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Thread: HGH for Mass and for my knee

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    HGH for Mass and for my knee

    Thinking about using HGH for 6 months 5 ius 5/2 injecting in my knees

    The purpose of the cycle is to gain mass as well as help rebuild cartilage in my knees...

    My patella is grinding across the groove in my knee, when i run its catching making me slower and also when i sqaut it catches however there isnt much pain. just wondering if anyone thinks HGH along with some physio will help smooth out the carlitage and stop it from clicking and catching

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Might help some with your knee and will certainly help with mass but I do think for mass (as much as I do not like to say this) you might need a higher dose depending on how much mass you are talking about.

    Since you are 27 you do still have A LOT of growth hormone now anyway... so wait to hear what the other members say especially about your knee since I have seen other post suggest other solutions....however keep in mind some of the other suggestions are also related to pain which in your case is minimal I am assuming.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Had bad knees a couple of years ago and use HGH semi regularly, also use Deca which is great for lubricating my joints.

    Read a huge book on knees by Dr. Robert Halpern who shows you about 200 diferent knee injuries in his book, all seem to have a similar strategy for repair which is to build up the muscles around the knees.

    My knees still hurt from time to time playing squash, but I walk 5 miles a day to and from work, so that may have helped.

    Am just about to cycle again and will use Test, Deca and HGH, cannot be certain that they are better, but they are definitely not worse.

    My layman's advice is to spend time in the gym building up the muscles around the knees, A Test and Deca cycle will greatly improve your strength and build muscle. HGH can do no harm, but I found it hard to judge the effects.

    Have seen some protocols that use high volumes for short periods which sounds interesting. My useage to date was 2iu morning and night 4 days on and three days off

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Fit N Fun View Post
    Had bad knees a couple of years ago and use HGH semi regularly, also use Deca which is great for lubricating my joints.

    Read a huge book on knees by Dr. Robert Halpern who shows you about 200 diferent knee injuries in his book, all seem to have a similar strategy for repair which is to build up the muscles around the knees.

    My knees still hurt from time to time playing squash, but I walk 5 miles a day to and from work, so that may have helped.

    Am just about to cycle again and will use Test, Deca and HGH, cannot be certain that they are better, but they are definitely not worse.

    My layman's advice is to spend time in the gym building up the muscles around the knees, A Test and Deca cycle will greatly improve your strength and build muscle. HGH can do no harm, but I found it hard to judge the effects.

    Have seen some protocols that use high volumes for short periods which sounds interesting. My useage to date was 2iu morning and night 4 days on and three days off

    Did you ever have problems with your patella grinding and catching on cartilage? I have very little pain with me knees its just the grinding thats effecting my running and sqauting, it feels like my knees going to give out

    Also i my goal is to reach 250lbs. I am currently at 230 and have yet to train for size this offseason so i believe this is an attainable goal. I think i can get up between 235-240lbs naturally before this cycle to ensure i get the most out of this cycle. I heard with HGH you keep alot of what you gain so im looking forward to this.

  5. #5
    I don't have any ACL or cartilage in my left knee and only partial in my right knee. It stinks to have bad knees, I feel for you bro. I did a deca/EQ/Test cycle for my joints and now they feel pretty good. You can't ignore the benefits of supplements like cissus and glucosamine/chondroiden (sp?). I'd stay away from the HGH for now. I think you'll get great mileage with the deca/EQ/Test cycle. Keep the dosage low 200mg/wk or 150mg/wk. The goal is soft tissue hydration not anabolic. Large doses of the same compounds does NOT cause more joint hydration.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I did not have any grinding from my knees, just lots of pain, so cannot say that our knee injuries are similar.

    The reason I started taking HGH was to see if it would help my knees, but I cannot say with any certainty that they are better because of HGH, my thoughts are that you have very little to loose by using it though.

    One thing I did wonder about though is that I injected sub q in my belly and maybe should have been injecting somewhere nearer my knees to concentrate the effect in that area.

  7. #7
    HGH injections doesn't work like IGF. IGF is local so you inject IM right into the muscle to be affected. HGH induces the liver to secrete IGF. It doesn't matter where you inject the HGH it all goes to the same place. The stomach is pretty vascular. Lots of goodies floating around in there. Plus, sub-Q give you a better time release of HGH. IM tends to spike and drop the absorption rate. The stomach sub-Q gets absorbed slower. Well, a little slower.

  8. #8

    Post Secratropin HGH

    This is an interesting forum.
    I was thinking of trying secratropin HGH for my knee, but I was wondering it is safe or there are other alternatives. Im 19 and a year ago I tore all my ligaments including bad meniscus tears. I had to have a full knee reconstruction which was a 9 hour surgery. Lately its been killing me and I was thinking secratropin could help it out a little bit with restoration and pain.

    What are your guys' opinions on this?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor77 View Post
    This is an interesting forum.
    I was thinking of trying secratropin HGH for my knee, but I was wondering it is safe or there are other alternatives. Im 19 and a year ago I tore all my ligaments including bad meniscus tears. I had to have a full knee reconstruction which was a 9 hour surgery. Lately its been killing me and I was thinking secratropin could help it out a little bit with restoration and pain.

    What are your guys' opinions on this?
    in for answers

  10. #10
    Thor, you should pass on the HGH. My personal experience is that the short term benefits doesn't outweigh the long term sides. You already have enough natural growth hormones to promote quick healing. Take your PT seriously and you'll recover quickly. HGH is not a short cut. You're gonna have to pay. Most of the time young guys will pay when they're older and they're not too happy about it.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Thor, you should pass on the HGH. My personal experience is that the short term benefits doesn't outweigh the long term sides. You already have enough natural growth hormones to promote quick healing. Take your PT seriously and you'll recover quickly. HGH is not a short cut. You're gonna have to pay. Most of the time young guys will pay when they're older and they're not too happy about it.
    What are some long term side effects? I was planning on taking it for a couple weeks just to see how my knee feels after. Not planning on a long term use of it.

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