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Thread: Help on academic project please

  1. #1

    Help on academic project please

    Hello guys. I'm doing a classification for the university and I need to match most of the common peptides to a couple pre-defined categories. I would really appreciate your help on this one:

    The peptides are (the usual suspects):
    AICAr (I'm not sure if this one counts)
    Fragment 176-191
    IGF-1 DES
    IGF-1 LR3
    Melanotan II
    Thymosin Beta 4

    The Categories are:
    A. Somatotropin, Somatotropin derivatives, Structural analogs
    B. Insulin and Insulin salts
    C. Other polypeptide hormones, Protein hormones, Glycoprotein hormones and their derivatives

    Please don't be tempted to instantly put GHRHs and GHRPs into the category of Somatotropin derivatives because of their GH secretagogue properties since as far as I know GHRPs and GHRHs are neither Somatotropin derivatives, nor structural analogs. Fragment 176-191 fits right into the first category while GHRHs might be a better match for the third. I'm not quite sure but I would definitely be thankful to any expert opinion on this one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    looks to me you should be able to categorize these better than some of us, lol.

  3. #3
    Only because I'm an MD doesn't mean I'm an expert at organic chemistry... Don't be so narrow-minded.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    narrow minded? first off I said nothing that was narrow minded. i was expressing my opinion based on the knowledge you expressed at the bottom of your request.

    next you have 85 views already and not one answer and only contributed 9 posts to this board. MD or not, learn some respect bro,

    needless to say my expression of "LOL" was a statement arguing you seem to have more knowledge than some of us already as a compliment. So for you assume someone is narrow minded by complimenting your already achieved knowledge, well you can have good luck on finding you answer..
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 09-21-2012 at 01:51 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Ochem is standard for all doctors

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