i dont lift, but wanna see what yall think. here it goes...
i dont lift, but wanna see what yall think. here it goes...
Welcome aboard bro!
Nice forearms, If you don't lift then I wonder how you got those forearms so big!![]()
Preatty imprssive man!, u have extremly lean arms by the looks of tha pic and good muscle def. Just think of how much better u could look if u worked out! what are your stats bro
Welcome bro. So your saying you have never lift before? Or just not on a basis.
im 5'7" 165 lbs, 4.1% body fat last i checked. i dont lift...im lazy. that will soon change because i will resume training with ODP. my legs are my best asset, ill post them later on. haha, by the way, i have those forearms w/ luck. i have a real high fast twitch content. what i lack in knowledge of cycles etc. i make up for alot in training methods etc. so ask if ya need any ideas!
are u sure 4.1% bf?
thats really low.. and most people look like they have nothing on them(fat wise) at that weight.
Where exactly are you seeing the fat? He looks pretty ripped to me.
nice build for not worrying about it ..... damn if i was built like that with no work... image what i would like like today...take advantage bro....i have a q?....alright i am have trouble with my calves...i also have a high fast twitch concentration in my muscles...however as you know calves are already higher than most body parts...so my calves just don't seem to be reacting well to anything??
any ideas???
you can't really do much about calves. im not trying to bring you down in any way, but calves are genetic, or luck. thats what my trainers have said. calves have nothing to do with being fast etc. but try plyometrics like plyo boxes, rope ladder, form running. that should help your calves.
i have almost no fat on my legs, quads, calves etc.
Im a bit confused you dont work out but you have trainers and know your body fat % ?![]()
olympic development program. i cant lift right now because i have a very tight body structure and will cause other injuries and will hender my running form. so i have trainers, yes, and i know my body fat.![]()
here they are
I HATE YOU!!!! Damn it, you are fucking shredded and you don't even lift! Shit, genetics are what you were born with, I assume you are taking advantage of them.
(BTW, i dont really hate you, thats just my way of being jealous of how you sit around and look like that.That shit takes many of us, years to attain. . .you should feel blessed, because you are.
Nice body bro, the ladies must go insane.
haha, thanx bro.....ive gotta bounce but ill talk w/ yall tomorrow.
First of all, you look good and are lean.
Not 4.1% BF!
And the calf thing is bullshit. Your calves can grow the same as any other muscle. A person may be blessed with better or worse calves but they are not limited by that.
Little Man Zane,
Work your calves hard and heavy. Treat the gastros like any other muscle. Failing between 8- 10 reps. The soleus needs to be treated differently. Do sets of 50-100 reps on bent knee exercises as these hit the soleus. Try supersets and dropsets. If you want your calves to grow, you have to push them 'til you can hardly stand on them.
Plyometrics train nerves for explosive movements much more than they help muscle hypertrophy. In other words, plyometrics are better for enhancing performance than for creating muscle growth.
Thanks bro....
I just read this post today and can't believe the answer i got from the sprinter.... calves don't grow????....you have to be born with 17 inch calves or you won't get them....
i'm sorry to tell you my calves do grow but just a little slow....
As for superbeast totally agree with you bro... thanks for the help.
u have trainers that are telling u not to lift... weird... as a sprinter u know that u need alot of strength (especially in glutes/hamstrings)... it wouldn't hurt to do some lunges and ham curls every now and then..
oh and your i'd say your halfway right with what u said about calves... yes, calves have nothing to do with how fast someone can run... BUT u need power in your calves to help coming out of the blocks.. and the start IS one of the most important parts of any sprint (100-400m)..
Last edited by big_guy; 02-04-2002 at 02:57 PM.
Not 4.1% BF!
And the calf thing is bullshit. Your calves can grow the same as any other muscle. A person may be blessed with better or worse calves but they are not limited by that.
during training i was 4.1%, you're not arguing with me, you're arguing with professionals. also, besides the fact that the trainers told me about the calves issue, my cousin is a body builder, and he said the same thing. and no he isnt a novice.
i know all this....but i cannot lift. i'd lift if i could but it just makes things worse (for the time being.) my glutes, hams, and quads are fine strength/explosion wise. my upper body lacks compared to my lower.
im saying that your calves depending on what you're born with, can only get to a certain degree. not that u have to be born with HUGE calves. doing certain lifts for your calves though...some will better results than others. u cant lift and lift and lift etc and have the biggest calves.
