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Thread: Really Dark Tren??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Really Dark Tren??

    I just emptied my Tren-E out of its ******* satchet and it's as dark as Coke. Tren is supposed to have a slight tint to it but this is about 3X's darker than I've ever seen it. I don't think its fake because it smells and feels like real gear. Has anyone encountered something like this?

  2. #2
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    On looking at it closer in the light it's really a dark amber color. And I've been reading that that might have to do with over exposing the pellets to heat when making it. It's Tren-E 200 btw

  3. #3
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    Dark as coke huh? That's black I would imagine. Tren looks like my piss after drinking soda all day. A strong yellow, but ever brown or black. Maybe others could chime in.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Yea I've never seen it like this

  5. #5
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    I've never brewed Tren E, but I've made Tren A at 100mg/ml in GSO from 2 different powder suppliers and it was a nice amber color. Not brown or black. Generally, if it is really dark it is because it was exposed to a high temp (like over 250 F) and may have lost potency.

  6. #6
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    my best guess is high heat. Its definitely not just a pretty amber color, its motor oil-like.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bucklefitz View Post
    my best guess is high heat. Its definitely not just a pretty amber color, its motor oil-like.
    Sounds like it was made by some idiot with a blast furnace...
    There is no reason to ever heat a compound more than a few degrees above it's melting point.

  8. #8
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    It could also be a purity issue..... I read somewhere that the higher the purity the less yellow the tren is. ~Haz~

  9. #9
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    Ive seen the normal piss yellow tren, dark amber and even an orangish colored tren. All good tren....

  10. #10
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    Awesome thanks. I emailed my source and they said the color was due to the type of oil that was used- in case anyone else has the same issue.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bucklefitz View Post
    Awesome thanks. I emailed my source and they said the color was due to the type of oil that was used- in case anyone else has the same issue.
    This is what i was going to say

    The major differences will be down to the carrier

  12. #12
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    I had some TNT 450 (250Test E, 200 Tren E) that was about the color you described nad it was aweful gear, I couldn`t even walk for days when I injected it, the only way I even managed to finish the cycle was by adding 0.5ml of Human grade test to each shot.

  13. #13
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    When I read the post where they said it was the oil they used, the first thing that I thought was hmm I wonder if they overcooked the oil sterilizing it? I don't know of any common oils used in AAS that are real dark naturally.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I had some TNT 450 (250Test E, 200 Tren E) that was about the color you described nad it was aweful gear, I couldn`t even walk for days when I injected it, the only way I even managed to finish the cycle was by adding 0.5ml of Human grade test to each shot.
    Did you find that it was less potent or not as effective?

  15. #15
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    if in doubt i wouldnt be puttin it in my body

  16. #16
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    thanks guys but does anyone have any specific experience with this issue? I'd really hate to have to drop the tren out of my cycle on a hunch but I'm definitely not going to inject it not knowing what the dark color is. ANYONE seen this before???

  17. #17
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    any advice is helpful

  18. #18
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    I strongly suspect it's just impure tren...... that's not to say it wont work..... but from what i'[ve been researching - a purity of 99% of higher leaves a less yellow finished product. A purity of just a few percent under 99% can make the tren really dark.....

    just some food for thought..... my tren is the lightest yellow i've ever seen it and it's the best i've ever used.


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I had some TNT 450 (250Test E, 200 Tren E) that was about the color you described nad it was aweful gear, I couldn`t even walk for days when I injected it, the only way I even managed to finish the cycle was by adding 0.5ml of Human grade test to each shot.
    This was because of the high mg per ml.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    It could also be a purity issue..... I read somewhere that the higher the purity the less yellow the tren is. ~Haz~
    This is what I think, probably converted pellets. Ive had some dark tren in my days, I usualy got the cough a lot more often from it.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  20. #20
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    sounds good. I'm gonna give it a shot (pun intended)

  21. #21
    Just made a batch of tren A @ 100mg from the same pouch i used last time, although it is 2 yrs old, and it is like lipton tea dark.! never had tren be this dark. No crashing or separation at all. just dark as hell! i am retarded though and figured the best way to see would be to inject. i did. its fine. a bit of pain in an achy kind of way for a few hours after. def getting all the sides after 3 days of injects. Cough, night sweats, crazy appetite with a hollow feeling. i know its the tren because i added it to the test prop that i have been on for 8 wks. If you post a pic i will compare to mine.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Bucklefitz View Post
    I just emptied my Tren-E out of its ******* satchet and it's as dark as Coke. Tren is supposed to have a slight tint to it but this is about 3X's darker than I've ever seen it. I don't think its fake because it smells and feels like real gear. Has anyone encountered something like this?
    I used ******* satchet about two years ago it was Parabolan witch is Trenbolone it was very dark like you are saying .it was some of the best aas I have every used.there should be a number code on the satchet that lets you know what in it.

  23. #23
    Yes .
    Do you need some high quality powder ? Sorry to disturb you .

  24. #24
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    Someone needs to take their stuff to a spectrascope.

    In this day and age of Tren there is no reason it should look anything other than "piss after a day of drinking coke". There is no reason anyone makes it out of anything but GSO or another common oil carrier. Just a lot of scammers scamming the unintelligent.

    I have had test and tren that formed a rock in their package due to heat. Once in solvent it all acted as normal.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    Someone needs to take their stuff to a spectrascope.

    In this day and age of Tren there is no reason it should look anything other than "piss after a day of drinking coke". There is no reason anyone makes it out of anything but GSO or another common oil carrier. Just a lot of scammers scamming the unintelligent.

    I have had test and tren that formed a rock in their package due to heat. Once in solvent it all acted as normal.
    FYI...this is a 10 year old thread.

  26. #26
    Many things can effect color. Carrier oils,, solvents,, raw material etc... I've seen TREN in many various colors from light to dark,,,all were high quality,performing products.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ok-biotech View Post
    Yes .
    Do you need some high quality powder ? Sorry to disturb you .
    Minus this old thread being bumped for no real reason, I'm hoping someone catches this post.

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