So, take a fat, balding male as our exmple. Were his feces, on average, the same color and texture at age 4 as they would be at, say, age 65?
So, take a fat, balding male as our exmple. Were his feces, on average, the same color and texture at age 4 as they would be at, say, age 65?
Don't pretend you aren't interested either because you so totally are.
One would rename this feces...shat instead of sh!
what is a green poo caused by ??
Either you ate something green and didn't digest it properly, or, and I much prefer this scenario, upon deficating you painted your own feces green to fulfill some odd void in your life. I usually paint mine neon pink and it really makes me feel good about myself as a person.Originally Posted by KeyMastur
but how do you paint before it comes out ?? do you use the little straw things that come with the W D 40 bottels and attach it to the paint can and stick it up your poo hole ??
Originally Posted by Nathan
I don't do that since I don't actually have a "poo hole", as you so colorfully put it. I do the hole process mentally. I simply sit down with my pants off, think really hard about outer space and how I'm way better than everything in the universe, and then I stand up to discover my wonderful creation.Originally Posted by KeyMastur
do you ever dress up mr. hanky ??
Originally Posted by Nathan
My sh*t is never green after I eat guacamole.
Originally Posted by KeyMastur
I might. That's all I can say without revealing any of my carefully guarded dress-up secrets. ****. Alright, fine, I do dress it up but that's all I'm saying.
OMG! This thread is ****ed!!!
The fact that you even have to ask this question leads me to believe that you've never sat a four year old and a 65 year old in the same room and, through a variety of shiny objects, corn chips and old TV Guides, coerced them to sh*t onto a plastic tarp for your examination. "Wow" is all I can must be a Canadian thing to not have experienced that age old rite of passage.Originally Posted by Nathan
I don't know, but I have a friend who ate a whole carton of blueberries in one sitting and sh!t blue.Originally Posted by Nathan
That "friend" was you wasn't it?Originally Posted by Mr. Death
Originally Posted by Nathan
No. Why would I be ashamed to admit that? I would be proud to say that I had sh!t blue.Originally Posted by Nathan
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