My wife has been diagnosed with hypothiroidism about a year ago!
I am another victim of low test and due to dumb ass doctors here in Central America , i had to self medicate through a lot of reading and question asking on this awesome forum. My life has changed for better once I understood how my body functions.
Since I dont trust doctors here, i come to ask for some guidance for my wife!
Here is some info.
Since my wife has been on meds , diet and workout, she has been struggling to loose weight. It has been a mission for her!!
As for meds she takes Levothyroxine 50 mcg daily.
At the same time she is taking 50 mcg of Levothyroxine/Levotironina that equals the dose of 100mcg/20 mcg .
I dont know much about Thyroid but something tells me there is a conflict of both meds one with another.
Could someone help please.
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