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Thread: Peptides cause heart failure???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Squat Rack

    Peptides cause heart failure???

    Recently the use of peptides in australian sport has been uncovered and blown up in the media. Its rediculous i know.

    And they had this "expert" on the radio the other morning saying that people have no idea of the dangers of peptides. He claimed to have been researching studying biochemistry, in particular molecular science, and has been involved with dosing peptides to animal, in particular cattle, for the last 15 years.

    He then went on to claim that there was a test done on cattle in western nsw where 300,000 cattle were administered peptides. He then went on to claim that 130,000 of them suffered servere arterial malfuction resulting in heart attack and death!!

    He didnt specify which peptides had caused this mass death of cattle, nor did he specify what kind of dosing protocol. He also claimed that you wont live past 50 if you use peptides for 90 days or more ?

    Hence, this has scared the shyt outta me just days away from ordering a 3 month supply of ipam and mod grf.

    Anyone know anything about this? Im sceptical about this "experts" advice. Ive never read anything bad about peps, nor can i find anything to this day?
    It would be extremely unlikely for HGH to cause this at a mild dose? So why would peptides cause thus kind of catastrophic result?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Don't listen to this rubbish the media is saying about peptides. I too am in Australia and the media has no clue but what they want you to see and hear, IGNORE it. And no I strongly doubt peptides would lead to such things in humans or even any AAS, unless you have other problems in the body that occurs and than hgh feeds it,like cancer growth...

    It's why I stopped watching TV, my heads been better because of it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    united kingdom
    Where's the link

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Hephens View Post
    Don't listen to this rubbish the media is saying about peptides. I too am in Australia and the media has no clue but what they want you to see and hear, IGNORE it. And no I strongly doubt peptides would lead to such things in humans or even any AAS, unless you have other problems in the body that occurs and than hgh feeds it,like cancer growth...

    It's why I stopped watching TV, my heads been better because of it:)

    AMEN to that!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    They will over hype what ever they think is wanting to be watched at the time.
    didnt even say what peps or how dosed? BS

    its liek saying lsteroid will kill your liver.... that is TOO blunt of a statement to say. oral steroids may hurt liver, but many others would not even affect it. same with drugs. "drugs ( or anything that alters the mind) are bad for you" BS. coffee is good for you, green tea, beer ( in low amounts and depending alot on type) , cannabis, ect.

    the guy is making such a simple statements to try to sell news and hype, with out really knowing wtf he is talking about...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Squat Rack
    Yeh I though as much.
    Here's the link: Exclusive Insider Exposes Real Danger On Taking Peptides Like CJC-1295 | NRL | Triple M

    If you scroll down the page you will see a podcast thing that says "insider exposes peptides". Check it out.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Meh. I already have that...

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    united kingdom
    Is there any truth to this about to order 10 bottles of ghrp-6

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by a_bower
    Recently the use of peptides in australian sport has been uncovered and blown up in the media. Its rediculous i know.

    And they had this "expert" on the radio the other morning saying that people have no idea of the dangers of peptides. He claimed to have been researching studying biochemistry, in particular molecular science, and has been involved with dosing peptides to animal, in particular cattle, for the last 15 years.

    He then went on to claim that there was a test done on cattle in western nsw where 300,000 cattle were administered peptides. He then went on to claim that 130,000 of them suffered servere arterial malfuction resulting in heart attack and death!!

    He didnt specify which peptides had caused this mass death of cattle, nor did he specify what kind of dosing protocol. He also claimed that you wont live past 50 if you use peptides for 90 days or more ?

    Hence, this has scared the shyt outta me just days away from ordering a 3 month supply of ipam and mod grf.

    Anyone know anything about this? Im sceptical about this "experts" advice. Ive never read anything bad about peps, nor can i find anything to this day?
    It would be extremely unlikely for HGH to cause this at a mild dose? So why would peptides cause thus kind of catastrophic result?

    To much of anything is bad.

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