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Thread: Finaplex Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Columbus, OH

    Finaplex Question

    I'm currently taking 500mg of Test Enanthate, 600mg Deca, and 200 mg of Dbols per week. I'm about to start Finaplex and I have decided to just apply it to my leg cause I don't wanna risk mixing it myself. Anyways, I was wondering how much Finaplex I should take per day or per week. Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I hear that the amount is usually in the 75-100mg rage per day. I would say if you get your hands on 75mg/ml fina, then this would be good. Most places now sell 80mg/ml. Again you could do 80mg a day. You can also do EOD(Every Other Day) shots, but i most people on thi sboard and people I know say ED(Every Day) will be so much better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    ohh and drink pleanty of water and cramberry juice while on the fina, it can be a bit toxic on your kidneys. And don't take it longer than i think 6 or 7 weeks. Good Luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    Billmister is right. You should try 75 MG ed. I would risk mixing it yourself. Its VERY easy and VERY VERY hard to screw up. You will get more for your dollar that way...and you wont smell like a french whore

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    South Louisiana
    Does anyone have ANY proof that it's toxic to the kidneys? It seems more like some sort of myth, I haven't been able to find any info that actually supports that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    i wouldnt run fina and deca together---that could cause some serious progesterone problems

  7. #7
    i heard you could run fina at 100mgs eod and get good results but i have also heard 75 ed works wonders

  8. #8
    G-S Guest
    Originally posted by Billmister
    ohh and drink pleanty of water and cramberry juice while on the fina, it can be a bit toxic on your kidneys. And don't take it longer than i think 6 or 7 weeks. Good Luck
    That's unproven. Can you provide a link in which a study was done?

  9. #9
    no i don't have a study just what i have heard... i personaly would like to know

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    Gettin Stupid, You are correct. I searched and searched for any study on Tren kidney toxicty and found nothing. Users do complain of brown piss and lower back pain which is a sign. Someone should go to a doc while they are off fina and get some tests done, then get on fina and have kidney values tested and post the info up. That would be a good way. But Im not gonna do it, LOL

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    South Louisiana
    From what I know the lower backpain is nothing but cramps and can be helped with a big dose of magnesium.

  12. #12
    G-S Guest
    Originally posted by Nibbe
    From what I know the lower backpain is nothing but cramps and can be helped with a big dose of magnesium.
    I was just about to type that as my next response.

  13. #13
    I am using fina at 80mg/EOD at the moment however I would like to use it ed after reading some of these posts. The only thing holding me back is the fact that the fina causes me a great deal of pain the next day wherever I shoot it so I have to have that day in btwn to heal.

    I wish it didnt hurt so bad the day after each shot. Is there a safe way to dilute it without losing the strength. I have tried heating it which helps a little but the stuff is just too damn thick!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    South Louisiana
    Gettin Stupid >> Just gotta love gotfina!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN
    Yo im at 187 EoD . Felt it on day 6 ,seen str gain on day 11. I love it so far. Just make the stuff bro. Its easy , its fun , its essential to the survival of Earth

    But oh yeah, I have seen a lot of bad talk about putting Deca and Fina together. I have seen no first hand cases of this being bad, but the idea behind why you shouldnt is scientifically sound. So I would not mix em if it were me ----

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Eastcoast U.S.A
    This is just hearsay but from other boards that said that there has been studies done and that a shot of fina has the same effect on the kidneys as a glass of wine. Again just hearsay.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    great I drink a bottle of wine every night so cut that when Im on fina and theres no difference

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Columbus, OH
    Hey guys, thanks a lot for the help. I do think I am gonna mix it up myself. I found a kit that I'm gona buy to do it. Anyways, some of you have said that mixing deca and fina could be bad. what kind of problems could occur. also, if possible does anyone have any links to that research of those bad effects. thanks again.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    can you buy fina in canada

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    the reason i supp with crandberry extract has nothing to do with kidneys

    have you ever done way to much fina ED? the first thing you get is a really tight prostrate and pissing is horrible.

    get a blatter infection on top of that and now your really pissed.
    So now i double my water intake on cycle and supplement with crandberry extract and everything flows fine.

    sorry to be graphic, im not one for that heh

    The pain i have felt are not kidney pains, its lower back spasms or pumps. Fina points out muscles that need to spasm heh

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    A: The idea that Finaplix (or Component TH) pellets contain talc and/or glue used to "hold the pellets together" was started by the late Dan Duchaine. Dan didn't possess any real knowledge about pharmaceutical compounding so he guessed that something was needed to hold the pellets together and that "something" was talc and glue.

    He never defined exactly what "glue" was either. I mean, are we talking about the remains of Mr. Ed here or are we talking about Krazy Glue? These ideas, despite being erroneous, soon spread like gospel in the underground world. However, it's untrue, a total fabrication, and utter bullshit because Finaplix and Component TH contain neither talc nor liquefied Mr. Ed residue!

    Both of these types of anabolic pellets contain yellow dye #5, methyl-cellulose (MC) and trenbolone acetate. That's all, folks! The pellets are compressed under extreme pressure (as are most pellets and tablets) and no "glue" is used, other than the extreme pressure. None of the kits on the market remove the yellow dye and one could argue that the other guy's kit does remove the MC and mine does not (MC is what causes the "gooey residue" in the other kit).

    However, MC is essentially harmless. Don't believe me? MC is used as a surfactant in Testosterone suspension and Winstrol-V. It keeps your stanozolol and Testosterone from clumping up and sticking to the insides of the bottle. Now I know someone is going to start an argument with me here and post all over the place that I'm wrong and that I'm only saying the pellets don't contain talc or glue because my kit sucks and won't remove that stuff. So, here's the telephone number for the company that makes one of the pellets: 800-247-4838 and you can call between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST and verify my claim if you like.

    Underground steroid information from around the world
    by Brock Strasser

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    yellow dye #5 and MC is correct!

    I have seen a couple studies showing increased load on the kidneys while using tren. I saw them about 3 months ago, but no idea where now.... They are out there, maybe search med line.

    Anyways though, I still disagree there is any kidney toxicity, but rather instead Tren has somewhat of a dehydration factor to its effects. I myself have noticed that If I do not raise my H20 intake on tren, my urine is noticably darker than normal and urniation is more frequent.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Duchaine confused kidney pain with lower back pumps (water retention). Trenbolone, or Tren made from Fina has no further stresses on the body other than being a very androgenic hormone. IMO - the kidney stress being more so with Fina, or Trenbolone period, is crap...

    If anyone wants to provide some actual studies other than "my kidney's hurt" to say trenbolone is toxic to the kidneys - please do. With any information as to why this may be the case...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    nibb if you've taken it at high mg's you know first hand it's rough on the kidneys

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Originally posted by Warrior
    Duchaine confused kidney pain with lower back pumps (water retention). Trenbolone, or Tren made from Fina has no further stresses on the body other than being a very androgenic hormone. IMO - the kidney stress being more so with Fina, or Trenbolone period, is crap...

    If anyone wants to provide some actual studies other than "my kidney's hurt" to say trenbolone is toxic to the kidneys - please do. With any information as to why this may be the case...
    Like I said, I dont think its toxic either. But I have seen the studies showing that it is. Ill see if I can find them again.

    I believe the additional stress observed is from dehydration, possibly something to do with prostaglandins? Dont know...

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    i'm using fina in my cycle(fina,prop,t3,clen)...i heard fina is also great for fat losss. ne one use fina for this purpose and what kind of results did u get..
    fina ed 75 mg week 1-8
    prop ed 50mg week1-8
    t3 week 3-8
    clen 2 weeks on and off.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
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