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I have read that you can get insulin without a prescription from places like CVS,Walgreens, Costco, Canadianpharmacy etc. Is this true? I am type 2 diabetic and take glyburide 2x daily but it is becoming less effective. My doctor is up in the air about prescribing insulin just yet. I have been training for 35+ years 5days a week. My diet is clean and I watch my carbs but my blood sugar levels are staying high throughout the day and my fasting blood sugar is high also. I don't think the doctor understands the bodybuilding aspect/nutrition that insulin can bring. I am in the beginning stages of researching how to do it safely. Thinking about Humolog. Can I get the insulin without a script in the dosages I would need for training? Say 3-5 iu's post workout with a 50gram protien shake/ 40 grams carb (i have been using glycoject) amino's and creatine? Then protien and complex carb meal 1 hr later? Close monitor of my sugar levels throughout the day. Thank you, Keith R