Alright, so I am going to break it down for you to give you an idea of what Im dealing with and I would very much like your professional/personal opinion.
I have a 2,000mg/10mL bottle of Watson Testosterone Cypionate that I have been wanting to badly begin to take to start a cycle after seeing my older brother who is 28 do it and have amazing results. I am 21 years old, 5' 6" and 150lbs. I have played sports all through high school and majority of my college career (lacrosse, soccer, and tennis to be more specific) which has required a lot of conditioning and time in the gym during the season. However, the past year and a half I have been quite inactive. I have next to no BF and have lost a lost of muscle mass over the past year and a half but have been quickly gaining it back as I've been hitting the gym 4+ times a week doing full body work outs during the week and working out legs/cardio on the weekends. I am only a month and a few weeks into working out and being on a strict diet (2 shakes a day (mass gainer) and 3 meals (lots of chicken, fish, rice & beans, etc) every day). I have already noticed a huge improvement in myself, however, the big question....when do you think I would be ready to begin my test cycle? I was thinking about working out like I have been for another 2 months and then beginning it. The thing is...I have done all this protein shakes, work outs every day, etc before and i always hit a point where I dont get any bigger. My father is prescribed test due to low levels and my older brother (who is also my trainer) is a workout guru due to living at the gym. He advised that I go to the professionals and get an opinion.
So...with all that being said....what do you think??