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Thread: Kidney fatigue?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Kidney fatigue?

    Im having MAJOR fatigue. Im currently running 1gram of test, with a very low dose of letro for estrogen. Im very experienced running this cycle so I know its not my test/estrogen causing the problem.

    It all started after 3 weeks of anavar @ 100-150mg ED. I started pissing orange even with 2 gallons+ of water ED. I stopped the anavar about a week ago, but the fatigue is still lingering. Today I slept 12 hours, woke up tried to get to the gym, came back and slept. My urine seems to be constantly yellow tinted regardless of the time of day or water intake.

    I start a job in a few days, and cant imagine having to work my ass off with the way I feel.

    Anyone ever experienced this? Today im cutting my protein intake to see if that gives my kidneys a break.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    no. i have never experienced the symptoms you describe.

    (why letro during cycle? it's not an AI. more for pct.)

    have you changed vitamins or added B complex? B complex turns my urine yellow.

    You say your E levels are fine, but I wonder....
    ...when was the last time you had panels taken?

    if all else fails, there is always the knee jerk "go see your doctor"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    no. i have never experienced the symptoms you describe.

    (why letro during cycle? it's not an AI. more for pct.)

    have you changed vitamins or added B complex? B complex turns my urine yellow.

    You say your E levels are fine, but I wonder....
    ...when was the last time you had panels taken?

    if all else fails, there is always the knee jerk "go see your doctor"
    Getting a full panel done this week.

    Good call on the B vitamins... that might be part of the issue with urine color.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I think part of my mistake was running dbol for 5 weeks, taking 2 weeks off, then starting anavar. I figured since dbol is metabolized in the liver and anavar in the kidneys it would be less taxing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I also wondering if my system is backed up with toxins for all the weeks of orals, and my body is working overtime to clear up the backlog of anavar and dbol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by PowerHouse1900 View Post
    I think part of my mistake was running dbol for 5 weeks, taking 2 weeks off, then starting anavar. I figured since dbol is metabolized in the liver and anavar in the kidneys it would be less taxing.
    Quote Originally Posted by PowerHouse1900 View Post
    I also wondering if my system is backed up with toxins for all the weeks of orals, and my body is working overtime to clear up the backlog of anavar and dbol.
    All good points. Maybe it's time to pct and cleanse the system?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    no. i have never experienced the symptoms you describe.

    (why letro during cycle? it's not an AI. more for pct.)

    have you changed vitamins or added B complex? B complex turns my urine yellow.

    You say your E levels are fine, but I wonder....
    ...when was the last time you had panels taken?

    if all else fails, there is always the knee jerk "go see your doctor"
    I think you're confusing Letro (Femara) with something else. It is the most potent AI available.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by PowerHouse1900 View Post
    I think part of my mistake was running dbol for 5 weeks, taking 2 weeks off, then starting anavar. I figured since dbol is metabolized in the liver and anavar in the kidneys it would be less taxing.
    Nonsense. All oral steroids are metabolized by the liver. Renal strain is an afterthought, and comes mainly from the high protein intake and weight gain/BP increase on cycle.
    Also, your kidneys will take up some of the slack once your liver begins to fail, so there is always that as well. Any direct renal issues from certain AAS (mainly Tren) are still poorly understood.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Whoops - posted too soon.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by PowerHouse1900 View Post
    @ Bonaparte- Since I have you on the thread... do you have any tips?
    Yes. Get bloodwork done and check your blood pressure. This way we can actually determine the issue and treat it, rather than resorting to snake oil, leeches, and coffee enemas to flush out the bad humors.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I think I have adrenal fatigue. These symptoms are exactly how I feel.

    8 Primary Symptoms of Adrenal Burn Out/Fatigue:
    Morning Fatigue. Not seeming to 'wake up' until 10am even though you've been up for 3 hours.
    Middle of the Afternoon 'Low'. Sluggishness and clouded thinking in the middle of the day.
    Burst of Energy around 6pm
    Sleepiness around 9pm, but a 'Second Energy Burst' around 11pm till 1am.
    Mild Depression, Decreased Sex Drive, Lack of Energy and Lack of Focus/Concentration.
    Weight gain(especially around the midsection), with extreme difficulty in losing it.
    Muscular Weakness and declining endurance.
    Unrelaxed or Unfulfilling Sleep.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by PowerHouse1900
    I think I have adrenal fatigue. These symptoms are exactly how I feel.

    8 Primary Symptoms of Adrenal Burn Out/Fatigue:
    Morning Fatigue. Not seeming to 'wake up' until 10am even though you've been up for 3 hours.
    Middle of the Afternoon 'Low'. Sluggishness and clouded thinking in the middle of the day.
    Burst of Energy around 6pm
    Sleepiness around 9pm, but a 'Second Energy Burst' around 11pm till 1am.
    Mild Depression, Decreased Sex Drive, Lack of Energy and Lack of Focus/Concentration.
    Weight gain(especially around the midsection), with extreme difficulty in losing it.
    Muscular Weakness and declining endurance.
    Unrelaxed or Unfulfilling Sleep.
    I never know what to make of "adrenal fatigue". Anyone who's serious about lifting and supplementing has experienced one or more of the symptoms you described. I think I've gone through everything you've described at some point. Nephrologists in general have dispelled the adrenal fatigue myth but there certainly has to be some kind of cause and effect. I usually beat back fatigue by increasing my PWO doses (or taking something stronger!) but this is just exacerbating a persistent problem.

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