Hello, I am currently looking for advice on cycles and steroids, ive been doing alot of research but the problem is I have know one to talk to about it and I dont know anyone who does.
My current status:
Height: 5ft 6
Weight : 75kg
Body fat: Around 14% (Been clean bulking last few months)
Now, The reason ive been considering a cycle, I have been training since im 16, And ive took it more seriously the last year, I have good diet and gym routines, training 6 times a week.
The Main reason i want to cycle is because, From doing all the research it seems I can gain more muscle in a 10 week cycle then I could in years. This is very incouraging. Im really passionate about the gym and my physique and I Feel sometimes Im putting more effort in that im actually getting out.
Now My questions:
1: Is Test E the best possible first cycle and possible only cycle?
2: Is one cycle enough to get you that head start/boost ( I know most people say its mentally addictive to do more cycles)
3: There is few different Test E Steroids what is the difference between them I think i saw 3 different ones.
4:Would only One Cycle cause me any longer term effects?
5:Is there really any safe way to gain Legit steroids, or are you taking a chance wherever you buy them?
6: Any Advice or tips Would really be appreciated as I said I got no1 with experience that I Can talk to about it.
Thank you.