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Thread: Stretch Marks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Stretch Marks

    I have used Vitamin E oil and all other possible precautions i can think of but i still find myself developing big stretch marks. mostly under my arms and branching towards my bicepts. They are not really small either the are big and really red.
    What sould i do to prevent this.
    Most of you will say dont grow so quick but i mean that is the point of lifting isnt it?

  2. #2

    I wanna hear the answer to this as well. I have the same problem, although the Vit E lotion I have helps with the redness, they are still there and pretty large!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i love them man....signs of huge growth haha... but wheni tan they almost go complete away

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Just wanted to say that im afraid some people are prone to stretch marks and some arnt i was talking to a wise man about them (ok it was Dorian Yates) and he said it doesnt matter how good your form is on an exercise or how much weight you put on if you are gonna get stretch marks you are gonna get them!

    The vitamin E cream will help but Mr. Yates himself told me that Zinc suppliments help! He has done a lot of studies on stretch marks and has found that People with low Zinc levels more prone to them!

    Now im not saying this is gospol because i dont know im not a scientist but i have recommend Zinc to guys and if it works great and if it doesn then dont worry because Zinc is essential for Protein Synthesis and it also governs the contractibility of muscles.

    Ok Dorian doesnt know everything but hay 6 times Mr Olympia he knows somthing! Ok yes i know he knows how to take as much GH as possible but we all know you cant rely on gear alone!

    Just something for you to think about i guess LOL

    Oh had to edit this cause i forgot Shot is right they disappear with tanning and they definitly fade over time they will never go completly but where you are saying you get them are the most common places!
    Ms Figure

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Zinc is indeed a good supplement. It should be taken before bed IMO with nothing else as zinc competes for absorption with other minerals like calcium and magnesium.
    As for tanning, that is also helpful. Tanning causes an increase in collagen in skin to allow better healing of the stretch marks.

  6. #6
    Im confused, I may be wrong but I thought that tanning breaks down collogen in the skin. I try to stay away from tanning all together because I am really worried about skin cancer. I know of course you look a lot better with a tanned body but for me it Id rather look a little pale that take the chance. Just my opinion though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Try some fake tan!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Thanks for the info i will try the tanning but i dont think that zinc is going to help me because i already use it and i find it helps with my gains which in return cause more stretch marks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Back from Hell
    Retin-A my wife uses for her stretch marks when shes preg.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Ms. Figure is Correct

    You either get them or you don't basicly. Seems to be mostly a genitic thing. Zinc, Vit. E etc help, but if you are prone your going to get them. Only negative for guys anyhow, it does make it a bit harder to get skin tight when you diet down in the areas with strech marks. Women I am sure have same problem.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i agree with eye-candy. i get them genetically. i've tried retin A, zinc, and vitamin E. nothing works for me. it's just something you gotta deal with, unless you're one of the lucky ones who can get results from these creams

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    yea i get them too no matter what i use. It doessuck but i have noticed the older ones have faded alot. There is a cream called mederma its for scars. It does help to fade them faster. Thet have it at a drug store its OTC you may want to try it to lighten them

  13. #13
    Mike Guest
    Good comments here.

    Ms is right on.

    Here's what I do -

    I am very prone to stretch marks - I get them TERRIBLY. I apply a Vitamin E cream topically to the site every morning after shower and every night just before bed. The cream you purchase should ideally consist of atleast 32,000ius I also take oral Vit E as well as Zinc for the internal composition of my skin.

    If these don't seem to work there is a product out there I would recommend ABOVE retin-A, called Mederma. It is made specifically FOR stretch marks.

    Good luck

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    Well maybe I am going overboard with this, but my understanding and studies of stretch marks are (as you all probally know), is that once you get them, they can not just go away. Vitamin E and other stuff like Zinc just gives the skin elatisicty to help with them. Doesn't make them go away, may help, but they are still there. Stretch marks are basically like scare tissue. therefore, putting and taking suppliments that make the skin more elastic will help prevent more, and will help hide what is already there, but will not get rid of them. Just some info.. on what I have learned about them. Tanning does seem to help IMO, course if you look good, people are more prone to be amazed by your looks not by your stretch marks. I used to have a fascination with them when I was younger, cause to me it meant I was growing, but now.. stay away..

  15. #15
    Mike Guest
    You are right sicilian - stertch marks are there forever pretty much - all you can do is alleviate the severity of the stretch mark - there is ONE thing that you can do that will actually diminish the size and structure of the mark and not just the appearance - they are silicon strips you use to apply a constant pressure to the mark and this helps quite a bit

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    Didn't know that oh wise one Mikester about the silicone strips. I have heard that there is a laser technique that can either get rid of them or make them lighter anyone else heard of this?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    The Big Easy
    Dude , unless your a top armpit model who gives a flying rats ass. It just shows your improvments... battle scars bud. Im just picking man.Nothing is going to make them completely dissapear. All you can do is use stuff to help mellow down the appearence and darkness of em. I use vitamin E and coco butter. The coco butter works pretty good on lighting the darks ones up.

  18. #18
    Mike Guest
    I havent heard that bout the laser but judging by what a stetch mark actually is - I would be pretty surprised/impressed if they had a good laser treatment for it

    As for who cares - well I do - I dont mind them terribly and I am not an armpit model but I do do some modeling and they are more than obvious on me

    Kinda funny - I get so many people go "Wow...those stertch marks? Did you used to be fat or something?" LOL I say "Nope. Used to be skinny."

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    yeah seriuosly. they're not a big deal. you should try to make them bigger

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    Well Dane I used to feel that way, but I am kinda like Mike, although I don't do modeling (ha that is a scarey thought), but as I find myself getting older, I guess I don't want them. I don't know maybe I am vain like that.
    I like that reply Mike, about the skinny thing, I can see someone sayin that. I am very lucky, I only have them on my legs, and man on my hamstrings. Geeezeeees they are like pits on my hamstrings.

  21. #21
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    Aug 2001
    oh well. i guess i'm just a young meathead. i was not only skinny, but i was puny. my dad is 5'9" and my mom is 5'1". i was 5'5" and 140lbs in the 10th grade. i worked my ass off for these stretch marks, and i kinda like'em. i can see why you may not them, just haven't got to that point yet.

    ps- did anybody else catch the comment he made? he models? now we gotta see a pic. mikey, are you a prettyboy?

  22. #22
    Mike Guest
    oh lord I shouldnt have said anything It was probably taken the wrong way - I did some modeling - dont do it anymore - wasn't a career or anything lucrative - just did a couple shoots here and there - one small muscle/fitness mag, couple little projects - definitely not anything big

    I'm not a pretty boy

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    I think Jason is rubbin off on Mike. Dont' get me wrong Dane, I like em, somewhat, but mine are so bad on my hams, that it feels actually like scare tissue or something is on my skin. I swear they are like freaking wagon trails.
    Oh and by the way just for the record, I HAVE NEVER MODELED. Although I did have a modeling agency call me, and put me on their file. Does that count?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I asked my dermatoligist about the laser. He said he does it it will not get rid of them only lighten them up to 50%. And it may take a few treatmentd of it and its pretty expensive.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Thanks Gix.. I wasn't sure if it got rid of them completely or what. I was going to talk to someone about it tomorrow. Anything laser is expensive. But the price you pay for cosmetics.. oh boy..

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    It may be more than you want spend but gh has helped my stretchmarks quite a bit and mine are over 10 years old. One of the properties of gh is that it thickens your skin and one of the first things I noticed when I started was that my stretchmarks had faded. Aside from fat burning and very minor muscle growth all the affects it has had on the way my skin looks have been well worth it to me.


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