TTB....not that SB needs anybody to speak for him, but I'm sure you are well aware that BF% measurements vary depending on method, the number of sites used, the competance of the person administering the test and the acuracy of the calculations. I don't think anybody is arguing with you (or the coach/trainer/specialist who took the measurements) it's just that based on the HUNDREDS of competition ready bodybuilders I have seen at between 3-6%bf your claim of 4.1% seems a little generous. No doubt you are super lean (you put me to shame) but I would have estimated between 7-9% conservativly. Maybe the webcam doesn't do you justice...I'm not sure, but I can easily see how SB was unable to grasp 4.1%. Again bro, no argument and nobodys saying you're lying, it's just an observation based on my personal experience. Nonetheless you are very shredded.Originally posted by TestTubeBaby
during training i was 4.1%, you're not arguing with me, you're arguing with professionals.
im not getting aggressive, ive learned to hold back a little. i'm saying, the last time i was measured, i was 4.1% body fat, now...i dont know.
hahaha i know how he got those big forarms, how many times a day have u been beating ur meat? just joking
bro, u look great, really u do, no offense but ur not even close to 4% body fat, maybe 12 if ur even there. i have just one question, why arent u lifting?
wow....well this is all so interesting....
First off....testy baby - that thing about calves? Sorry but you're wrong. SB is much closer. And yes that means I am arguing with your professionals and trainers and olypians, Even your cousin!!!
By the way...I am not a novice either
God it's good to be back....
haha, im not gonna argue this anymore, it's not worth it. maybe the pictures arent doing me justice and ill get some real 1's developed, because i know im not 12%
Personally I dont care what your bf% is - thats nbot in dispute for me. But this statement is.
I would LOVE studies, proof, real data. Not just heresay from nameless ODB trainers.Originally posted by TestTubeBaby
you can't really do much about calves. im not trying to bring you down in any way, but calves are genetic, or luck. thats what my trainers have said. calves have nothing to do with being fast etc. but try plyometrics like plyo boxes, rope ladder, form running. that should help your calves.
thats all
it may take some time since my trainers dont really care about finding me information on "trivial" things. while they arent trivial to me or you, they find them irrelavant. i will try to dig some things up....cool? i know i have some tests of my fast twitch content, and other things. i have 1 of the highest white/red muscle fiber ratios they've seen.
Cool, God is back!!!!
Good to have ya back Mike!
Mike...why are you talking to yourself? More importantly, why are you refering to yourself in the third person?Originally posted by Mike
God it's good to be back....
TTB, you are definately not 12%! No higher than 8 or 9%.
My B,F is about 9-10% at the moment and TTB is more shredded than I am.I would say he is around 6-7% but certainly not 4.1%.
Mike is correct calves can become bigger through training.Ever see the size of calves on cyclists? my mate does sprint cycling and his are huge they were never like that before he started.What about pro BB they all have good calves but what you are indicating is that they ALL have good genetics on their calves.
The calves are made up of three seperate heads and all 3 can be worked out by positioning the foot at different angles.They are a dense muscle rather like triceps and have the same fibres as triceps therefore they can be increased in size.If it was down to genetics not all the pro BB would have great calves would they?
Originally posted by Mallet
Welcome aboard bro!
Nice forearms, If you don't lift then I wonder how you got those forearms so big!![]()
Don't mean to start arguments but sometimes you have to call a person out.
TTB: From your pics, my guess is 6-8% BF. At 4% your abs should look ridiculous. They only look pretty good.
The thing that bugged me was that TTB is 17 yrs old and he says he has extensive knowledge in training methods and is offering help to others.
As Mike said, Yes, I am arguing with your trainers, olympians, cousin, etc.
Thanks Pete for being there when I'm not. I'm usually only on in the morning and early afternoon. (while I'm at work) I miss all these evening conversations.
Case and point:
Ever look a a fat man's calves??? They're ridiculously huge! I have thought about getting fat for a couple years just for the calves!!![]()
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