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Thread: Winny alone for dieting...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Winny alone for dieting...

    Who has done it? Did you lose muscle mass? Was it effective? Them's my questions, all answers appreciated. I understand that it would be beneficial to add something more androgenic but that's not my question, now is it? So there. What do you suppose a squirrel's colon tastes like?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I never used it alone, but i think it sould at least help with retaining your muscle while dieting, if used alone i would say 75mg to 100mg a day should do you some good! Hope it helps some!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thanks for the reply brother. Anybody else? How 'bout I kill you if you don't reply? HOW ABOUT THAT?!?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Tampa Bay
    I confuse? What question did you want answered??? Well here I go I will give it a shot!

    What do you suppose a squirrel's colon tastes like?
    I'm guessing.......... bad. Right? Am I right? No? Chewy maybe, kinda salty...... that right?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Iconn
    I confuse? What question did you want answered??? Well here I go I will give it a shot!

    I'm guessing.......... bad. Right? Am I right? No? Chewy maybe, kinda salty...... that right?
    Well, I was more hoping for responses to lean towards answering the winny question. Actually, I think squirrel colon would tasts kindy gritty and very chewy. Little flavor I'd imagine.

  6. #6
    before you kill anyone ill answer your question.
    this is only a thought since ive never tried it.
    i think it will probably be a waist of money.THERE ARE YOU FUCKIN HAPPY.
    seriously...if you are looking to diet alone and using winny you might find it difficult working out,with achy dry joints.
    i feel you will get better results with clen or and an eca

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    That isn't a problem 4plates. Winny isn't bearly as bad on the joints as everyone thinks. Assuming my workouts are where they should be, my main concern is keeping muscle. I am using clen and eca BTW.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    im also interested in this particular topic, so if you come up with any decent answers- give me a shout.

    peace bb79

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by barbells79
    im also interested in this particular topic, so if you come up with any decent answers- give me a shout.

    peace bb79
    You got it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Nate, winny is great for maintaining muscle mass while dieting.
    Most of the guys on this board are frequent users and tend
    to use a higher dosage than others. I gotten great results from
    a winny only cycle at 50mg/day for 6 weeks. I think people
    on here sometimes forget that a steroid is used to
    prevent catabolism and winny will do this. You don't need multiple steroids to make a good cycle. Especially if you are a little cautious, which you sound like. You could throw in a tiny amount of deca if you wanted just to cure joint pain. Just don't cut
    your calories too much and don't over do the cardio.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by toddy
    Nate, winny is great for maintaining muscle mass while dieting.
    Most of the guys on this board are frequent users and tend
    to use a higher dosage than others. I gotten great results from
    a winny only cycle at 50mg/day for 6 weeks. I think people
    on here sometimes forget that a steroid is used to
    prevent catabolism and winny will do this. You don't need multiple steroids to make a good cycle. Especially if you are a little cautious, which you sound like. You could throw in a tiny amount of deca if you wanted just to cure joint pain. Just don't cut
    your calories too much and don't over do the cardio.
    Thanks bro. That is exactly what I'm getting at. The theory seems good to me it's just the fact that winny isn't a powerful androgen that bothers me a bit. It still has some androgenic properties though and increases the rate of protein synthesis among other things, so why wouldn't it do the job, ya know? I agree that you don't need to overdo it with too much gear. It isn't necessary and is much worse for you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Tampa Bay
    Hey jerky! Why dont you take one for the team and take this shite. ** has it. You should be interested in the lipid reducer jive.

    Furazobol, known by its trade name, Miotolan, is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Until 1990 this steroid was not detectable during any doping tests and could thus be taken by athletes even on the day of a competition. When looking at the application of Miotolan you learn even more unusual things: This steroid is used as a lipid reducer. It is suitable for long-term treatment of arteriosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia. Miotolan reduces the cholesterol level and increases the "good" HDL value. In Japan Miotolan is a standard treatment to lower cholesterol levels.

