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Thread: BUSTED BY COPS....what to do

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    BUSTED BY COPS....what to do

    guys seriously freakin out. the other day me and my friend were moving and to make a long story short, cop pulled us over cuz my dumbass friend didnt have a front license plate, cops said the car smelled like weed which was BS cuz neither of us have ever even smoked weed, so they called their drug dog in to sniff out the car, and in my gym bag they found probably 3damn ml of EQ, bottle of clomid, bottle of nolva, liquid clen, liquid cialis, old bottle of ephedra pills, my syringes and shit also. they took my whole bag, wouldnt even give back my mp3 player or protein or gloves or anything. bein real dicks. let us go, said they would have the stuff sent off and tested and would issue a warrant for my arrest when they got the test results back in 6-8 MONTHS!!!!!!

    Anyone know what could possibly happen to me, or what i need to do. Im sure talk to a lawyer, but just wanted any tips you all might have.

    Also since i bought those research chems online, are they illegal to own. im gonna research my ass off tonight and go talk to a lawyer.

    thanks again guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    did you say anything to the cops when they were with you? That sucks by the way, sorry to hear about your bad luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    sorry to hear this bro..thats a long time to wait for the friend got busted with weed in high school and when they sent it off it took like a week to come back but that was weed...sorry dude good luck with that..i would def. talk to a lawyer

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
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    If you have to have your gear with you, lock it in the glove box, as long as they dont find anything else illegal in your car they need a warrant to open it!! Good luck Bro, and I thought sweating my girls period for a week sucked, 6 months, keep us posted, GL, NY

  5. #5
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    Thumbs down


    I would def talk with ready for anything. They are probably more concerned with finding out if it's narcotics more than roids. It's a bit of a waste of time & effort for a cop to testify in court about the goods they found in your vehicle if they turn out to be gym candy.

    That doesn't mean they will hold back on a search warrant of your keep your place in check.

    Good luck man...let us know what happens

  6. #6
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    Hopefully they just pocketed the goods like decent crooked cops

  7. #7
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    ive had stuff taken from me like meth and coke and they said stuff vary similar to what happend to you they took everything and said they were gonna have it tested and gave me a # too call in a few days and soo i did. the number was not in service nor did they ever come back for me and its been like 3 years now . i think that they just hi-jacked you bro. it happens quite often here in vegas,,

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by YVR

    keep your place in check.


  9. #9
    Bro, be smart now. That juice is already in their glutes. 6-8 months. Yeah, my ****en ass. You're just lucky all they did was pocketed them. I know a lot of cops that juice.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    crashing my boat
    Dude, they aren't calling you back period. They took the Juice , the mp3 and every thing else. Just be glad they didnt take you in and cut your loses on the gear.

  11. #11
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    yah but these are small town hillbilly cops, actually it was the sheriff of our county, here in missouri. and the office is located in a town of about 10,000 people, these are old men almost all of them so i know they didnt pocket my shit. and they all told me how how bad they were and that i could die in a couple of years doing steroids, and gave me the typical idiot dumbass lecture people get. These turds watch too much damn sportscenter.

    what about the research chems? illegal to possess, im thinkin prolly so. researching right now.

  12. #12
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    yes they are, just don't be dumb and tell them that they were meant for consumption. Play your cards right and say you were using them for research purposes. Talk to a lawyer...

  13. #13
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    THe search was no good unless you gave them consent. If there was a drug dog, they are not trained to alert on AAS. THerefor there was no probable cause for him to open your bag. Get a good lawyer, this one is an easy dismissal.

  14. #14
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    also said i could come pickup my gym bag, which had mp3 player, protein, vitamins, tribulus, gloves, weight logs, straps, cell phone charger, buncha shit like that. Another thing i forgot, there was also a bottle of ibuprofen that had some other pills mixed in with it, i think they were all OTC pain killers though. it was a bottle i took from my paretns house, and my mom had knee surgery, so i hope to god they werent prescription. and the ****ers took my prescription acid reflux medicine from me!! i just got it like last week, and their like, well we dont know what it is so we have to take it. I HATE COPS.

