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Thread: Is loading 1mg ed of arr MT2 for one month too much?

  1. #1

    Question Is loading 1mg ed of arr MT2 for one month too much?

    I just want to ask if 1mg ed for a month seems like too much to build it up in system?
    my buddy said he did this for a month and then just took 2mg ew (in more than one shot, I think 2) for a few more weeks and stopped, he said tan lasted like a year after that and only complaint was some freckles.
    I want to try it but part of me feels like he is full of crap with that dose or maybe it was underdosed?
    I have 30mg of ar-r's MT2... but Like I said ... it seems a bit much no?
    Would 1mg eod be better to bast with?

    Thanks guys!!

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Melanotan advice

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyTeddy View Post
    I just want to ask if 1mg ed for a month seems like too much to build it up in system?
    my buddy said he did this for a month and then just took 2mg ew (in more than one shot, I think 2) for a few more weeks and stopped, he said tan lasted like a year after that and only complaint was some freckles.
    I want to try it but part of me feels like he is full of crap with that dose or maybe it was underdosed?
    I have 30mg of ar-r's MT2... but Like I said ... it seems a bit much no?
    Please disregard information from your buddy going forward. His advice is dangerous as you could very likely benefit from just 10% of his suggested dosage regiment.
    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyTeddy View Post
    Would 1mg eod be better to bast with?

    Thanks guys!!
    Unsure what this means, are you able to clarify?

    When initiating melanocortin agonist therapy, you'll want to use a strategy to minimize or avoid side effects altogether (ie.: nausea, rapid tanning, uncontrolled libido increases, oily skin, energy balance, and appetite interference). To accomplish this, you'll dose as low as possible, at a high frequency (daily is sufficient). Overdosing every other day from the get go sets yourself up for a bad experience...particularly because not only will a user have a nasty time desensitizing to the side effects during the first week...the second week anxiety sets in as dramatic changes take place with your melanin. Now your buddy may not be a bad guy giving unloving advice...imho it's just best to air on the side of caution as about half of users are indeed sensitive (to MT-2).
    Melanotan II: Avoid side effects, acheive best results - Melanotan 2 - Melanotan Forum

  4. #4
    Do not over do this stuff. Oily skin and acne will happen if you aren't careful. That being said, if you dose it properly I do think it can actually help your complexion.

  5. #5
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    Now I have never noticed oily skin or acne from MT2, or anxiety.. but i have noticed some mild nausea at even 0.5mg dose... I would not take a 1mg dose... specially every day... I would actually rec 0.2-0.3mg dose 3-4 times a week for a couple months and go tanning atleast 1 time a week and take it slow.
    I would not rec to go over 0.5mg eod, specially starting out.

    I have pinned 0.5mg 2x a day 2-3 days a week after the tan. but thats pushing it already and I already have color, just wanted to toy with it... stick to these guys advice here and don't follow your friends advice..
    I think I might puke with 1mg dose starting off.. makes me wonder if hes full of it or his product is just really shitty quality... where maybe its more like hes taking 0.2mg ed...

    but don't listen to him and honestly I am happy you are using arr MT2 so at least the members here can give dosing info in-relation to the quality you have since I assume most people here use arr as it is.

    Have you used MT2 before? if yes, how so?

  6. #6
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyTeddy View Post
    I just want to ask if 1mg ed for a month seems like too much to build it up in system?
    my buddy said he did this for a month and then just took 2mg ew (in more than one shot, I think 2) for a few more weeks and stopped, he said tan lasted like a year after that and only complaint was some freckles.
    I want to try it but part of me feels like he is full of crap with that dose or maybe it was underdosed?
    I have 30mg of ar-r's MT2... but Like I said ... it seems a bit much no?
    Would 1mg eod be better to bast with?

    Thanks guys!!
    Please do NOT do this.
    Although dosage and frequency can/will depend on your skin type, there are some basics to follow and one of them I highly advise is not to pass 500mcg (0.5mg) per dose.

    I would also advise some tanning at first to have the best results from MT2.

    I myself have used it a couple times now and I must say although I did a lot of research before every using it... I was blown away with how dramatic the effects could be! In only a month I would continuously be asked where I went away to or what my background was.
    Some people may need longer, I tan fairly easy but even though, this stuff blows me away and it helps avoid burning since I have a built up tan for the beach from the start. I do advise you to use sunscreen when going out for hrs though because I have had a lil burn here and there when I did not, even when dark.

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