hello all, i wanted to thank you guys for your expertise and knowledge. my story is not a good one, i am 17 and started AS after my coach suggested it and friends as well. I was not however awear of this board and knew nothing of the side effects. after i started i told my brother about it because i knew he was into weight lifting and thought he might know somthing of the sort. he first got mad at me but then realized that i was ignorant and knew no better. anyways he referred me to this board to get suggestions. he is a regular on this board but will remain nameless. anyways after much thought and feedback from this community i have decided to finish my cycle since i already started and my test production was already stoped. I wont however use any more AS untill my body is ready and i plan to stay here during this time and learn as much as i can. maybe help out if i learn alot, however by the same token i know that many of you wouldnt want to get your information from a 17 and a half year old so i will do more listening then talking wich is for the better. anyways i wanted to thank you guys again and hope that maybe i can help some young people not to start when they arent ready from my personal expierence if anything at all. im on week 3 right now of a test and decca stack 400 mg a week of both, gained 7 pounds so far, although i know that week 4-5 is really when it starts to kick in so i must say that i am looking forward to that . thanks agian sorry about the long message