Hey everyone. I'm 230, 6 foot, about 15% body fat, and on my 8th month using test. I started at 200/week split into 100/twice weekly into my glute. I did this my first 3 months, then went to 300/weekly, now I'm at 500/week. I get 200 in one deltoid on Wednesdays, then 300 into the other on Saturdays. I never used any anti-e or other gear this entire time; however, about 3 weeks ago my face and hair became extra oily, even after showers, my wife noticed my hair thinning in areas, and I was experiencing nausea and vertigo. A former coach instructed me to take Anastrozole every 2 days until I felt better.
I now am better, but wonder if this means my test dosage is too high?
Also, do I need to always take an anti-e regularly? Or only in such instances side effects present?
On a final note, I am looking to get my test level checked soon, what is an ideal level to be at for a 33 year old bulking bodybuilder, healthily?
Any other advice is highly welcomed. I use 23 gauge 1/2" needles in deltoids, one in each per week, 2 injections total per week, totaling 500mg/weekly.
I started TRT in January after blood testing showed 3 consecutive low test readings: 180, 140, and 230. I once stopped treatment for 3.5 weeks and it was 84.
The form of test I use is testosterone cyponate. 200 mg weekly from my physician, 300 mg weekly on my own mid-week, imported.