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Thread: New Member/Cycle Proposal.

  1. #1

    New Member/Cycle Proposal.

    Hey guys, I'm new to the forum, and just about everything this forum is about lol.

    Im 20 years old, Male, 5'11 weighed in at 197 at about what i would guess 13-15% bodyfat.

    Ive been training seriously for almost Year now, i would say seriously, because it took time, and i mean TIME to get a good diet, and training regimen going. I started my journey at about 235lbs easily over 20% bodyfat. This was around last August ish.

    Ive went from starving myself, to ketogenic diet, to a standard diet which is what i now stick to. I got to as low as 187, with all my diet experimenting, from there on out i incorporated carbs into my diet substantially and ive gotten myself to where i am now.

    I used to be very athletic, soccer, track. Unfortunately i completely shattered my left knee in football and had acl/meniscus surgery in 2006. After that happened my weight gain did so as well. i was about 170 during this time. Got up to about 190. Felt bad got into track, tore my left hamstring, felt like crap again gained some more weight. 210lb+ until i hit 230, then that really pushed me off the edge.

    My workout week looks a little like this.
    F-exercises to improve my squat/deadlift i.e Box squats. deficit deads etc.
    S-Consists of burning out anything i feel isnt sore/cycle as an off day every other week.
    S-off day/Hiit Day.

    Supplementation consists of. Hydro whey, whey, animal pak, animal flex. JYM pre workout. Xtend BCAA. Glutamine, Creatine, Fish oil, Sesame oil. And that basically covers the basics.

    So I bust my ass in the gym, i had to, i felt helpless at 235. I feel great now, a few stats. 455lb deadlift max, at 195lbs 425 squat. Those are the only ones im proud of. Now enough of me ranting, if you guys have any questions please feel free to ask.

    I have never ran a cycle of any sort of anabolic drug to my knowledge, unless protein counts. haha. The past few weeks ive been reading alot into Clen. And i honestly feel like i could benefit from it. At least now that I've finally gotten my routine down. I would like to propose my cycle and ask for advice, guidance, support, from you all.

    Day 1-3 60mcg+2Gtaurine pre and post workout.
    Day 4-6 80mcg+2Gtaurine pre and post workout.
    Day 7-9 100mcg+2G taurine pre and post workout.
    Day 10-11 120mcg+2G taurine pre and post workout.
    Day 12-14 20mcg+2g taurine pre and post workout.
    A few questions i have.

    1.Does my dosage look decent?
    2.Can i still take a preworkout?(no DMAA)
    3.I read Austinite's post about not running any cycle without Test. Do i really need additional test at my age?
    4.Keto is ONLY if i want to extend past a 2 week cycle correct?
    5.If i add up my Mcg for my whole cycle it comes out to about 990-1000mcg Total, that means that i would have to buy 5 vials correct? I apologize if that sounds like a dumb question, my conversions are pretty bad.
    6. Does Arr provide syringes?

    Thanks alot guys, this website has opened up alot of windows and educated my substantially. Let me know what you guys think, and if i have any more questions that arise i will let you all know.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I was lost!
    Last edited by kelkel; 11-14-2013 at 03:28 PM.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    I thought this was the anabolic steroid and questions section! Thank you

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by KsBoost View Post
    I thought this was the anabolic steroid and questions section! Thank you
    You're damn straight it is. I seemed to have lost my ability to read! Temporary insanity!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    LOL... too much information. OP need to condense your post so people don't get intimidated. to be honest I am not going to read it either, too long!

    BTW, you're way too young to cycle, read the following,

    The Young and Steroids

    Things to consider before starting a first cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    He's just asking about a clen cycle.
    Op, don't bother. Clen isn't worth the hype.

  7. #7
    I'm sorry if you feel that's too much information, at some point someone asks more than half of what i answered. That being said, just like i mentioned, i read Austinite's post about no cycle without test, and i read both of those that you linked.

    Personally i believe im too young to inject testosterone. As far as my questions go, im asking about a clen cycle, and a few things that go along with one. One thing i did forget to mention, i ran a EC stack when i first started working out seriously, and that was probably a huge chapter in my weight loss.

    Im not looking for something to do the work for me. Just like noobs will ask how/when/why to use protein, Aminos, a multi. I Proposed a clen cycle.

  8. #8
    Diet and exercise > Clen

  9. #9
    Lol, i dont mean any disrespect to anyone, but did i miss something here? From everything ive searched ive heard nothing but good things about clen, its taking a turn downhill now haha.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    people can post anything, it doesn't men its true!

  11. #11
    Changed my mind actually, been doing alot of digging and im gonna give albuterol a shot, think i just saw you in another post bass haha

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    have you considered Austinite's Fat Loss Stack?

    Austinite's Fat Loss Protocol using Over the Counter Products.

  13. #13
    Not until now, it seems fairly simple. Interesting. I did love my EC stack when i first started losing weight EC got me from 230lb to 200-210 ish. I was actually searching for a realible source to get some more ephedrine from, alas could not find anyone to ship to the US, so i started reading into clen, etc. I actually just ordered some Albuterol for my German shepherd, gonna see how he does on it. Maybe after hes done with his cycle, i will try out his fat loss stack. Have you ran it before bass?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    yes I have, 3 weeks and had to give it up, too hard on the heart, I was 50 at the time!

  15. #15
    Ouch, sorry to hear brother, the synephrine did it im guessing? I have a question, when i was on the EC stack i just took ephedrine pills, synephrine comes in powder form, are you supposed to mix it with water and drink it? I'm a little confused on that haha

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