pump then i will do a prop cycle. I've done all the research and already have my pct.

    Just once do i want to look in the mirror and see some real size gains, i want to own that power for once...

  14. #14
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    Apr 2008
    Best of luck to you. It suck when life gets in the way but that is what always seems to happen. Dont give up but do what you can and modify your routine to fit your life. Dont have unrealistic goals if you cant do the time in the gym.

    Like I said, I have had my share of setbacks but I'm not giving up and I'm CLOSE to 50... between 14 - 25 I worked out 5x a week almost 2 hrs a day and for the last several years of it had a VERY physically demanding job. I did drywall 10+ hrs a day then worked out. If I had known anything about diet I would have been huge. After a severe injury and then illness I was out of the gym for the most part of 30 - 45. 45 - 48 1/2 was GREAT. I finally got in the shape I almost wanted to be until life jumped in the way again with setbacks. I'm pretty much starting from square one again more or less but not giving up. Hopefully I wont give up until they nail the lid on the coffin so to speak.

  15. #15
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Best of luck to you. It suck when life gets in the way but that is what always seems to happen. Dont give up but do what you can and modify your routine to fit your life. Dont have unrealistic goals if you cant do the time in the gym.

    Like I said, I have had my share of setbacks but I'm not giving up and I'm CLOSE to 50... between 14 - 25 I worked out 5x a week almost 2 hrs a day and for the last several years of it had a VERY physically demanding job. I did drywall 10+ hrs a day then worked out. If I had known anything about diet I would have been huge. After a severe injury and then illness I was out of the gym for the most part of 30 - 45. 45 - 48 1/2 was GREAT. I finally got in the shape I almost wanted to be until life jumped in the way again with setbacks. I'm pretty much starting from square one again more or less but not giving up. Hopefully I wont give up until they nail the lid on the coffin so to speak.
    Sorry to hear that broham. You made me realize im not the only one out there doing a hard job then expecting gains in the gym, or has setbacks or obstacles. its like, wat are we meant to do after 2 or 3 hard days of hard jobs? eat an extra 500 cals? lol, theres no way of keeping track of how much energy we burn. i believe at times im probably going days without making any gains just cos i happened to be doing something thats burning too much energy and running down my CNS.

  16. #16
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    I hear you, even when I was doing my best it only took one day of not eating right to screw it all up. I would get busy working at my moms and go most of the day without eating, only eating maybe 1 or 2x at best for the day and the next day I would have dropped 5lbs on the scale. It takes at least a week of eating right to gain it back.

    I spent years also trying to train with herniated disks on top of doing the hard labor. Sometimes you have to just put it on cruise control and focus on staying fit, not getting big or being in the gym 5x a week. Sometimes 2 or 3x a week is good enough to maintain until you get your schedule figured out. Sometimes it takes years before you really have time but dont give up.

  17. #17
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Bite my lip, bit my lip..... No I cant resist, we all know that's not the real reason now is it?

    The bf didn't help matters...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I hear you, even when I was doing my best it only took one day of not eating right to screw it all up. I would get busy working at my moms and go most of the day without eating, only eating maybe 1 or 2x at best for the day and the next day I would have dropped 5lbs on the scale. It takes at least a week of eating right to gain it back.

    I spent years also trying to train with herniated disks on top of doing the hard labor. Sometimes you have to just put it on cruise control and focus on staying fit, not getting big or being in the gym 5x a week. Sometimes 2 or 3x a week is good enough to maintain until you get your schedule figured out. Sometimes it takes years before you really have time but dont give up.
    thats some good reading. Thanks for that mate, do feel a lot better now.

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