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Thread: Need reccomendations for stimulating GH

  1. #1

    Need reccomendations for stimulating GH

    Hi everyone,
    I am into my TRT for about 5 months now with success. Success that is, when my E2 levels are normalized. Anyway, my GH levels with my blood Work was almost non existent. If I remember right it was just a fraction over zero. I started taking large dose of glutamine and just recently started sermorelin 100mcg, daily SQ. The pharmacy recommended that I keep the product refrigerated which is inconvenient for me since I travel often.

    What I am interested in is suggestions for the best program that I can institute to stimulate my growth hormone levels. Currently I do quite a good deal of weight training and am finally able to develop my a good lean body mass since starting TRT. I would like to do as much as I can short of using actual anabolics. Being in the horse world, I have lots of exposure to brand name clenbuterol but nervous about trying that stuff. I am looking forward to suggestions in the world of peptides.

    Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Clen will do nothing for stimulating HGH as far as i know.. If you're over mid 20's then having low HGH production is normal average adult male past their 20's produce less than 5 nanograms per milileter circulating in their blood.. Things like melatonin, gaba and L-lysine have all been show in some studies to stimulate SOME growth hormone release in males but nothing extremely significant like any peptides and especially HGH would.. I wouldn't expect anything spectacular but statistics-wise your levels can be improved a bit...

    Whatever you do...Don't buy any of those extremely expensive pills that come in side-ads that tell you it will increase your growth hormone levels by 10x or something like that because it's all BS and will most likely will just have the 3 of those things i listed above in them ^ and charge you 20x as much for a fancy bottle and some pills with god knows what else in them...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    Clen will do nothing for stimulating HGH as far as i know.. If you're over mid 20's then having low HGH production is normal average adult male past their 20's produce less than 5 nanograms per milileter circulating in their blood.. Things like melatonin, gaba and L-lysine have all been show in some studies to stimulate SOME growth hormone release in males but nothing extremely significant like any peptides and especially HGH would.. I wouldn't expect anything spectacular but statistics-wise your levels can be improved a bit...

    Whatever you do...Don't buy any of those extremely expensive pills that come in side-ads that tell you it will increase your growth hormone levels by 10x or something like that because it's all BS and will most likely will just have the 3 of those things i listed above in them ^ and charge you 20x as much for a fancy bottle and some pills with god knows what else in them...
    I understand the clenbuterol thing as far as HGh goes. Also, I do understand that my only route will likely be through peptides. I think I can do a lot better than the sermorelin that my doc prescribed. I am looking for suggestions on peptides and protocols for their use. By the way, I am 51 years old.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Check out the peptide peptide Sermorelin. AR-R sells it and it has good reviews. This is also what most of the HRT clinics are selling.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-02-2015 at 04:00 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    GHRP-2 with Mod GRF 1-29 has been my favorite stack so far. 100mcg/100mcg 1-4 times daily. Except i started to develop gyno towards the end of my use with it (Not completely sure why, whether it was prolactin which was definitely raised or also e2, never got bloodwork) so i stopped and used Ipamorelin with Mod GRF 1-29 and the results were similar, but i could even feel that the GH pulse was less pronounced. If i run it again it'll be GHRP-2 with Mod GRF while controlling my prolactin from the start.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    GHRP-2 with Mod GRF 1-29 has been my favorite stack so far. 100mcg/100mcg 1-4 times daily. Except i started to develop gyno towards the end of my use with it (Not completely sure why, whether it was prolactin which was definitely raised or also e2, never got bloodwork) so i stopped and used Ipamorelin with Mod GRF 1-29 and the results were similar, but i could even feel that the GH pulse was less pronounced. If i run it again it'll be GHRP-2 with Mod GRF while controlling my prolactin from the start.
    From what I am reading online, the GHRP-2 and sermorelin seem the best way to go. My doc only has me on 100mcg of the sermorelin once daily. Being new to this, I want to bump my GH as much as possible but I do have trouble with my E2 and don't want to send it to the sky. Will this have the possibility of raising E2? Prolactin? Each would kill my shaky erectile issues. Maybe go 3x the sermorelin to start or change to GHRP-2? Sure need a little help with this for sure.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hey LB,

    I don't think there is a Peptide called "somatropin"....unless i am wrong. I couldn't find it on the AR site. Somatropin is in fact a Generic GH.....correct ?

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Check out the peptide peptide somatropin. AR-R sells it and it has good reviews. This is also what most of the HRT clinics are selling.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    Hey LB,

    I don't think there is a Peptide called "somatropin"....unless i am wrong. I couldn't find it on the AR site. Somatropin is in fact a Generic GH.....correct ?
    Yes you are right, I meant to type Sermorelin. That is what a lot of the clinics are using now and ar-r does carry it also.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Thanks man.

    I don't know why the clinics would bother trying to compete in a market where no script is required. Seems to me they are better off trying to sell HGH.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yes you are right, I meant to type Sermorelin. That is what a lot of the clinics are using now and ar-r does carry it also.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    Thanks man.

    I don't know why the clinics would bother trying to compete in a market where no script is required. Seems to me they are better off trying to sell HGH.
    I thank/blame the lawyers and insurance companies....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hey vette.

    Don't know who's to blame, but you need a letter from Jesus Christ and a Script from the Pope to get hgh (or dayum near close to it).

    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    I thank/blame the lawyers and insurance companies....

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Equipeeler View Post
    Anyway, my GH levels with my blood Work was almost non existent. If I remember right it was just a fraction over zero.
    If you're doing a basic GH serum test it's a waste of time. GH is pulsatile in nature which is the fatal flaw in this procedure. You need to run an Arginine Stimulation Test to properly determine your GH level. It's more comprehensive and time consuming.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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