    This steroid does not cause water and salt retention and does not aromatize. Since the tablets are effective for only a brief period of time they must be taken several times a day. Miotolan has a predominantly androgenic effect and only a very low repression of the body's own testosterone production. Although it is potentially hepatoxic a possible reduced liver function seems unlikely if the daily manufacturer-recommended dose of 2-6 mg is not exceeded. Since athletes use considerably higher dosages the risk of liver poisoning cannot be excluded. The usual question-What is a performance improving dosage?-is difficult to answer. It is difficult because we do not know anybody who has ever taken this compound and be-cause technical literature does not have anything to report in this regard either. The daily dosage should be at least 10-20 tablets, that is 10-20 mg/day. Due to its low substance amount per tablet and its high cost, this steroid will probably not be successful with body-builders. (Possible doubts by readers that this steroid perhaps does not exist are inappropriate.) However, this steroid re-ally does exist.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Iconn
    Hey jerky! Why dont you take one for the team and take this shite. ** has it. You should be interested in the lipid reducer jive.

    Furazobol, known by its trade name, Miotolan, is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Until 1990 this steroid was not detectable during any doping tests and could thus be taken by athletes even on the day of a competition. When looking at the application of Miotolan you learn even more unusual things: This steroid is used as a lipid reducer. It is suitable for long-term treatment of arteriosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia. Miotolan reduces the cholesterol level and increases the "good" HDL value. In Japan Miotolan is a standard treatment to lower cholesterol levels.

    This steroid does not cause water and salt retention and does not aromatize. Since the tablets are effective for only a brief period of time they must be taken several times a day. Miotolan has a predominantly androgenic effect and only a very low repression of the body's own testosterone production. Although it is potentially hepatoxic a possible reduced liver function seems unlikely if the daily manufacturer-recommended dose of 2-6 mg is not exceeded. Since athletes use considerably higher dosages the risk of liver poisoning cannot be excluded. The usual question-What is a performance improving dosage?-is difficult to answer. It is difficult because we do not know anybody who has ever taken this compound and be-cause technical literature does not have anything to report in this regard either. The daily dosage should be at least 10-20 tablets, that is 10-20 mg/day. Due to its low substance amount per tablet and its high cost, this steroid will probably not be successful with body-builders. (Possible doubts by readers that this steroid perhaps does not exist are inappropriate.) However, this steroid re-ally does exist.
    Who are you calling Jerky? I'd try it but don't have the cash. I got my winny for quite cheap.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    lets bump this again ...very interesting

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Back to the top till we get some more answers.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    How about some equipoise with your winny?

    Even when you might have a favorable result, you might achieve even better one if you use some other AAS to get a synergestic effect inn your cycle.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Tampa Bay
    That miotolan would be $2 a day. I have a bodybuilding friend of mine at the gym who is also a physical therapist some 50mg winny and he is taking it by itself and he loves it. He is also taking finaplix 75mg once a week and I told him about the short half life but he doesnt care. Everytime I see him he tells me how badass winny is by itself and how stronghe is getting. I will ask about the fat loss with it. His competition is in november so he doesnt care about fat loss. He is trying to go pro and everyone said last year he was the man to beat and the judges didnt even look at him. Fucking politics man. Some pencil neck with his tongue in the judges asshole won.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by DEI
    How about some equipoise with your winny?

    Even when you might have a favorable result, you might achieve even better one if you use some other AAS to get a synergestic effect inn your cycle.
    I would throw some eq in with it in a second could I afford it bro. Eq is mild and would fit nicely at this point. The winny seems to be making me hungry as hell as it is anyway. Grrrr...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Nathan, funny thing, I was wondering the same thing, I just posted a question about a good cutting cycle, and I was thinking about stackin Winny with something like Clen, or T 3. I didn't really get the answer I was looking for here, but I did learn somethings about winny. Let me know if you get some good feedback on this subject. I want to cut up then bulk up.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thanks for the replies fellas and for the studies Gainskeeper. I'm a week and a bit in now and so far I haven't noticed any loss of muscle. Strength is staying more or less where it is so far but has gone up a tad in a few places. Any more opinions? Oh, I just threw clen in yesterday so I can keep you all posted on how that goes if you want.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    please do................

    peace bb79

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    I have used Winstrol V by its self in a cutting cycle with good results.
    I actually gained 3 pound lean muscle and lost about 10 pound in about 8 weeks.
    This might not sound that great compared to other cycles.
    But to me losing fat while putting a few pounds works for me.
    Your muscle also maintain a nice hardness and feel full.

    Good luck

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