hey im new to this forum and would like to seek help , im 21 and getting ready for my second comp . thing is ive been out of bbing for a year n a half. car crash but anyways b4 all that i 19 turning 20 had a few cycles under my belt achieved incredible gains i mean serious size not common to my age placed 1st in the comp etc etc , ive just got off a test e 500mgs week 1-12 dbol40 mgs week 1-4 tren 400mgs week 1-10 diet is 250 grams of protien cal intake around 7500 . i was 285 when i last competed. anyways sorry for the book. id like to run somthing sim during blast and cruise trt 200mgs a week for 8 weeks , but i have a few questions , how should my diet and cal intake look like between blast a cruise . i kno it should increase but by how much ? and do i have to up the dosage everytime i blast ? like say this blast test e 500mgs then next 750 mgs? or would trt at 200 mgs make be alble to still get good gains off of 500mgs , anyways thanks in advanced . ps im in this for the long haul , i wouldnt be doing this if i didnt think i could make a living doing what i love and i understand that gear is only a fraction of what it takes , its more or less the icing on the cake . more of a marathon then a sprint, anyways cheers