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Thread: The Stare

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    The Stare

    Have you ever been at the gym just getting it on the weights in the zone feeling the pump when some skinny teenager just stares at you blankly or is always in your way? I hate that! It's like y dont u focus on working out instead of staring at me. Jeez man!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    A world without islam!!!!
    If your truly in the zone you would not notice anyone staring. Just ignore it and do your job

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    maybe you've got an admirer

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Haha maybe... but I guess I've been there too. Wanting to be farther along ya know

  5. #5
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    you shouldnt be so fckin huge man ..damnit boy!!!

  6. #6
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    Mar 2013
    I love it when I pick up my dumbbells to bring it back to the rack and everybody stares at my arms and the crazy pump and veins while I'm holding them it's almost blatantly obvious I'm on the juice and I couldn't care less I actually like it keep staring and wishing you had this physique

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
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  8. #8
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    the worst is the creepy gay guys that just eye fvck you till your pink socked.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by brazuka
    I love it when I pick up my dumbbells to bring it back to the rack and everybody stares at my arms and the crazy pump and veins while I'm holding them it's almost blatantly obvious I'm on the juice and I couldn't care less I actually like it keep staring and wishing you had this physique
    I don't mind either. People like to see how many times you're gonna throw up those 120s or 315. Lil audience never bothered me

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    I don't mind either. People like to see how many times you're gonna throw up those 120s or 315. Lil audience never bothered me
    I here you Igi I kind of like the audience when I start the set it helps me get those last two reps up.
    I've never really noticed until recently that there are very few people that are capable of using the triple digit dumbbell's. Its amazing how some people really think its a big deal when somebody else goes to that rack.

    And by the way Igi youre are looking large and lean!
    Last edited by diesel101; 12-24-2013 at 06:50 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101
    I here you Igi I kind of like the audience when I start the set it helps me get those last two reps up. I've never really noticed until recently that there are very few people that are capable of using the triple digit dumbbell's. Its amazing how some people really think its a big deal when somebody else goes to that rack. And by the way Igi youre are looking large and lean!
    Thx diesel. Appreciate it!

    You're right, and throwing up heavy weight with proper form is another thing. I get scared sometimes when I see people trying to put up weight they can't do with proper form.

  12. #12
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Thx diesel. Appreciate it!

    You're right, and throwing up heavy weight with proper form is another thing. I get scared sometimes when I see people trying to put up weight they can't do with proper form.
    I don't get scared, but I keep thinking we're going to have an incident when I see one of those scrawny kids who feel like they have to prove that they're not a wimp by slapping on the bar more weight than they can bench. They move the bar down like maybe an inch or two and I know if they went all the way down, they won't be able to bring it back up.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post

    I don't get scared, but I keep thinking we're going to have an incident when I see one of those scrawny kids who feel like they have to prove that they're not a wimp by slapping on the bar more weight than they can bench. They move the bar down like maybe an inch or two and I know if they went all the way down, they won't be able to bring it back up.
    I hate it when someone who should know better does this! There's this guy in his late thirties or early forties at my gym and the other day I look over and he's got 7 plates on each side geting ready to squat it. I was geting ready to do a set but stopped and stared. That's when I noticed he had the safety pins set about 8 inches under where the bar was racked. He maneged 3 reps at about a 3 inch range of motion. I kind of was wishing his knees would explode! After this display of idiotic proportions he whent to dead lifts where he barely pulled 315 for 2 reps! Hard to load the bar up on those and cheat you dip .....!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderthor70 View Post
    I hate it when someone who should know better does this! There's this guy in his late thirties or early forties at my gym and the other day I look over and he's got 7 plates on each side geting ready to squat it. I was geting ready to do a set but stopped and stared. That's when I noticed he had the safety pins set about 8 inches under where the bar was racked. He maneged 3 reps at about a 3 inch range of motion. I kind of was wishing his knees would explode! After this display of idiotic proportions he whent to dead lifts where he barely pulled 315 for 2 reps! Hard to load the bar up on those and cheat you dip .....!
    I personally don't give a shit if some idiot wants to do that shit. He's only cheating himself. I just don't want to have to rush over to help the idiot when he can't lift the bar off his chest.

