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Its only natural for a man to be attracted to women in their prime (18-25 years of age) its human nature, its instinct, its how humans survived for thousands of years! men are deigned to be attracted to a specific hip, to waist, to bust ratio and also to the healthiest looking female in order to have healthy off spring and since most young women (18-25) are healthy, lean, don't carry extra weight, have small waits with large hips and breast it is only natural that as men we are more attracted to them.....it has nothing to do with age at all, hell their are women who are 40 who are just as attractive as an 18 year year old, but its much harder to come by because most women don't take care of them self's and so they become unhealthy, and loose the "ideal" hip/waist/bust ratio. This is 100% physiologic and simple evolutionary science, nothing to do with age at all really other then the fact that their are more healthy young women then their are older women.
As for 15 and 16 year old's most of them do not appeal to me...some look older for their age yes but 90% of these girls are well....girls lol they are not yet women and have the bodies and faces of girls, and yes if you find that attractive well you have issues lol and you might be a pedaphile lol