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Thread: ACE-inhibitor against HGH-bloat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    ACE-inhibitor against HGH-bloat

    hey all,
    I first always thought that an increase in ADH gives me the HGH-bloat. The following study comes to the conclusion that HGH doesnt increase ADH(1), but caused by an activation of the renin-angiotensin system.

    exoGH increases somatostatin, the kidney got side specific receptors for somatostatin which may activate the renin-angiotensin system(2). This may cause the HGH bloat and can be inhibited by an ace-inhibitor.

    1- "The antinatriuretic action of biosynthetic human growth hormone in man involves activation of the renin-angiotensin system.
    Garvan Institute of Medical Research, St. Vincents Hospital, Darlinghurst, Sydney, Australia.

    Previous studies using human pituitary extracts have not resolved whether the sodium retaining effects of human growth hormone (hGH) are mediated in part by increased aldosterone secretion. We have studied the effects of an authentic biosynthetic GH (bio-hGH) preparation on sodium metabolism and on the activity of the renin-angiotensin system. Six young men were administered this preparation at 0.2 U/kg/d subcutaneously for five consecutive days. Twenty-four-hour urine collections were obtained for measurement of sodium excretion and osmolality and blood collected for quantitating changes in sodium, osmolality, plasma renin activity (PRA), aldosterone, and arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentrations. Bio-hGH administration resulted in a fall in 24-hour urinary sodium excretion (197 +/- 38 to 42 +/- 20 mmol, mean +/- SD, P less than .005), a reduction in urine volume (1,652 +/- 182 to 848 +/- 348 mL, P less than .05) but not osmolality. PRA increased significantly from 1,118 +/- 73 to 3,608 +/- 1,841 fmol angiotensin 1 L/s (P less than .005), which was associated with a sevenfold increase in plasma aldosterone concentration (52 +/- 12 to 402 +/- 99 pg/mL, P less than .001). Plasma osmolality and AVP concentrations did not change significantly. The results show that Bio-GH-induced retention of sodium involves the activation of the renin-angiotensin system. This mechanism may explain in part the occurrence of plasma volume expansion and hypertension in acr*****ly and suggests a risk of fluid retention and possibly hypertension in subjects receiving supraphysiological doses of bio-hGH for treatment of short stature.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    598 can i conclude that u guys doent matter if u get bloated?... I personally doenst matter the AS bloat, but the HGH bloat turned me in some kind of alien...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Using an ACE inhibitor to fix bloat from AAS or hgh seems kind of silly to me to tell you the truth. It might work, but I haven't had a problem I coudn't fix with other methods. Last thing I want to do is introduce ANOTHER drug into the equation.

    Just my 2 cents

    Quote Originally Posted by fred9 can i conclude that u guys doent matter if u get bloated?... I personally doenst matter the AS bloat, but the HGH bloat turned me in some kind of alien...

  4. #4
    There are a lot of uses for ACE inhibitors, however, I have not heard them used for this. Not saying it wouldn't work, there are various peptides out there with varying sequences that offer ACE inhibition, most of which regulate blood pressure.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Using an ACE inhibitor to fix bloat from AAS or hgh seems kind of silly to me to tell you the truth. It might work, but I haven't had a problem I coudn't fix with other methods. Last thing I want to do is introduce ANOTHER drug into the equation.

    Just my 2 cents
    their are a lot of people who are using an anti-e to reduce the bloat from AS..but i got your point..

    How did you fix this with another method? I tried to change my diet low sodium etc...nothing really worked...

    I think its time to become an alien again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LakeMountD
    There are a lot of uses for ACE inhibitors, however, I have not heard them used for this. Not saying it wouldn't work, there are various peptides out there with varying sequences that offer ACE inhibition, most of which regulate blood pressure.
    it sure is quite risky, but the increase in blood volume due hgh can also have some nasty sides..

    Do you guys also think your body get used to the HGH , so the bloat goes away in a few weeks/months?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    For the most part, your body will adjust to the increased levels of HGH and the bloat will go away. Things that will trigger excessive bloating are rapid increases in your daily dosage ... that is why many here will suggest that you begin slowly and ramp up to the big doses. All of that being said, I have used Lotensin before. It does have some potential, but realize you are opening up a whole other can of worms with that avenue, and a whole other set of potential sides and problems.

    We are starting to use Lotensin for diabetics ... they can ensure the long term health and well being of a diabetic's kidneys. They do have some down sides though. ACE inhibitors may increase blood levels of potassium, the use of potassium supplements, salt substitutes (which often contain potassium), or other drugs that increase the body's potassium may result in excessive blood potassium levels. ACE inhibitors also may increase the blood concentration of lithium (Eskalith) and lead to an increase in side effects from lithium. Other common side effects are cough, low blood pressure, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, weakness, abnormal taste (metallic or salty taste), and rash. It may take up to a month for coughing to subside. The most serious, but rare, side effects of ACE inhibitors are kidney failure, allergic reactions, a decrease in white blood cells, and swelling of tissues (angioedema).

    For most people, watching your diet, ramping up your HGH doses slowly, and just giving it a couple of months to adjust to the new levels of HGH is going to be the best way to tackle the problem. Most cases of bloat resolve themselves given adequate time. If someone had a really compelling reason, the original post may be something to consider.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    . It does have some potential, but realize you are opening up a whole other can of worms with that avenue, and a whole other set of potential sides and problems.
    damn redbaron u always put some effort in your posts, just awesome...
    I came to the conclusion that the can of worms is just to big too only combat the bloat..Ill try the low dose with slowly rampup approach..keep u guys updated about this..

    But i seen a photo from someone's feet overhere who was using generic HGH. The water in his feet was just unreal, really not normal...this made me even look weird..
    The strangest thing off all is that he used humatrope (100% real) for 2.5 months and not one side-effect at all...he also mentioned that the first few days on the bluetops the sides came in quite hard...
    Anyone an opinion about this?

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