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Thread: Serostim HGH Need help with dose issue!!! Help Please>>>?????

  1. #1

    Serostim HGH Need help with dose issue!!! Help Please>>>?????

    I recently got a kit of serostim 7 vials 6mg and I got some bacstatic water instead of sterile water that it came with my buddy told me to start off at 3ius a day. I just got a 1ml 30gage needle and filled it with water and inserted into vial and slowly mixed it. I pulled 3iu and injected but he no told me i should have put 1.8ml of of water in the vial so i just gave myself a shot of 3iu based off the 1ml water i mixed which would come out to 5.4iu my first time using it. One is there gonna be any issues also should i go back and add .8ml of water to the mix now or what should I do? Im kind of in limbo and not sure! Can Someone Help please?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Wait for someone better versed to show up to give you exact advice - however - I don't think you'll suffer any issues from that first injection.

    If it were me, I would go back and add the water to get the proper mix for the rest of that vial.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    your post is confusing as hell.
    there is 18iu's in each vial you have. You can put in as much or as little water as you want as long as you do the math correctly.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Yes, add the water, Serostim comes in 6mg or 18ius vials most people mix 18ius with 1.8ml of water, so that 10 units on your insulin syringe is 1iu. You can put as little or as much water as you want as gixxer said.

    I recommend 2ius for,a newbie, serostim is the real deal and doses of this stuff can not be compared to any of the other crap that is boing sold out there.

    You should be fine from the one shot. Just get it right in the future, this is serious stuff here.

    And you NEED bacterostatic water not just sterile water.

  5. #5
    Thanks guys appreciate it I added the rest of the water my friend told me to start with 3iu 6 days on 1 day off. Is there anything else I should be doing or need to do? Any other supplements to take since i am a newbie?

  6. #6
    Thanks guys appreciate it I added the rest of the water my friend told me to start with 3iu 6 days on 1 day off. Is there anything else I should be doing or need to do? Any other supplements to take since i am a newbie?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by tobnhvn View Post
    Thanks guys appreciate it I added the rest of the water my friend told me to start with 3iu 6 days on 1 day off. Is there anything else I should be doing or need to do? Any other supplements to take since i am a newbie?
    depends what are your stats and goals of using gh. How long are you planning on using it for?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    I want to at least try between 4-6months I want to get lean. I have some anavar. i have never taken any steroids but i have winstrol and anavar and i just started my hgh but kind of not sure if i want to use winstrol. everone keeps telling me to get test too. i am just trying to figure out how to lose some weight and get lean cut.

  9. #9
    I want to at least try between 4-6months I want to get lean. I have some anavar . i have never taken any steroids but i have winstrol and anavar and i just started my hgh but kind of not sure if i want to use winstrol. everone keeps telling me to get test too. i am just trying to figure out how to lose some weight and get lean cut.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by tobnhvn View Post
    I want to at least try between 4-6months I want to get lean. I have some anavar. i have never taken any steroids but i have winstrol and anavar and i just started my hgh but kind of not sure if i want to use winstrol. everone keeps telling me to get test too. i am just trying to figure out how to lose some weight and get lean cut.
    still didnt give stats. If all your trying to do is cut up some gh is probably the most expensive and not the most effective route.
    GH isnt a amazing fat lose drug, it does help but def not worth the money for that just reason,
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Serostim works wonders for fat loss with a good diet. What is your diet like? This will be the biggest factor.

    And yea, we need stats.

  12. #12
    Im 5fit-10inch I weigh 217 pounds. Is that the stats sorry guys Im really new to this all so just trying to get as much help as I can!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    What is you bf%
    Years lifting
    What's your diet like now/planned for this cycle?

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