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Thread: IGF-DES and PEG-MGF advice

  1. #1

    Question IGF-DES and PEG-MGF advice

    Recently ive come across people using IGF-DES and PEG-MGF for site enhancement. My chest has always lacked size compared the rest of my body even though it is still quite strong. I can lift more with my chest than others in my gym with a chest twice the size which is quite frustrating. I have tried changing technique, exercises, rep ranges, form but not much seems to make a difference. Thought this might be a good chance to try out peptides as well

    IGF-DES: 50mcg bi-laterally (25mcg each pec) 5min pre-workout
    PEG-MGF: 200mcg post workout (100mcg each pec) immediately post-workout
    run this for a month.. or do i no need to worry about cycling?

    How does that sound? This would be my first peptide cycle if i go through with it so please tell me if anything is wrong

    Would I be better off using PEG-MGF or regular MGF as i am only targeting my chest?
    would I only need to inject on chest days?
    what sort of gains can be expected?
    I have always been unsure about growth hormones due to gut growth but after some more research I dont expect a cycle like this will have any effect on that?

    Any advice is appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States

    Advice for IGF DES 1-3 and PEGMGF

    IGF-1 potent analogs go systemic (my best guess) yourself the trouble of injecting bi-laterally (one pec injection pre-workout would suffice, as example) - watch out, give DES respect/caution - have the diet (carbs) in check too (+lift heavy, eat well )

    As for the PEG MGF...would hesitate from advising anyone to experiment with...risk/return is a wildcard for mechano growth factor 'tides imho - trash it (or dose very low and update the board pls)

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    IGF-1 potent analogs go systemic (my best guess) yourself the trouble of injecting bi-laterally (one pec injection pre-workout would suffice, as example) - watch out, give DES respect/caution - have the diet (carbs) in check too (+lift heavy, eat well )

    As for the PEG MGF...would hesitate from advising anyone to experiment with...risk/return is a
    wildcard for mechano growth factor 'tides imho - trash it (or dose very low and update the board pls)
    Can you elaborate on your peg comments?

    Also on having your carbs in check for igf, do you mean high or low?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    DES should be great for ur purpose
    40-60mcg is good dose in each muscle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    DES is great stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Limassol. Cyprus
    i use the following protocol .

    training days 6omcg IGFL-3 30mcg split between lets say body part u will train b4 gym ...\

    after gym 16 iu MGF (0.8 per muscle site trained )

    1 HR later 30mcg IGFL-3 split between trained muscles....

    off days @nite i use 5iu PEG-MGF per muscle group that will be trained next...

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