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Thread: What should I do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    What should I do?

    Hey guys.

    Opened a new thread, because I'm not sure what to do anymore. Really need some help/advice.

    Just to quickly sum up my situation. I was on (only) testosterone (250mg/week) for about two years. I stopped almost two years ago. At the end I lowered to 125mg and added HCG for few weeks and ran Nolva+Clomid afterwards, I think 40/40/20/20 and 75/75/50/50.

    I did not recover. My testosterone has been ever since in the range 200-300 ng/dl (Normal: 250-850 ng/dl) and my free T around 5 ng/dl (Normal: 5,5 - 18 ng/dl)

    So I tried asking here for the advices, I have been to personal doctor, endocrinologist, urologist... nothing.

    It has been two long years and I didn't went back on Testosterone, because I really wanted to recover and try beeing steroid free. But now I kinda hit the wall and can't go on like this any more.

    I need your advice on which step would make the most sense:

    1. Try only Clomid. If yes, what dosage? 12,5mg/day or more?
    2. Re-try PCT. HCG for few weeks, then Nolva+Clomid. What dosages?
    3. Try Power PCT.
    4. 125mg Test/Week for 4 Weeks, then PCT or Power PCT. (Testo for improving symptoms).
    5. 500mg Test/Week for 8 Weeks, then PCT or Power PCT. (Trying to regain lost mass and phisique).

    The fifth would be my favorite at this point (obviously), because I just can't look at my self like this any more.

    But I really want to hear your opinions and advices. Any other suggestion is also welcome.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    I'm going with door number five. I think it is a winner because you said that is what you want to hear.
    #4 is stupid
    If you're serious about trying to restart, go with #2 and do it right. You may be able to get help from a TRT provider like DEFY Medical or Randy McClains clinic (Expensive). Using a TRT provider, a legit one-not you're GP or endo, will get you minimal fuss and real pharma grade meds.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    How old are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bjorg89 View Post
    I have been to personal doctor, endocrinologist, urologist... nothing.
    What did they say? With levels that low, they didn't offer any advice?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    I'm going with door number five. I think it is a winner because you said that is what you want to hear.
    #4 is stupid
    If you're serious about trying to restart, go with #2 and do it right. You may be able to get help from a TRT provider like DEFY Medical or Randy McClains clinic (Expensive). Using a TRT provider, a legit one-not you're GP or endo, will get you minimal fuss and real pharma grade meds.
    Thanks for the input Quester.

    I am serious, of course. What would be the "do it right"?

    The more "aggressive" and short approach, like HCG 1500IU/week, 4 weeks and then Nolva+Clomid 40/40/20/20 and 75/75/50/50 or easier on the dosage approach and longer, like 750 IU/week, 8-12 weeks, and then 20/20/10/10/10/10 and 50/50/25/25/25/25... ???


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    How old are you?

    What did they say? With levels that low, they didn't offer any advice?
    Charlie67, I am 30.

    Personal doctor has no clue, she did the blood work and gave me all the referrals for the specialist. She probably can't know what to do.

    One endocrinologist focused on my Prolactin levels and gave me Cabergolin. My Prolactin improved, but testosterone didn't. I was recently on 6 weeks of Nolva for my gyno symptoms that I had not long ago and 5 weeks after the therapy the Prolactin was/is slightly elevated. He said that lowering my Prolactin would improve my Testosterone. It did not. It has been a year since I am going to him. He always just changes my Caber dosage.

    The second Endocrinologist, the private one, also focused only on the Prolactin and my lactation problems. He sent me to Ultrasound, x-ray and in the end to the gynecologist. The latest said they don't work with men and that they don't know what to do with me.

    The Urologist was the best. He said I should just be more positive about my situation and that things will improve if I do so. One hell of advice

    That's it. And from every visit passes 2-3 months and I get nowhere. Like I said, I have been patient for almost two years, basically begged the doctors to help me, but here I am. So now I need to do something by myself or nothing will change.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Find a specialist... or like many others, including, myself take a DIY approach.

    I got frustrated finding a good reliable doctor and ended up going on self administering trt... took me a while but I dialed it where I feel great.

    Not the end of the world to be on trt.. in fact much better than your current situation of having low T. I've been there and it sucks. Nothing is worse than being in your 20s and 30s with low T and doctors won't help you because you don't fit the "profile"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Thanks for the input neloza.

    Yeah, I tried

    Well, if I don't find any "good solution" soon, I guess I will also go for it. It is a bit scary tho, self prescribed TRT I would need more info on that too, so I don't screw it up in the start.

    What is your sweet spot with the TRT? Do you take HCG to keep your balls working or anything else? I still have no kids, so that is really important to me, although I have no idea if I'm not infertile already

    But like you said, this low T situation really sucks, so I'm determined do to something about it, just not sure what would be the best approach. That's why I opened this thread. I wanted to give myself one more chance before I go back on T.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjorg89 View Post
    Thanks for the input neloza.

    Yeah, I tried

    Well, if I don't find any "good solution" soon, I guess I will also go for it. It is a bit scary tho, self prescribed TRT I would need more info on that too, so I don't screw it up in the start.

    What is your sweet spot with the TRT? Do you take HCG to keep your balls working or anything else? I still have no kids, so that is really important to me, although I have no idea if I'm not infertile already

    But like you said, this low T situation really sucks, so I'm determined do to something about it, just not sure what would be the best approach. That's why I opened this thread. I wanted to give myself one more chance before I go back on T.

    I don't think you need to start a DIY TRT, don't you have private clinics where you live? In Sweden I met a dude in the gym who gave me the number to a clinic who took these things seriously.
    He could prescribe TRT for the cost of 1300 USD, the rest on insurance company.
    Worth looking in to if you take that path.
    Always hiding your vials will be a damn hassle...

    If you are going DIY, then Power PCT is worth a shot I guess.
    Don't think a new cycle + PCT will help. You might feel awesome again, but back on square one when you stop.
    Since you have set these numbers in your body for such a long time.

    Damn shame they couldn't help you there bro.
    You still have Thailand haha

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    I don't think you need to start a DIY TRT, don't you have private clinics where you live? In Sweden I met a dude in the gym who gave me the number to a clinic who took these things seriously.
    He could prescribe TRT for the cost of 1300 USD, the rest on insurance company.
    Worth looking in to if you take that path.
    Always hiding your vials will be a damn hassle...

    If you are going DIY, then Power PCT is worth a shot I guess.
    Don't think a new cycle + PCT will help. You might feel awesome again, but back on square one when you stop.
    Since you have set these numbers in your body for such a long time.

    Damn shame they couldn't help you there bro.
    You still have Thailand haha
    Hey bro, always happy to hear from you. Hope you are doing great.

    To be honest, I don't know. I only tried to get help for my issues, didn't go directly into TRT specialist search yet. I will check that, once I see that TRT is my only option.

    I am considering the Power PCT for a long time now, just really scared of the dosages and that desensitization of receptors s**t that I read

    Thailand is always the best option haha


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjorg89 View Post
    Hey bro, always happy to hear from you. Hope you are doing great.

    To be honest, I don't know. I only tried to get help for my issues, didn't go directly into TRT specialist search yet. I will check that, once I see that TRT is my only option.

    I am considering the Power PCT for a long time now, just really scared of the dosages and that desensitization of receptors s**t that I read

    Thailand is always the best option haha

    Living in paradise again haha

    Awesome, then you do at least have a good option regardless as backup! Only heard good things about TRT actually, will most likely end up there myself.
    The program is unorthodox and there has been discussions regarding DR.Scully's program, but according to his studies it shouldn't be a problem.
    It worked wonders on me for example.

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