  15. #15
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    dude 6-8 months to verify the contents of the vials? that's ****ed. unless i just no nothing about lab procedures and times I think they're bullshitting you.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    THe search was no good unless you gave them consent. If there was a drug dog, they are not trained to alert on AAS. THerefor there was no probable cause for him to open your bag. Get a good lawyer, this one is an easy dismissal.
    Well, until they get permission or have probable cause they can only search the car from what they can visibly see from their view. Once the cop said he could smell weed he gave probable cause (which in court you could say that there was no weed to be found). But pretty much everything is open season at that point besides a locked glove box.

  17. #17
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    if they arent trained to alert on AAS, how come when they set my bag outside of the car, had the dog walk by it, he squatted as soon as he got to my bag. and dont say weed, i've never used it in my life. and yes we were dumbasses and consented but he said he was gonna search anyway cuz he smelled a strong odor of weed in the car. the drug task force was there in like 3 minutes. this area is really bad about meth production.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    In The Kitchen :)
    don't worry bro, wt u had (amount wise), won't get you anything more than a ticket that u gotta pay, NO COURT for that, you have up to 100 ml by law before they can apply on you the prison sentence, 3 ml would get u a few 100's ticket.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoisdaman
    Well, until they get permission or have probable cause they can only search the car from what they can visibly see from their view. Once the cop said he could smell weed he gave probable cause (which in court you could say that there was no weed to be found). But pretty much everything is open season at that point besides a locked glove box.
    Not true. If he said he smelled weed, and no weed was found, his PC is not acceptable. Otherwise any car could be searched by making that simple statement. Many searches are thrown out due to this. It is not like a warrant that states they are looking for weed, and they find AAS. THen that would be admisable. However if he said he smelled weed, and no weed, roaches, seeds, anything are found, the PC is lost and fruits of the search are inadmissable.

  20. #20
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    Nov 2003
    also when he did open my bag, my gear was in another zipper sealed bag in my bag.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    In The Kitchen :)
    dude, they just pocketed ur $hit, that's y u didn't get anything back (mp3, gloves....), by law they are supposed to give u back ur stuff (cause it ian't illegal)

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    if they arent trained to alert on AAS, how come when they set my bag outside of the car, had the dog walk by it, he squatted as soon as he got to my bag. and dont say weed, i've never used it in my life. and yes we were dumbasses and consented but he said he was gonna search anyway cuz he smelled a strong odor of weed in the car. the drug task force was there in like 3 minutes. this area is really bad about meth production.
    They screwed you. Drug dogs are not trained to alert by sitting. They are trained for audible alert which means agressive barking. THis is because a sitting dog can be dismissed as a tired animal. THe only dogs that are trained to sit are customs beagles and dogs that are working in public areas where aggressive barking is not prefered.

    Once you consented, you are out of luck. Never, ever give consent as they are legally allowed to try and trick you into it. Always say you do not have my consent and I excersize my right to legal counsel starting now.

  23. #23
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    Nov 2003
    hmmm they did say they found a seed but they didnt show it to us or anything, think they were just trying to get something out of us. they found nothin else. and about the ml i did have over 100 ml with all the different shit, 50ml clomid, nolva, 30 ml clen, 30ml cialis, 15 ml test prop, 3 or 4 ml of EQ.

    wonder if i may be able to get this thrown out. thanks u guys are actually givin me hope. and plus i dont wanna pay out the ass. Im a damn poor college kid and this is gonna cost me my entire summers paycheck, if its bad.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    In The Kitchen :)
    juice bro, not clomid, nolvadex and this $hit, cause it's not controlled substances it's just a prescription drug, AAS are only controlled

  25. #25
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    we consented to the car search, i never consented to let him open up my bags. they went through and did this on their own. it was an old mad that did it, really old, u think he ****ed up, opening my bag without my permission.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ****ing cops! crooked county ass pounding pigs.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    In The Kitchen :)
    yup he did, he shouldn't have opened it

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    here, our K-9s are trainined to lie down on target, not bark


    get a lawer, dont say shit to them about anything. if they ask you, say you need your lawyer.

    im not sure, but i believe if they take 6-8mo that does not AT ALL follow DUE PROCESS...which means basically they dick around too long

    so dont try to push them to hurry up or anything, but id go get my shit and not talk to them about anything else.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    we consented to the car search, i never consented to let him open up my bags. they went through and did this on their own. it was an old mad that did it, really old, u think he ****ed up, opening my bag without my permission.
    If the car was not yours, then yes, he had no right to search your personal property without your consent. If the car is yours, or you were driving, then sorry, he can open it once he had consent.

