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Thread: Ass Pain

  1. #1

    Ass Pain

    ok. so my ass is killing me and its been about 3days and i have to get that next shot going...(TEST-E)
    I will give details before yall ask em....
    -I injected with a 1" @ 23g. (I have a small ass thus 1")
    -made sure air was out/lubed neddle.
    -injected at 90 degree angle and super slow....and steay!
    - Cleaned area with alcohol
    - Massaged lightly for 1 min.
    ___The maker is ROTEXMEDICA from (Germany) ...not ugl!
    I bought the vials from a Pharm here in Thailand where im at. Could it be that they would sell a fake. The box was unopened and everything the vials etc look legit...I wanna do this next injection but dont know what i should do... Try the quad this time?
    And beside my ass hurtin... Its slighty red about 2 1/2" around the site and its like a hard not of muscle and slightly swollen. And the area is a little hotter in that general area.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Could be a virgin muscle too!! Really need more info bro.. Post your stats for better feedback. I shot my delt five days ago and it still is a little sore and its far from virgin muscle. Sometimes it happens. Might have hit a nerve... Get those stats up brother and include your cycle exp.

  3. #3
    Yeah hoping virgin muscle. But what about the hot spot. How will my quad be yall think. I am in Thailand training Muay Thai and MMA so i cant be all broken and sh!t ya know! Thats the only reason im worried bout the pain! Other than that id just deal with it!
    I posted pics and stats a while back if ya wanna see some pics.
    6' @ 180lbs
    10% bf

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    u can try some lunges, there is a thread in the educational threads about injection paina nd how to get ridof it...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I was using prop on my last cycle. I would hurt for days and noticed it would be a little warmer in the injection area. never turned red though. I just chalked it up to the usual prop pain everyone talks about. Made me feel like it was good gear.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Thanks for the info. Not bad. Like i said a couple post back im in training now and we do ALOT of strecthes, squats, burpees, lunges, etc b4 we even lace up the gloves ... so im definitly being active on the muscles being injected, but the pain came on on day 2 and 3. Im hoping its VIRGIN muscle simplex Thanks again for the info.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    yeah that can definately be it...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Could be that crap raw enan powder by the sounds of it, too much CA content, iv'e been informed of at least two UGL's that have been sold this crap batch.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    Could be that crap raw enan powder by the sounds of it, too much CA content, iv'e been informed of at least two UGL's that have been sold this crap batch.
    its not UGL, read the first post

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    its not UGL, read the first post

    That'll teach me to read the post fully next time.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2008
    Im taking the same brand test-e and today was my third shot. This is also my first cycle so virgin muscle. I get a lil pain for a few hours after the injection and moderate pain the next day but by the time I'm ready for my next shot I'm normally not sore anymore. I'm using 1.5" 23g pin so I'm not sure if me going deeper makes it less painful. I would say you should be alright sticking with glute shots as quads might be worse. My 2nd injection wasn't as bad as my first and so far so good here on the third just finished it 10 min. ago. GOOD LUCK.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by personaltrainermark View Post
    Im taking the same brand test-e and today was my third shot. This is also my first cycle so virgin muscle. I get a lil pain for a few hours after the injection and moderate pain the next day but by the time I'm ready for my next shot I'm normally not sore anymore. I'm using 1.5" 23g pin so I'm not sure if me going deeper makes it less painful. I would say you should be alright sticking with glute shots as quads might be worse. My 2nd injection wasn't as bad as my first and so far so good here on the third just finished it 10 min. ago. GOOD LUCK.
    Well its time fellas. Time to hit the left glute today. Hopefully the right will be ok in another 3 days . Thanks for the responces thus far and to PersonalTrainerMark let me know how yours is going,,, today is 2nd shot for me so we re right on the same track possibly.

  14. #14
    ya, stay with glute. the quad killed me hardcore. i could hide the pain in my glutes, with the quad i walked so funny that ppl noticed it. also made it impossible to train legs. the glutes, although sore, i could work through it no matter what.

  15. #15
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    Mar 2008
    Your muscle is not used to oil being in it...and especially not used to Benzyl Alcohol being in it.
    So i believe it is just a response to the BA.
    You should be fine. Ibuprofen works wonders on the pain.

