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Thread: hows my cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    hows my cycle

    im 6ft, 205lbs around 15% bf
    i am planning my 1st cycle to start in march

    eq wks 1-2 600mgs
    wks 3-8 400mgs

    winny wks 4-9 50mg eod

    clomid wks 10-13 200mg day one, 150mg ed for week one
    100mg ed week tw0
    50mg ed for week 3
    clen weeks 1-2
    weeks 5-6
    weeks 9-10
    weeks 13-15

    and milk thistle 2 weeks before and after winny @ 1000mg ed

    i am looking on putting on some quality mass(hopefully around 10lbs) and getting my bf at or below 10% for the first time in my life

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    no flame bro i just have a question of my own- why are you dropping the eq in week 3? is it because of starting winny? or is that a small frontload dose to get things started?

    just curious...........

    peace bb79

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    just to get me started and since eq makes u hungry i didnt want to run it a 600mg for 8wks but i am considering it

    is 50mg ed of winny too much

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    is it tabs or injection? dosent really matter i guess, i dont think it would be a problem, but the tabs are hard on the liver bro, so keep that milk thistle in ya ok?

    peace bb79

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