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Thread: Watch out for scammer/busted bro

  1. #1
    CYCLEON Guest

    Watch out for scammer/busted bro

    My origional post plus an update

    whats up with the friendly auto supplier (chinaman reseller)??? saw on several boards he is either "laying low" or is starting the run around bout the money/people never receiving, etc. Thought he was legit - had lots of references and has been serving for a little while. I never ordered myself but he was supposed to be pretty good and his prices were ok (a little high) for domestic.

    Just found this message on another board where this Auto salesman was a regular. It was anon of course - but says its someone known to the board who knows. well, hes the post

    I have been dealing with ****** for some time now, and have built a trust with him. It wasn't until just recently that I finally received an email from him...

    In short, our early presumptions of his legal matters were correct. There were multiple raids, and his partner is now deep in shit. He has since relocated, and is using his email account as little as possible. HE IS DOING THIS FOR HIS SAFETY AND OURS.

    Currently he is left with very little supply and money to fund his business. He has not turned scammer, but it will be difficult to fill his orders as of now. He will do his best to fill them, so be patient. He extends his apologies for all the confusion, but these are serious matters he is currently dealing with.

    Finally, we all have reason to be upset about this, but we must take a moment and put ourselves in his situation. I, for one, would turn tail and run, counting my luck all the way that it wasn't me that was raided. There's a lot of heat on him right now, so think about how that feels before you flame over and over again.
    Now I dont know how legit this is but anyway, keep your heads up and make no more orders.

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    I had heard something bout 'chinese' gear lately - are you sure this is in reference to HIM or what? Cut the code word bullshit LOL PM me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Hey Mike I mentioned this in a PM a couple of weeks ago and it has been quite a topic on certain boards-I,m not sure if it is 100% accurate


  4. #4
    CYCLEON Guest
    its quite legit billy - i dont cry scammer unless its pretty serious, especially when I havent been burned - but I never have (thank u God!). I also happent ot be on a number of boards, vet only boards and whatnot to try to keep up withthings so i dont ever get scammed. and ya never know!

    there are two major sources who have turned scammer recently - and JP (juiced pig) has just put out another one. they had major reffs too mods/etc. and had been in the game a bit. just goes to show ALWAYS ASK A MOD (OR SEVERAL) IF THERE IS ANY NEWS BEFORE YOU ORDER _ EVEN WITH LONG TIME SOURCES UV USED BEFORE!!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Goes without saying try and do as much research as possible I just got scammed and the fuckers still send me e-mails saying it may be delayed in the post after 8 weeks .Luckily only a small amount


  6. #6
    CYCLEON Guest
    mightily sad to here that bro - ive seen people get scammed for clomid, t3, nolva orders! insane!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    What do you expect from scamming scum


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Man I'm glad I don't have to deal with this shite aswell, AAS are stressful enough!


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