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Hey guys. I am going to be sharing my progress every two weeks throughout a year of my first hgh cycle.
I am 2 weeks in 5 days on two off.
3iu split morning and night
Did 8 weeks test cyp 400 and 80 mg ed var prior to beginning hgh
Using clomid now and going to run test again in 6 weeks.
8 weeks on and 8 off for the duration of hgh cycle.
Will be going up to 5 or 6 iu eventually.
I'm 5'9" 197 13% body fat now
Was 205 two weeks ago. Leaning out a bit
I eat a clean 4500 calories and still lose weight. No sides except a couple of sugar crashes and sleepiness. I usually take it eat 7 am eat protein and fats train two clients and come nap for an hour. After that nap I am good to run all day strong . On a positive note it has begun lifting my mood and emotional state I feel good. I'm not sure if its possible but at two weeks in my metabolism is fast and can eat anything and still harden up. I competed 10 weeks ago at 160 pounds in men's physique . I'm stronger than ever right now. Looking forward to a year of hgh and repairing some connective tissue damage done on test and var. all is well and ill be back bi weekly. A couple pics from today and yesterday