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Thread: Newbie needs help

  1. #1

    Newbie needs help

    I am new to this and will admit I did not do enough research relying on advice from a buddy. I am nearing the end of a 12 week cycle of 1cc of T400 every 4 days stacked with Anadrol 25mg- 3 times daily. I am looking for advice on PCT. I am thinking of Clomid and Clenbuteron. Any other suggestions? Looking for precise dosing and length of time. Also concerned about loss of libido during this time. Any idea how long before i can expect natural production and levels to come back? Should i be using Cialis?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by mattrig160
    I am new to this and will admit I did not do enough research relying on advice from a buddy. I am nearing the end of a 12 week cycle of 1cc of T400 every 4 days stacked with Anadrol 25mg- 3 times daily. I am looking for advice on PCT. I am thinking of Clomid and Clenbuteron. Any other suggestions? Looking for precise dosing and length of time. Also concerned about loss of libido during this time. Any idea how long before i can expect natural production and levels to come back? Should i be using Cialis?
    This is something you should have already figured out before you cycled! Would you jump in the ocean without knowing how to swim!?!?

    PCT is usually tamoxifen and clomiphene.
    Did you run an AI?

    You sir need to read before you seriously hurt yourself.

  3. #3
    Did not run an AI or HCG. You are 100% correct. Did not do any big research. That's why I'm looking for advice now and researching such advice. Any help you can give me is appreciated.

  4. #4
    Did not run an AI or HCG . You are 100% correct. Did not do any big research. That's why I'm looking for advice now and researching such advice. Any help you can give me is appreciated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mattrig160 View Post
    I am new to this and will admit I did not do enough research relying on advice from a buddy. I am nearing the end of a 12 week cycle of 1cc of T400 every 4 days stacked with Anadrol 25mg- 3 times daily. I am looking for advice on PCT. I am thinking of Clomid and Clenbuteron. Any other suggestions? Looking for precise dosing and length of time. Also concerned about loss of libido during this time. Any idea how long before i can expect natural production and levels to come back? Should i be using Cialis?
    Quote Originally Posted by mattrig160 View Post
    Did not run an AI or HCG . You are 100% correct. Did not do any big research. That's why I'm looking for advice now and researching such advice. Any help you can give me is appreciated.
    Un freakin believable. This is just plain dumb. Im not calling you dumb, but this is outright foolishness at its best.

    You need to smarten up quick and follow MI's advice and pick up Clomid and Nolva from our site sponsor asap. You better pray you dont run into any complications during recovery because if you do, only bloodwork will help you, not a shotgun of SERM's and AI's.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Un freakin believable. This is just plain dumb. Im not calling you dumb, but this is outright foolishness at its best.

    You need to smarten up quick and follow MI's advice and pick up Clomid and Nolva from our site sponsor asap. You better pray you dont run into any complications during recovery because if you do, only bloodwork will help you, not a shotgun of SERM's and AI's.
    I hear that! This is like jumping in the ocean not knowing how to swim and then asking someone to teach you before you go under!!!!

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