  15. #15
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    Crap...the only one staring at me is my dog as she tries to figure out why I'm making all those weird grunts and groans. Oh well...

  16. #16
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    no one has sympathy for the posers huh? I never want to see someone get hurt.... but sometimes stupidity is pretty funny

  17. #17
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    There has been this smaller kid in our gym for a few months that has terrible form and lifts way to heavy.
    Some of the more experienced guys have tried to give him advice but he hasn't listened and still continues to lift more than he can handle. A few weeks back he was bench pressing by himself and dropped it on his chest and couldn't get it off. I ran over and lifted it off of him and asked if he was alright he looked at me and said "next time that b!tch is mine"
    I just walked away shaking my head.

  18. #18
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    Yeah I really hate to see anyone get injured.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    There has been this smaller kid in our gym for a few months that has terrible form and lifts way to heavy. Some of the more experienced guys have tried to give him advice but he hasn't listened and still continues to lift more than he can handle. A few weeks back he was bench pressing by himself and dropped it on his chest and couldn't get it off. I ran over and lifted it off of him and asked if he was alright he looked at me and said "next time that b!tch is mine" I just walked away shaking my head.
    Well you have to give him credit, 1... at least he is in the gym, 2. he has a goal.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post
    Well you have to give him credit, 1... at least he is in the gym, 2. he has a goal.
    Very true he is a regular and I guess we were all newbies at one time.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderthor70 View Post
    I hate it when someone who should know better does this! There's this guy in his late thirties or early forties at my gym and the other day I look over and he's got 7 plates on each side geting ready to squat it. I was geting ready to do a set but stopped and stared. That's when I noticed he had the safety pins set about 8 inches under where the bar was racked. He maneged 3 reps at about a 3 inch range of motion. I kind of was wishing his knees would explode! After this display of idiotic proportions he whent to dead lifts where he barely pulled 315 for 2 reps! Hard to load the bar up on those and cheat you dip .....!
    cant stand that shit either and 99% their physique is shit

  22. #22
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    when I run my next round there better be a lot of staring going on lol

  23. #23
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    Speaking of this very topic. This guy I have chatted with at the gym a couple times called me Popeye a couple weeks ago and today he did it again. I asked him why he keeps calling me that, thinking that maybe he thought I had big forearms. He told me that when I lift I close one of my eyes.

    Sure enough. I do. He wouldn't know if he wasn't staring. Haha

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    cant stand that shit either and 99% their physique is shit
    You know most of those guys probably wouldn't be doing all that if they had an older guy in to bodybuilding mentor them while they were growing up. You know somebody who would show them how to do it and what NOT to do.

  25. #25
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    Why cnt it be the hot chick who stares instead of the creepy old men.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Speaking of this very topic. This guy I have chatted with at the gym a couple times called me Popeye a couple weeks ago and today he did it again. I asked him why he keeps calling me that, thinking that maybe he thought I had big forearms. He told me that when I lift I close one of my eyes.

    Sure enough. I do. He wouldn't know if he wasn't staring. Haha
    Lmao! I'm going to call you popeye from now on, too!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderthor70 View Post
    I hate it when someone who should know better does this! There's this guy in his late thirties or early forties at my gym and the other day I look over and he's got 7 plates on each side geting ready to squat it. I was geting ready to do a set but stopped and stared. That's when I noticed he had the safety pins set about 8 inches under where the bar was racked. He maneged 3 reps at about a 3 inch range of motion. I kind of was wishing his knees would explode! After this display of idiotic proportions he whent to dead lifts where he barely pulled 315 for 2 reps! Hard to load the bar up on those and cheat you dip .....!
    lifting with limited ROM has its merit when achieving some goals, if the person is folling a strength coaches routine and understand why hes doing limited rom to work on a weakness with in the lift, that's fine.

    ego lifting is a different story.

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