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Thread: First cycle qeustions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    First cycle qeustions

    Has anybody any info/experience on Nitrotain? I searched for it but there's virtually no info. I read a write up on another board and it sounds amazing. ** has it I see.

    Also, why does nobody on this site recommend HCG as an after-cycle therapy? I see it mentioned most other places but not here. Is it unecessary when using Clomid?

    I'm starting my cycle next week:

    wk1 - Sust@750mg & Eq@600mg
    wks 2 to 10 - Sust@500mg & Eq@400mg & Proviron@50mg per day
    Nolva on hand.
    Clomid starting 3 wks after last shots.

    Can anybody see anything wrong with the above?
    Would Arimidex be useful or an expensive waste of time with this gear?
    Will combining Eq & Sust make for a painless shot?

    26 yo, 6'3" First cycle. Training three years. 186lbs @11 - 12% Not growing no more.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Looks OK to me. I wouldn't think you would need the Arimidex since you have the Prov. But hey, it's always good to have on hand if needed. Reading the Prov description, the Nalvodex really isn't needed either but it's always good to have on hand. I used eq mixed w/ sus and had no pain with injections but I really had little pain with straight sus also. I have the nile sus so I don't know about any other ones. Doing 750mg sus a week? Are you front loading on week one? Whats your sus split 250mg EOD? Best of luck w/ your cycle. As for the Clomid, I'd rather use it than Hcg personally though I am sure thats a source of debate. Peace

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Looks good bro split the sust and eq into to shots a week and front loading is good.You don,t need Arimdex but keep the Nolva at hand better to have it then not at all

    Welcome to the board as well

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Thanks guys.
    My Sus is Organon from Portugal and my Eq is **. Are these a good combination? 750mg Sus in week 1 is just to front load, I’m going to run it at 500mg for the other 9 weeks. First week will be 3 shots of 250mg Sus mixed with 200mg Eq, which is a total of 2ml (my Eq is 200mg/ml) Mon/Wed/Fri. If I alternate glutes I’m still going to be putting 4ml into one of them over five days, is this ok? The rest of the shots will be 2 lots of 250mg Sus & 200 Eq mixed, Sun/Wed.
    There’s a certain ‘formula’ (I don’t know if I can mention it, I don’t want to advertise) that is talked about which suggests using HCG and Clomid together as a post cycle treatment. Is this wise or simply overkill? It also mentions stuff called Cyclofenil, DHEA and Phosphatidylersine but I’ve never heard of any of them and have never seen prices for them. Are they useful or should I forget them?


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