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Thread: Best AS to come off cylce with to maintain size/gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    in Denial

    Best AS to come off cylce with to maintain size/gains

    I am planning on doing the standard bulking cylce of either test (not sure of whether to use sust or cyp or enanthate...give me your input here) and with either Deca or Eq (insert your feedback here) and starting the cylce off with some sort of kick start drug to help with the delay of the esters taking effect (should it be dbol, winny, anavar, or some sort of other test to kick start results).

    The last question and the header question is what to come off on to maximize the retention of gains. Is prop the way to go or some other sort of route. I have a little needle phobia but I don't care if I keep maximum gains.

    Stats are I am 6'5 @270lbs and around 15% BF. This will be my first cycle and I want to put on maximum size. Help me out bros.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dbol to kickstart, then when you stop the eq and test (cyp or enanthate) begin propinate then next week and run for 2 weeks then 3 days after your last shot of propinate begin clomid therapy clen, and arimidex.

    If you use sus you should run the prop for 3 weeks instead of 2.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    in Denial

    Thanks for the info

    Should I run the prop ED or EOD and at what dosing. I am guessing that I will probably do 500mg of test a week so should I do divided doses of prop to equal 500mg a week?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I have run prop both ways bro and I find that ED is MUCH better than eod. You could do 75mg/d on the prop, that would be 525/week and easy to measure out.

  5. #5
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    Not looking forward to about 3 weeks of daily injects.

    What size pin are you using and what site did you do?

  6. #6
    ill be switching over to prop after a 5wk dbol@50mg ed
    test cyp 800 mg wk 1-10
    wk 11,-12,13, prop @100mg ed with a 25 g pin .ive decided 21 shots will devided up between both cheeks,both delts and both quads,maybe bis and tris if i feel the need to add more sites

  7. #7
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    That is the site rotation that I was going to go with as well 4 plates but if prop hurts as much as some people say...that shit might get painful over time but, no replacement for keeping all of those precious pounds that you put on while that test is flowing. This will be my first cylce and I want to leave no stone unturned. Diet, training, supplements, and gear will all be perfect. I am about 6'5 and 270 now without having really been dedicated lately (kinda soft...probably around 16%) but my goal is to put on a solid 30lbs and keep about 80-90%. I will be running L-dex throughout too to keep the water out and the gains accurate.

  8. #8
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    gotta bump it up...anybody else run prop or anything else that was really effective.

  9. #9
    i like cypionate / deca / dbol....

    i also like the prop at the end of the cycle...

    primo at 400/wk at the end, running through the clomid phase would not hurt either, but this cycle is getting a little expensive now...

  10. #10

    where's the sus?

    Run the primo at the end of the cycle, but for how long? Viper, you dont like sus? why not put sus in there instead of the cyp? Cyp/deca/ d-bol/primo? What types of gains would you expect from the cyp/deca/d-bol cycle(20-30lbs?)
    Sorry bout all the questions>?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    This is how i am running my next cycle
    weeks 1-9 testoviron250 MWF - 750mg per week
    equipose 600mg per week 1-2 M,F
    equipose 400mg per week 3-9 M,F
    weeks 1-5 dbol 50mg ed
    weeks 10,11,12 test prop 100mg ed ... then wait 3 days
    clomid treatment for 3 weeks (I like this treatment)
    300mg day 1, 100mg ed next 10 days, then 50mg ed 10 days
    proviron 25mg ed entire cycle, nolva on hand

    This is how i believe test prop should be incorporated donkey... good luck...

    I chose EQ... I used deca last cycle but recently I have been hearing really good things about EQ ... increased RBC count (better pump during workout), increases appetite, plus no possibility of progesterone induced gyno which is a plus (like deca), possibility of increased BP is low as well

    if you are trying to chose a test... go with a long lasting ... like sust/omna (mixes) or testosterone enantate (single)

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    in Denial

    Thanks guys

    Has anybody had any success with running var at the end and keeping more gains or winny and keeping gains or do i need to stick to a test to keep the test levels up?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    I tried running anavar at 40mg /day for 4 weeks at the end of my cycle( I was on tren and winnyfor 6wks) . I then did 3 wk clomid. I had my test levels tested about 1-2wks after the clomid and it was at 50!. So anavar is still going to shut you down. I actually even tapered down on the anavar to 10mg /day for the last 4 days

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