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Thread: methyl 1-test with other steroids

  1. #1

    methyl 1-test with other steroids

    Just wondering if anyone has tried to substitute there d-bol in a cycle for methyl 1-test, or taking methyl 1-test with dbol in there cycle or anyone who has used m-1-t to jumpstart a cycle using other steroids but no other orals, just curious right now i have test and eq but no dbol and wondering if anyone has tried this its pretty **** cheap so its worth a shot i just wanted some feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    try it and let us know how it works

    I hear methyl-1-test is acutally a steroid, it is just legal for the moment

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Fartdaemon
    try it and let us know how it works

    I hear methyl-1-test is acutally a steroid, it is just legal for the moment

    Once my season is done I plan on doing a cycle of prop with a m1t kickstart. I'll keep a journal....just wait a few weeks

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