Recently ive come across people using IGF-DES and PEG-MGF for site enhancement. My chest has always lacked size compared the rest of my body even though it is still quite strong. I can lift more with my chest than others in my gym with a chest twice the size which is quite frustrating. I have tried changing technique, exercises, rep ranges, form but not much seems to make a difference. Thought this might be a good chance to try out peptides as well
IGF-DES: 50mcg bi-laterally (25mcg each pec) 5min pre-workout
PEG-MGF: 200mcg post workout (100mcg each pec) immediately post-workout
run this for a month.. or do i no need to worry about cycling?
How does that sound? This would be my first peptide cycle if i go through with it so please tell me if anything is wrong
Would I be better off using PEG-MGF or regular MGF as i am only targeting my chest?
would I only need to inject on chest days?
what sort of gains can be expected?
I have always been unsure about growth hormones due to gut growth but after some more research I dont expect a cycle like this will have any effect on that?
Any advice is appreciated