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Thread: week 4 test e, labido is down...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    week 4 test e, labido is down...

    First cycle, age 28, test e, 250mg x2 tues / fri. Started exemestane at 12.5 eod at beginning of cycle. Labido went up noticeably through week 3, then crashed. Thought estro might be too low, stopped exem for a week, now on week 4, still sex drive is crashed. Any ideas? Dont feel like im holding much water, starting too feel good in the gym, noticing nice size in my arms and quads. But whats up with the sex drive?? Why would it be down?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Are you taking the Stane because you are prone to sides?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rv8G30 View Post
    First cycle, age 28, test e, 250mg x2 tues / fri. Started exemestane at 12.5 eod at beginning of cycle. Labido went up noticeably through week 3, then crashed. Thought estro might be too low, stopped exem for a week, now on week 4, still sex drive is crashed. Any ideas? Dont feel like im holding much water, starting too feel good in the gym, noticing nice size in my arms and quads. But whats up with the sex drive?? Why would it be down?

  3. #3
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    Its my first cycle. I dont know if Im prone to sides. I ran the stane cause everyone recommended ai on cycle. Ivr been off the stane for nearly a week, how longs it take to lose effect?

  4. #4
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    Is it advisable to take ai from day one? or half way through the cycle? I don't assume you should talk the ai until your libido is down, which in case you're prone, I don't think would occur right at the beginning of the cycle.

  5. #5
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    What are your stats? I prefer not to run an ai on cycle unless sides arise. If you drive your estro to low it could reduce sex drive.

  6. #6
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    Im 5'6 about 175. Maybe 16to18% bf not sure exactly. What you think i should do? How long does it take estro to return if the stane made it too low?

  7. #7
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    With out blood work its hard to tell. How is your energy?

  8. #8
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    I actually just got a sinus infection so energy is down, probably due to that. Just got meds so i should be good in a few days.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Its my first cycle. I dont know if Im prone to sides. I ran the stane cause everyone recommended ai on cycle. Ivr been off the stane for nearly a week, how longs it take to lose effect?

  10. #10
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    in the absence of blood work to confirm anything, i'd drop the AI, eat lots of veggies and make sure i was in hibernation mode at night. should be right as rain within a week.

  11. #11
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    its normal for libido to even out after a few weeks. is the test in amp form or vial, have you recently started a new batch or bottle if its vial? stane isnt a massive amount of AI tbh and id be surprised if it wiped out all your estro. as said, hard to say without bloods

  12. #12
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    .125mg of arimidex e3d knocks my dick in the dirt. everyone is a bit different, impossible to say anything definitively without blood work.

  13. #13
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    the horn off test is overrated anyhow it'll be high for a few weeks normally then subside.

    tren releases the mad animal that lasts and lasts and fvcking lasts lol. if i thought i wouldnt die, id run 100mg tren e with trt

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kmms View Post
    .125mg of arimidex e3d knocks my dick in the dirt. everyone is a bit different, impossible to say anything definitively without blood work.
    did you have bloods to see?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    did you have bloods to see?
    yes and no. where i live it is quite difficult to have "sophisticated" blood work done, and the estradiol reading came back with no parameters, just a number. i had it done at the end of my 4th week, which meant 4 straight weeks of dbol at 25mg daily and 250mg test e twice weekly so the highest point then for estradiol was 96. now that i'm off dbol and using only test e (and considering that this blood work here requires a 2 week waiting period) i will assume that that number has fallen though impossible to say how much, and have dropped the AI during my cycle as unnecessary.

  16. #16
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    Ive been off the ai for close to a week. Just noticed this morning things are feeling alive again. I guess ill monitor for a few more days. Thanks for the tips. Just out of curiosity why extra veggies?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by kmms View Post
    yes and no. where i live it is quite difficult to have "sophisticated" blood work done, and the estradiol reading came back with no parameters, just a number. i had it done at the end of my 4th week, which meant 4 straight weeks of dbol at 25mg daily and 250mg test e twice weekly so the highest point then for estradiol was 96. now that i'm off dbol and using only test e (and considering that this blood work here requires a 2 week waiting period) i will assume that that number has fallen though impossible to say how much, and have dropped the AI during my cycle as unnecessary.
    would still be a good idea to use one and get bloods midway through, even if you dont display estro symptoms you can still be high in it and prolonged raised estro isnt healthy in men at all.

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