  16. #16
    So its be right about 5hrs since my last shot and no pain at all. Just like the first time. I trained for 3 1/2 hrs this morning with no problem ... The right side is still a little warm and still "knotted" muscle and its been 3.5 / 4 days since that inject. We'l see if the left side starts to be a "pain in my ass" tomorrow Thanks again for the input everyone!

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Lift weights, eat steaks
    lol 6'0 and 180lb? you need to bulk up. forget the gear, hit the food, AND ALOT OF IT!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish&Andy View Post
    lol 6'0 and 180lb? you need to bulk up. forget the gear, hit the food, AND ALOT OF IT!
    if he's a fighter that's probably about right. you don't want to be so heavy you can't move. look at most kickboxers, they are pretty lean, but solid. if i had a choice of doing heavy fighting carrying 180lbs, or 230lbs...i would choose 180. think about how much harder it would be to move around quickly and keep up when you weigh 50lbs heavier.

    what is your dosage on that test E that you shoot every 5 days? it's a long ester so you really only need to do it weekly. that will save on the injection problems too. unless you are doing a 400mg/week and injecting twice a week verses one big dose.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    if he's a fighter that's probably about right. you don't want to be so heavy you can't move. look at most kickboxers, they are pretty lean, but solid. if i had a choice of doing heavy fighting carrying 180lbs, or 230lbs...i would choose 180. think about how much harder it would be to move around quickly and keep up when you weigh 50lbs heavier.

    what is your dosage on that test E that you shoot every 5 days? it's a long ester so you really only need to do it weekly. that will save on the injection problems too. unless you are doing a 400mg/week and injecting twice a week verses one big dose.
    Thanks for clearing that up b4 i had to Binder. Hamish&Andy if you have read my post in instead of "lol need to bulk etc"..... Thats not helping my thread as im already on gear. I carry my 180lbs quite well i like to think as others on the board have also stated b4. Thanks for the comment. You are now up to 32 posts.
    Also Binder i am 2x/wk @ 250mg...totaling 500mg/wk

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyMike315 View Post
    ok. so my ass is killing me and its been about 3days and i have to get that next shot going...(TEST-E)
    I will give details before yall ask em....
    -I injected with a 1" @ 23g. (I have a small ass thus 1")
    -made sure air was out/lubed neddle.
    -injected at 90 degree angle and super slow....and steay!
    - Cleaned area with alcohol
    - Massaged lightly for 1 min.
    ___The maker is ROTEXMEDICA from (Germany) ...not ugl!
    I bought the vials from a Pharm here in Thailand where im at. Could it be that they would sell a fake. The box was unopened and everything the vials etc look legit...I wanna do this next injection but dont know what i should do... Try the quad this time?
    And beside my ass hurtin... Its slighty red about 2 1/2" around the site and its like a hard not of muscle and slightly swollen. And the area is a little hotter in that general area.
    In Thailand? Is that you RoidFreak??? Never mind, you arent him. Sorry.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-29-2008 at 10:12 PM.

  21. #21
    i checked your pics. you do carry 180 nicely.

    good job!

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    i checked your pics. you do carry 180 nicely.

    good job!
    And to all that took a look and tried helping me out..THANKS. I frontloaded @ 500mg on Virgin muscle and i think thats what causeed the pain. Today is day 5 and finally its good 2 go. The left glute done 1.5days ago @ 250mg is hardly noticable.
    So conclusion is that front loading 500mg on VIRGIN glutes is going to cause ALOT of pain/discomfort. Just gotta deal with it.
    Thanks again!

  23. #23
    are you just doing a test E only cycle?

    I know it's only been a week, but have you noticed any increase in workout intensity? I'm just curious if the E has started to get into your system after the first week or not.

  24. #24
    Im taking Anabol also. Its dfficult to say how the Test E/Anabol is working. I injured my shoulder on the mats the other day so not lifting as heavy. But my intensitity is more than ever. That may be becuz of my trainers/coaches. By time i leave Thailand that will be 4 weeks and the Anabol will be finished and the Test should start to show shortly after. Most say they notice the Test at max levels at around wk 5-6. So at that time I will really be bulkin. I pay alot of money for the training im doing so if they are making me run 7k aday and sparring 10-15 rds a day etc..... then hey.. gotta do it. I am training 7 hrs aday ...And i still try to hit the weight every other day or so.

    Also any one who reads this post: Ive taken Anabol @ 50mg/day for 5days now and two shots of TEST-E, and my NUTS have not SHRUNK yet...?

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