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Thread: Advice For first time.

  1. #1

    Advice For first time.

    Hello, I am currently looking for advice on cycles and steroids, ive been doing alot of research but the problem is I have know one to talk to about it and I dont know anyone who does.
    My current status:
    Height: 5ft 6
    Weight : 75kg
    Body fat: Around 14% (Been clean bulking last few months)

    Now, The reason ive been considering a cycle, I have been training since im 16, And ive took it more seriously the last year, I have good diet and gym routines, training 6 times a week.
    The Main reason i want to cycle is because, From doing all the research it seems I can gain more muscle in a 10 week cycle then I could in years. This is very incouraging. Im really passionate about the gym and my physique and I Feel sometimes Im putting more effort in that im actually getting out.

    Now My questions:
    1: Is Test E the best possible first cycle and possible only cycle?
    2: Is one cycle enough to get you that head start/boost ( I know most people say its mentally addictive to do more cycles)
    3: There is few different Test E Steroids what is the difference between them I think i saw 3 different ones.
    4:Would only One Cycle cause me any longer term effects?
    5:Is there really any safe way to gain Legit steroids, or are you taking a chance wherever you buy them?
    6: Any Advice or tips Would really be appreciated as I said I got no1 with experience that I Can talk to about it.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    1. Yes Test E Should be first cycle only

    2. Of course it will give you a head start boost but when you come off you will want to cycle again, never heard of many doing one cycle and leaving it at that (unless they suffer bad side effects which put them off)

    3. Theres only one Test E (Test Enth) maybe you seen Test Cyp and Test Prop. Test is Test, the cypionate, enanthate and propionate are just different esters that release in the body at different times

    4. It is possible that a cycle can cause long term damage to your endocrine and HPTA system, at your age your at high risk of permantley shutting yourself down and if this happens you will likely need TRT for life (which means you have to inject testosterone every week or so just to function properly)
    You should wait until your 25 years old to decrease this risk.

    5. You can find a good source and one day they can get busted or just rob people. Purchasing steroids is very risky, i suggest spend a long time reading and researching the source and the lab you choose to go wth and make an educated purchase.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    You are too young to cycle. You may shut down everything and it may not start up again. Let your hpta mature before you cycle. Remember your gains on AAS will not stay with you without continued use.
    You are at the age that your natural test production also ng with diet and proper routine will give you great results. Please do not play Russion roulette with the maturity of your hpta.

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