Hey guys,
I did my first injection today
Here are my stats
Age: 24
Height: 5'10
Weight in kgs: 86kgs
BF: not to sure, but estimating 18%- 20%
Training: Been training since 18. Best i ever got was 14% bf 2 yrs ago, then stopped training.
Recent training: Been training for past 4 months. Everything is pretty good now.
Cycle: 10ml Prop & 10 ml Tren ace total for first 4 weeks
10ml of sus250 and 10ml of test e last 4-5 weeks.
Injecting eod m,w,f
Have n2guard as cycle support
Have liquidex from same guys as n2guard
Have raxol for gyno symptoms on hand
Have HCGenerate to take 4 weeks before cycle ends. (cant get hcg but this is the best i could get)
PCT is clomid and Novadex.
I can't remember how much to take right now off the top of my head but i think it was
clomid 100/50/50/50
Novadex - cant remember (will check it up soon)
TDEE: 3000 calories. I put myself in lightly active, but can you guys help me with this? I am on the computer most of the day at home and i go gym which goes for about 1 hr -1/2 hr a day 6 days a week. I do 5 sets by 12/10/8/6/6 and the reason i do this is because i have found the most results from it in terms of putting on muscle (really enjoying this). When i was doing 3 sets or so i wasn't seeing such a big result. I am not sure if i should be in the lightly active section or moderate.
Anyway I want to cut down my bf, I have no idea what to expect in terms of BF goal because i have no idea what to expect from a cycle. Ideally i would like to get down to low teens.
My diet is 45/40/15 (protein, carbs, fats) and I am trying to split it with 7 meals a day evenly split. Calories i am doing a deficit of 300 calories. so i will be eatting 2700 calories a day.
Protein: 303.75g
carbs: 270g of carbs
fats: 45grams
Will this diet also help me get more lean muscle? Or should I add a surplus of 300?
Injecting my quads today i had a muscle spasm, felt like a tendon or something weird. I didn't pull the needle out but it was all the way in. Does the needle need to be all the way in (quads)? Do i need to pull it out and reinject it into a better spot?
Do you suggest any changes?