    I just reread what you had on you and only 3mls of Eq is really the only thing. THe research chemicals are not really a big issue. Did they give you a receipt for the items they siezed? If not, then it was not legal and they plan on keeping your stuff and you have nothing to worry about.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    In The Kitchen :)
    most of my friends got busted with huge amounts (60-150ml) they got fat A$$ tickets ($800-$1500), and the FBI ONLY keeps it on file, not regular cops

  31. #31
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    Nov 2003
    this one dog sat, i saw him do it twice. He sat by the passenger side door, which was where i was sitting, but my gear was inthe back, and when they layed my bag out he also sat when he walked past it.

    anyone think i could get this thrown out for them going through my bags?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
    here, our K-9s are trainined to lie down on target, not bark


    get a lawer, dont say shit to them about anything. if they ask you, say you need your lawyer.

    im not sure, but i believe if they take 6-8mo that does not AT ALL follow DUE PROCESS...which means basically they dick around too long

    so dont try to push them to hurry up or anything, but id go get my shit and not talk to them about anything else.
    Billy, your narc dogs lie down?!? THat is new to me.

    You ever see the guy in your avtar fight. I saw a backyard film of him and he was quite impressive.

  33. #33
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    no they gave me no receipts for anything. just said i could come get the stuff they want to let me keep today, we got pulled over on friday, and they would send it all off and have it tested and it could take 6 to 8 months. and they would issue a warrant for my arrest if it turns up positive. im goin to get my shit tomorrow. anything i should ask them?

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGSNOR
    no they gave me no receipts for anything. just said i could come get the stuff they want to let me keep today, we got pulled over on friday, and they would send it all off and have it tested and it could take 6 to 8 months. and they would issue a warrant for my arrest if it turns up positive. im goin to get my shit tomorrow. anything i should ask them?
    Nope, say nothing and wait for the warrant. If it comes, get a lawyer.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Who here would like to bet that he'll never hear from those cops again?
    If they were playing this by the book you wouldn't be talking to us now...You'd be in jail.
    That would be like getting pulled over and the cops finding 3 grams of coke on you and letting you go. No. They'd arrest you right on the spot and that would be that.
    As someone else said...You got hijacked.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    the more i think about it i think u guys are right. hope so. but thanks for all the replies, I cant tell u how much more relieved i feel. guess im just gonna have to wait and see now.

  37. #37
    i hope everything goes well for u bro!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tallyjuice
    Bro, be smart now. That juice is already in their glutes. 6-8 months. Yeah, my ****en ass. You're just lucky all they did was pocketed them. I know a lot of cops that juice.
    that sounds about right to me.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    SOuthern Cali
    yea i think your safe...and if they are going to do something in 6-8 months...chances are get a good lawyer and post pone the trial for a couple of years and they could possibly dismiss it anyways.

  40. #40
    Finally a subject I feel like I can contribute something to....

    You consented to a search so this is pretty much open season on your car. Fortunately, our judicial system still values a person's privacy; however, you basically have to jump through hoops to challenge the acts of a police officer. What it boils down to is as a passenger, do you have an expectation of privacy in your own gymbag? While the answer is most likely yes, you must challenge the search at the time it is being made, otherwise you are giving implied consent that you do not mind them searching the bag. If they are like most cops, they will go ahead and take the chance that you will not know your own rights and that the legality of the search will never become an issue.

    Now you have to look at your remedies....assuming these cops are actually sending off your drugs for "testing" when the results come back and if a warrant is issued for your arrest, your local billboard attorney could get those charges dismissed blindfolded because like previously mentioned, this is the epitome of a procedural due process violation.

    Now on the other hand, say you wanted to pursue your claim of an illegal search, all you could possibly gain would be the inadmissibility of the gear, assuming it was even brought forth in the first place. You are not getting your stuff back either way. The items in your bag will be presumed stolen, bought with drug money, etc.

    I agree, sounds like you got lifted, but assuming you did not, come back and post or private message me with the amount of time it actually took them to contact you, I would help you myself, but I am not licensed in Missouri and you wouldn't want to pay for someone from out of town to deal with it anyway. I would rest easy in the fact that you probably saw the last of them; but if you haven't, get a local attorney familiar with 6th and 14th amendment law and smile as your charges are dropped because of violation of due process rights.

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